Sid Roth on July 18th, 2022

SID: When he showed up at your ministry assignment, what happened?

CANDICE: Oh, it was powerful because when a giant killer comes in, that means every demonic force that has raised itself as a giant up against the word of God must back off.

SID: It’s interesting you say up against the word of God.


SID: That’s the key.

CANDICE: That’s exactly right.

SID: And so if we don’t speak the word of God, he has nothing to work with. That’s what you mean by cooperating with the angels?

CANDICE: Cooperating. You’re absolutely right because Sid, I’ve had multiple encounters with the Lord where the Lord has showed me specifically where I have gone off to do things and angels have been with me, but I have not said, done, or called on them to assist in the process. It didn’t mean that the outcome didn’t take place, but it just meant that I had extra forces with me that I did not put to use. See, they will stand back and wait for us to speak the word and guide and direct so that we can begin to really partner. Okay? So God had given me the authority to step in, but he’s given them the authority to follow the word on the inside of me. So I had to have the delegated authority from God, exousia power, to step into dunamis miracle-working power, and begin to watch these angels do what only God had assigned them to do.

SID: So it’s a strategic partnership. And most believers, I said that when we talked about your new book, their angels are unemployed because they’re not speaking the words of God.

CANDICE: That’s right. That’s right. Actually, that word voice in the Hebrew, and you see it all along in the Hebrew especially, I’ll bring up two scriptures. Psalm 29:7 says, “The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire.” And we’re talking here about angels that are flames of fire. That word voice is the word kol, okay? Kol actually means spark, thunder, flame. When we speak the word of God, a spark of flame starts and the angels of fire begin to come in and join with the spark from heaven, because it’s His voice. They hear his voice. Remember, his Spirit’s in us. Though it’s us speaking, it’s his voice speaking. It starts the flame of fire and they begin to come in line with that flame and they begin to start to move.

SID: The word of God according to the word of God is Jesus.


SID: So Jesus is coming on the scene and the angels are following his instructions, which are written in the word of God, which is Jesus.


SID: It’s so simple you need help to get confused.

CANDICE: It’s so true.

SID: Let’s take you back to one of your first experiences ministering with angels.


SID: Tell me about that.

CANDICE: It was in France. I went to France to minister there and I was in a meeting, and the Lord began to shift the meeting. I mean, I was there, I was bringing a prophetic word, I’m talking about the Hebrew calendar, other things. And the Lord just began to start shifting things. And He said, “My healing presence is here and I want you to begin to usher in my presence, but the angels of fire are here and I want the people to experience them.” So I was like, “Okay, Lord.” Of course, I knew about the angels of fire, but he wanted the people to experience them.

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Sid Roth on July 6th, 2022

SID: The most righteous man on earth when he came in the presence of the holiness of God, he said the same thing the Jewish prophet Isaiah said. Isaiah 6:5 says, “Then I said it’s all over. I’m doomed.” This is a great prophet of Israel. “I’m doomed for I’m a sinful man,” the great prophet of Israel. “I have filthy lips,” the great prophet of Israel. “And I live among a people, the Jewish people, with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the king, the Lord of heaven’s armies.” Once you see the king, as righteous as you think you are, you’re seeing pure love. You’re seeing pure holiness. You’re seeing purity for the first time as opposed to imperfect humans that you judge. “I’m better than that person. I’m not as good as that person.” No, no, no. Compared to the holiness of God, all of our righteousness is filthy rags.

SID: Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who called, ‘Help, God,” gets help.” And guess what. The worst day of my life, I prayed to God. I had nowhere else to go. My prayer was two words, the same two words, “Help, God. Help, Jesus,” and He rescued me. The glory that was on Moses invaded my bedroom and then I knew, I knew that I knew that I knew that Jesus was my messiah. That was 50 years ago. Well the same glory came on my father on the last day of his life. He was in intensive care. He rejected belief or talk even about the messiah pretty much my whole life, and my sister and I went into that hospital room where there was no hope, but a week before I went into that room, the tangible glory of God was all over me. Wherever I went, you could feel that glory. Wherever I went, I could feel that presence of God. It was the same glory that was on Moses, and that glory came over my father and with my own ears, he said, “I make Jesus my messiah and more.”

SID: That same glory is in our studio right now. Many will feel the presence and many that pray with me, “Help, God,” will feel it in the future too. But whether it’s immediate or in the future, the glory is here now. Right now in this studio, I want to say a prayer and here’s the prayer. I want you to have your own experience with God. I want God to live inside of you. I want your body to be the Holy of Holies. I want you to no longer feel like you’re alone. I want you to have your own experiential knowledge of God and if you will say this out loud right where you are and mean it to the best of your ability, God who is outside will come inside and your body will become a sanctuary for God, a Holy of Holies. Repeat it out loud.

SID: Dear God, I’ve made many mistakes for which I’m so sorry. I believe the blood of messiah was my substitute for all the sins I’ve ever committed and according to your word, you remember my sins no more. As of this moment, I am holy in your sight. Now, that I am holy in your sight, not because of what I have done but what the messiah did for me, I ask you to prepare me to be a sanctuary, a Holy of Holies, to house your presence. Come inside of me, Jesus. I make you my messiah and more.

SID: (singing)

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Sid Roth on June 27th, 2022

MYLES: Solomon asked to have a hearing heart. What does that mean? A heart that is sensitive to the voice of God. A heart that hears his voice with great clarity and receives revelation and wisdom directly from the father. And so God wants that for you as well and you know what? God even said to Solomon in that time, in that moment, that, “Solomon, because you asked for that I’m going to give you many other things because you asked for the right thing, to hear my voice, to have a hearing heart.” So do that, ask him for that, to develop that hearing, that listening and you’re going to hear his voice.

SID: Just before you pray for … I want him to pray for the fire and compassion of God and hearing God’s voice. Very briefly tell me the encounter you had with the eyes of God.

MYLES: Yes. This was one of the most powerful encounters, Sid, I’ve ever experienced and during this encounter I was doing a live broadcast and so I was in my studio where I record that. I was teaching on the seven spirits of God or more specifically, the seven eyes of the Holy Spirit. Many people don’t realize or understand that there are seven eyes in the prophetic realm. Seven eyes of the spirit, which equals perfect perspective or perfect prophecy.

MYLES: So during this encounter I’m teaching on this and then suddenly from my right side I feel a wind and the spirit of God comes upon me and rests down upon me but then my eyes began to start burning with intense fire and it was so intense, Sid, that my eyes began to water and it was just an extremely intense burning like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

MYLES: And the Lord, in that moment, began to speak to me during this manifestation and he said, “Myles, I am imparting the eyes of fire to you, my vision. I am imparting the eyes of fire to you. I’m purifying your vision. You’re going to begin to see from my perspective. You’re going to begin to see people with great compassion. You’re going to see them like I see them and as you minister to them—

SID: ….time I need you to pray, right now for those watching.

MYLES: Absolutely. Right now, right where you’re at, just receive this. I want pray a prayer of impartation for you to receive this same fire upon your eyes. Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I release a supernatural impartation for the eyes of fire. Father, I release that now, in Jesus name. I release it, the eyes of fire, the impartation, receive it right now. Many of you, your eyes, you’re going to begin to feel a burning sensation come upon your eyes.

MYLES: The Lord is going to begin to manifest that, just receive it right now where you’re at. I release that upon you right now. I see someone, God is healing many people’s eyes that even in the natural you wear glasses. Some of you wear contacts. You’re not going to need them any more. People with, there’s someone with a detached retina. You need to be healed. God’s healing that right now. He’s healing that. That’s on your right eye. The Holy Spirit’s healing that right now.

MYLES: There’s also people that you need God to clear your vision. You’ve had very blurry vision, maybe you have cataracts over your eyes. God’s breaking that off right now. But the fire is going to begin to burn and you’re going to feel the burning sensation come upon your eyes like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. But the Lord says, “I’m imparting the eyes of fire to you now.” Right now I release the compassion of God to come upon you. I release an impartation for the compassion of Jesus to be released upon and God to fill you with his compassion right now. I release that impartation, receive it right now, in Jesus name.

SID: I’ll just tell you one more thing. In this presence tell God you’re sorry for every sin you’ve ever committed, that his blood washes it away and ask Jesus to be your Messiah, your savior and your Lord. Amen.

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Sid Roth on June 16th, 2022

SID: The cross was an altar.

FRANCIS: The cross is an altar because an altar is, you see altars in the old covenant, God showed them, they are places of death, they are place of sacrifice and Jesus sacrificed himself for us on the cross and making the cross an altar. That’s why when you go to the cross, no` matter what it is, sinners can get delivered, people can get healed because the cross is an altar where we can exchange our unrighteousness for his righteousness, our sicknesses for his healing.

SID: So whether the evil altar occurred several generations ago or even today.


SID: It can be dealt with in the courts of heaven?

FRANCIS: It can completely be destroyed and I even have a biblical example, in first Kings 13, where God sends a man of God to bring the judgment of the Lord, the judgment of the court of heaven, to an evil altar that was attended to by the king himself in Bethel. And when the prophet was done with it, the altar was destroyed by God and his ashes were poured out. That’s what’s going to happen Sid, when people pray these dangerous prayers.

SID: Are you finding many people praying these dangerous prayers and getting set free?

FRANCIS: Oh my God, people getting supernatural miracles. I was just in Alabama Sid, and a woman came on a wheelchair, a motorized wheelchair, and then she came, she looked back, she had a miracle. So I was getting ready to pray for her to get healed. And when she gets there, she’s really more concerned about her husband who was at home dying in stage four cancer. And so I said, you know what, why don’t we do a double healing? We’ve broken the power of this evil altars. Why don’t we do a double healing? So I prayed for her and then I released the light beams of Jesus to her husband. And I said, I see the light beams of Jesus going to your husbands right now, Sid, instantly, she got healed.

FRANCIS: And she left the wheelchair at the altar and began to walk around and people were screaming and shouting, and then it gets better. She gets home at 10:30. Normally because of the stage four cancer pain the husband was in, he would be asleep at 07:30. She went at 10:30, he was waiting for her. She says, what are you doing? Why are you up? He says, I got healed. I was live-streaming the event and when that preacher said, the light beams are coming, light beams entered my room and Sid the very following day, both the wife and the husband were in church. Healed by the power of God.

It is so amazing, the number of people once they get this revelation, because you see how God handpicked him by teaching him revelation on the courts of heaven and then revelation on the evil altars and then making it simple for us with the prayers to pray in the courts of heaven. I have to tell you though, before any of that, you must make sure that Jesus is your Lord and savior. You must make sure that you have your own experiential knowledge of God. I want to lead you in a prayer. And I’m going to tell you, if you believe it to the best of your ability, you will be a child of God. You will live in the spirit, in this life. And when you leave your earth suit, you’ll spend eternity in heaven.

Repeat after me. Dear God, I’m a sinner, I’m so sorry. I believe your blood washed away everything bad I ever did and I’m clean. It’s so good to be clean. I boldly say, you have saved me from my sins and you are my Lord, and I am hungry to walk in experiential knowledge of you. Amen. Now remember, as soon as this program ends, you can watch a special extended segment. Dr. Myles will be teaching on the seven places Jesus shed his blood that destroy evil altars, and then leading us in communion. Just log onto, and be sure to get your communion elements ready.

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Sid Roth on June 6th, 2022

KYNAN: The church for many years has been in a mode of reformation. Since the 1500s, we’ve talked about the Protestant reformation and we’ve used the term reformation, reformation, reformation. Well, God began to speak to me. He said, “Son, I don’t want reformation. I want transformation.”

KYNAN: What happens when we are transformed, our entire being is changed. This is why Jesus told Nicodemus. He said, “You must be born again.” In other words, that we’re born again, means to be born from above. That means that you get a new genetic code.

KYNAN: I tell people all the time. They said, “Well, diabetes runs in my family. Depression runs in my family. Mental illness runs in my family.” Well, it depends on which family you’re talking about. If you’re talking about your natural family, yes, but when we become born again, we enter into a new spiritual family.

KYNAN: We are totally new. We receive the blood lineage of Jesus. Jesus was never suicidal. He was never depressed. He never wanted to jump off of a cliff. I’m sure he probably wouldn’t throw people off the cliff. Jesus walked in such a communion with God.

KYNAN: Here’s what happens is we literally become regenerated, not just regenerated, regenerated. We get a new set of spiritual genes. Those spiritual genes caused us to look, think, speak, and act just like our heavenly father. When people see us, they see you, “You look like your dad. My dad has strong genes.”

KYNAN: Even his grandchildren looked like him. Well, imagine the genes of God. Who has stronger genes? Nobody has stronger genes than God. Basically, when we get born again, we receive his DNA inside of us. Just like anything, when you receive something, you have to activate it. You have to walk in and you have to place a demand on it.

KYNAN: I can have muscles, but if I don’t exercise, they’ll never develop. I can have talents, but if I don’t use them, they’ll never develop. Well, if we never tap into this DNA, we will sit on our blessed assurance and we will wait for the sweet by and by, while we live high and dry.

KYNAN: God is saying, “I want you to go out and release the kingdom of God.” It’s on the inside of us. We really have to do that.

SID: We hear the term gospel a great deal. The gospel we know means good news. It’s very simple. Explain it.

KYNAN: The gospel is very simple. The son of God became the son of man, that sons of men could become sons of God.

SID: That is simple.

KYNAN: That’s the gospel.

SID: Well, let me tell you some good news, I want you to be, what was the word? Regenerated?

KYNAN: Regenerated.

SID: I think that’s one that you made up, but I want to say a prayer and I want you to repeat it and believe it to the best of your ability. I tell you, if you speak this prayer, God is not a man that he should lie, and he wants to regenerate you. He wants to live inside of you.

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