Sid Roth on July 23rd, 2020

SID:  Now I’m with Aliss Cresswell from Great Britain and she’s a businesswoman but a strange businesswoman! She has a sign in her shops. The sign says, I’ve got it right here. A copy of it: Free! Healings, Miracles, Dream Interpretation. And people wander in that are non-believers in the Messiah and better than 90% […]

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Sid Roth on July 16th, 2020

JERAME: :There’s two types of prayer. There’s intercession prayer where you’re praying and you’ve got your list of things you’re believing God for a breakthrough or you’re praying in the spirit. But then there’s also a second type which is called listening prayer. And how many of you know that as much as you intercede […]

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Sid Roth on July 9th, 2020

JERAME:  God does everything with purpose. And He wants us to understand His heart with it because as we understand His heart with it then all of a sudden we can co-laborer with Him. Because we’re in the kingdom for a reason. Do you guys understand that? To give a, a harvest to Jesus and, […]

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