SID: The cross was an altar.

FRANCIS: The cross is an altar because an altar is, you see altars in the old covenant, God showed them, they are places of death, they are place of sacrifice and Jesus sacrificed himself for us on the cross and making the cross an altar. That’s why when you go to the cross, no` matter what it is, sinners can get delivered, people can get healed because the cross is an altar where we can exchange our unrighteousness for his righteousness, our sicknesses for his healing.

SID: So whether the evil altar occurred several generations ago or even today.


SID: It can be dealt with in the courts of heaven?

FRANCIS: It can completely be destroyed and I even have a biblical example, in first Kings 13, where God sends a man of God to bring the judgment of the Lord, the judgment of the court of heaven, to an evil altar that was attended to by the king himself in Bethel. And when the prophet was done with it, the altar was destroyed by God and his ashes were poured out. That’s what’s going to happen Sid, when people pray these dangerous prayers.

SID: Are you finding many people praying these dangerous prayers and getting set free?

FRANCIS: Oh my God, people getting supernatural miracles. I was just in Alabama Sid, and a woman came on a wheelchair, a motorized wheelchair, and then she came, she looked back, she had a miracle. So I was getting ready to pray for her to get healed. And when she gets there, she’s really more concerned about her husband who was at home dying in stage four cancer. And so I said, you know what, why don’t we do a double healing? We’ve broken the power of this evil altars. Why don’t we do a double healing? So I prayed for her and then I released the light beams of Jesus to her husband. And I said, I see the light beams of Jesus going to your husbands right now, Sid, instantly, she got healed.

FRANCIS: And she left the wheelchair at the altar and began to walk around and people were screaming and shouting, and then it gets better. She gets home at 10:30. Normally because of the stage four cancer pain the husband was in, he would be asleep at 07:30. She went at 10:30, he was waiting for her. She says, what are you doing? Why are you up? He says, I got healed. I was live-streaming the event and when that preacher said, the light beams are coming, light beams entered my room and Sid the very following day, both the wife and the husband were in church. Healed by the power of God.

It is so amazing, the number of people once they get this revelation, because you see how God handpicked him by teaching him revelation on the courts of heaven and then revelation on the evil altars and then making it simple for us with the prayers to pray in the courts of heaven. I have to tell you though, before any of that, you must make sure that Jesus is your Lord and savior. You must make sure that you have your own experiential knowledge of God. I want to lead you in a prayer. And I’m going to tell you, if you believe it to the best of your ability, you will be a child of God. You will live in the spirit, in this life. And when you leave your earth suit, you’ll spend eternity in heaven.

Repeat after me. Dear God, I’m a sinner, I’m so sorry. I believe your blood washed away everything bad I ever did and I’m clean. It’s so good to be clean. I boldly say, you have saved me from my sins and you are my Lord, and I am hungry to walk in experiential knowledge of you. Amen. Now remember, as soon as this program ends, you can watch a special extended segment. Dr. Myles will be teaching on the seven places Jesus shed his blood that destroy evil altars, and then leading us in communion. Just log onto, and be sure to get your communion elements ready.

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