KYNAN: The church for many years has been in a mode of reformation. Since the 1500s, we’ve talked about the Protestant reformation and we’ve used the term reformation, reformation, reformation. Well, God began to speak to me. He said, “Son, I don’t want reformation. I want transformation.”

KYNAN: What happens when we are transformed, our entire being is changed. This is why Jesus told Nicodemus. He said, “You must be born again.” In other words, that we’re born again, means to be born from above. That means that you get a new genetic code.

KYNAN: I tell people all the time. They said, “Well, diabetes runs in my family. Depression runs in my family. Mental illness runs in my family.” Well, it depends on which family you’re talking about. If you’re talking about your natural family, yes, but when we become born again, we enter into a new spiritual family.

KYNAN: We are totally new. We receive the blood lineage of Jesus. Jesus was never suicidal. He was never depressed. He never wanted to jump off of a cliff. I’m sure he probably wouldn’t throw people off the cliff. Jesus walked in such a communion with God.

KYNAN: Here’s what happens is we literally become regenerated, not just regenerated, regenerated. We get a new set of spiritual genes. Those spiritual genes caused us to look, think, speak, and act just like our heavenly father. When people see us, they see you, “You look like your dad. My dad has strong genes.”

KYNAN: Even his grandchildren looked like him. Well, imagine the genes of God. Who has stronger genes? Nobody has stronger genes than God. Basically, when we get born again, we receive his DNA inside of us. Just like anything, when you receive something, you have to activate it. You have to walk in and you have to place a demand on it.

KYNAN: I can have muscles, but if I don’t exercise, they’ll never develop. I can have talents, but if I don’t use them, they’ll never develop. Well, if we never tap into this DNA, we will sit on our blessed assurance and we will wait for the sweet by and by, while we live high and dry.

KYNAN: God is saying, “I want you to go out and release the kingdom of God.” It’s on the inside of us. We really have to do that.

SID: We hear the term gospel a great deal. The gospel we know means good news. It’s very simple. Explain it.

KYNAN: The gospel is very simple. The son of God became the son of man, that sons of men could become sons of God.

SID: That is simple.

KYNAN: That’s the gospel.

SID: Well, let me tell you some good news, I want you to be, what was the word? Regenerated?

KYNAN: Regenerated.

SID: I think that’s one that you made up, but I want to say a prayer and I want you to repeat it and believe it to the best of your ability. I tell you, if you speak this prayer, God is not a man that he should lie, and he wants to regenerate you. He wants to live inside of you.

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