Sid Roth on May 26th, 2022

SID: I have to tell you, as we got from the desk closer to the studio audience, I remarked to Diane the glory is getting stronger. And she’s told me why, but this is also true not just for the studio audience; this is true for every person watching us right now. Why did it get stronger?

DIANE: Because of the hunger. It’s the hunger. Y’all are hungry, and those watching the hunger that you have, that’s drawing. That’s a drawing from the reservoir in heaven that has been set aside for this moment right now.

SID: I pray in Jesus’ name, Holy Spirit, you are a most welcome guest. I told Diane, I have a group of really good questions, but I told her whatever He says, do it. Do it.

DIANE: Okay.

SID: Well, Diane, in the secret place, we get dreams, visions that actually can save someone’s life. Tell me what happened to your husband?

DIANE: Well, in the presence of God’s glory, I had a dream, and it was like we were sitting in bleachers, and he had gone off to get something. And whenever he was coming back, I heard this big boom in the dream. This was in the dream. Well, I just started praying and praying the hedge of protection around him. The next day when my husband was out on the back property and he was burning some trash, I was laying out by the pool. All of a sudden, I heard this big boom just like what I heard in my dream.

DIANE: What happened is there was an aerosol can in there that had exploded and God protected him. The glory was there as a protector, and it protected him. Absolutely.

SID: The boom was very similar to what you heard in the dream.

DIANE: Yes, yes, sir. Absolutely.

SID: Is this something that you encourage others to do? Like for instance with me, I don’t so much have visions, but someone’s name will come to me. I’m supposed to pray for that person.

DIANE: Yes. Absolutely. Absolutely.

SID: Okay. Tell us about when the glory was so thick this lady kept rubbing her glasses. What was going on?

DIANE: She thought something was on her glasses, so she took them off, and she cleaned them, and she put them back on, and she’s looking around, and then she takes them back off, and she covers one eye, and she’s looking all around. And she does the other eye, and she’s looking. I thought, what in the world is this woman doing? The Holy Spirit quickened me, and the Lord said, “Diane. Tell her that’s the glory of the Lord that she sees.”

DIANE: When I told her, she was already sitting down because I was preaching. She was sitting down, and her head falls back. Well, little did I know she was going out of town that week. And so, God was preparing her for that trip. Yeah. Amazing.

SID: Diane, you tell us there are accelerants. Are any of you interested in accelerating the glory? I am. Tell us some of these accelerants.

DIANE: Okay, so the first thing is that you have to believe. You have to believe that you’re going to see the glory of God. Jesus told Mary said, would you believe that you would see the glory. Does everybody believe?

Audience: Yes, amen!

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Sid Roth on May 15th, 2022

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with my friend David Herzog and I have to tell you something. We did something different because David has been flowing in the glory, the manifest presence of God for over 20 years. And I thought, what would happen if we started with worshiping God in the glory? I have to tell you, David, I don’t remember the glory being as high as it was as a result of worship. What is the tie-in between worship and glory?

DAVID: Well, heaven’s air is worship. So worship is the common denominator in heaven, 24/7. So when we start to worship, we actually start to sync with the glory that’s in heaven.

SID: Now, out of curiosity, as you were worshiping God, I know what you felt because I felt the same thing, but did you see anything? What was going on inside?

DAVID: I saw my spirit in heaven. I literally saw myself in heaven at the throne worshiping. I saw the myriads of angels singing, cherubims. I could hear the sounds in heaven. I was singing what I was seeing.

SID: Now, that sounds like the way it should be. Can all of us do that?

DAVID: Yes, if we’re hungry for God and desperate for God. When you start to worship God, start opening your eye gates in the spirit to see things in the heavenly realm.

SID: Now, you were mentored in the gory by a friend of mine who is now in heaven. Her name was Ruth Heflin, and she was known for the glory. She was known as someone that when she would worship God, she’d be coated in gold dust. She would go to the airport and the people getting the ticket would look at her and wonder, “You’re a little old to have all that glitter on you.” But it wasn’t. It was from heaven. Tell me how you got into this glory, in connection to Ruth Heflin.

DAVID: Yeah, I had a six-month revival break out in France, on Father’s Day, after being in Pensacola. And six months, every night, miracles, salvation. It was the longest revival in 50 years and she heard about it and she said, “He’s the answer to my prayers,” when she was in France fasting for 40 days. And then after the revival, I was just hungry for something new. Went to see her after reading her book. She told me, “No, no. You’re speaking tonight.” I said, “No, I don’t want to hear myself. I have been speaking for six months.” You know you’re burned out when you don’t want to hear yourself. I said, “I’m so hungry.” She goes, “No, I’m a prophet. You’re speaking tonight,” She would not let me sit down. I reluctantly went up to the front and preached. The glory hit me so hard, I sang my whole sermon. The power of God brought that—

SID: Whoa, whoa. That’s the worship.

DAVID: Yeah.

SID: You got into the key to get in—

DAVID: But I wasn’t trying to. I was thinking to myself, “What are you doing? You look stupid.” I sang all of my Isaiah 60 and 61. And then the glory exploded in signs, but it wasn’t even the signs. I felt like I had gone to heaven. The next seven days, I was like, “I’m living in heaven.” I didn’t even know this realm existed. I thought I knew the glory, it was more of the anointing, and when I entered this realm, it was so heavenly. It’s like someone in heaven doesn’t want to come back to earth. I said, “Lord, whatever you do, I don’t want to leave this realm. I can’t have tasted this and go back.” And that was the beginning.

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Sid Roth on May 5th, 2022

PAT: Hey, this Pat Schatzline, and I am so blessed, to be here with you today on “Something More!” We have an incredible guest that is going to minister to you! God is going to move! Get ready for miracles to break out in your home because the lady that is here is Pastor Sandra Kennedy! And God has used her in Whole Life Ministries in Augusta, Georgia. But really you’re an author. He’s used you for many years to bring healing and supernatural miracles take place wherever you go! I’m so glad you’re here!

SANDRA: Thank you! I’m excited to be here!

PAT: Hey! There’s a stirring in my spirit as you sat down today because I believe there’s so many people that are watching they need an answer! They need healing! They’ve gotten reports from doctors. And you know you recently wrote the book “The Simplicity of Healing.” Talk to me about that! Tell me about this book that God gave you!

SANDRA: Well most people make healing so difficult and it’s very simple! And actually, Sid is the one who asked me, Sid Roth, if I would write a book and make it as simple as possible pertaining to healing. So I just released this one. And when I was a child the Lord spoke to me when I was about 9 years old and said one day I’m going to use you in healing!

PAT: Wow!

SANDRA: I was raised on a farm and you know I didn’t even know God spoke to people but I knew that was the Lord. I just knew it was! And I used to go around and try to pray, over little dead animals and anything that I could.

PAT: Really!

SANDRA: Yeah. None of them ever came back to life!

PAT: Oh! [Laughs]

SANDRA: But I prayed anyway! Hallelujah! And then as time went by I found out that God really was, really was in the healing business and it really was very simple and that God would use anybody! And I tell folks all the time what I do anybody can do! Anybody can do! And it doesn’t take some kind of special anointing. Anybody can do!

PAT: Wow!

SANDRA: The Bible says that “believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover!” And I just teach –

PAT: It doesn’t say “should.” It says they shall recover?

SANDRA: Yeah. Shall!

PAT: That’s right.

SANDRA: Yeah. And it didn’t say “might.” You know “they will, they shall recover!” I tell people when they’ve been prayed for to simply say when somebody says to you how are you doing? Well fine, thank you. I’m in recovery! You know because it said they shall recover so your answer is I’m in recovery! When you’ve been prayed for you need to stay with the Word, you know, stay in touch with what the Bible is saying!

PAT: Right!

SANDRA: And the very first, first, first healing that I ever saw, I mean really outstanding healing, was with my mother!

PAT: Mmm!

SANDRA: And I mean it was dramatic! I wasn’t even spirit-filled. I was working for the Baptists. And I was called home and I’ve told this story so many times. And everybody they love it because it’s so simple. It’s just so simple.

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Sid Roth on April 25th, 2022

Sid Roth: … so that my charges …

Katie Souza: “… that the enemies brought against me …”

Sid Roth: … that the enemies brought against me …

Katie Souza: “… of law-breaking

will be dismissed.”

Sid Roth: … of law-breaking will be dismissed.

Katie Souza: “And death will have to back off …”

Sid Roth: And death will have to back off …

Katie Souza: “… of my body, my finances, my marriage …”

Sid Roth: … of my body, my finances, my marriage …

Katie Souza: “… my children, and every part of my life.”

Sid Roth: … my children, and every part of my life.

Katie Souza: “And I decree …”

Sid Roth: And I decree …

Katie Souza: “… that I’m under grace.”

Sid Roth: … that I’m under grace.

Katie Souza: “It’s building a divine protection over me.”

Sid Roth: It’s building a divine protection over me.

Katie Souza: “Because where my sins of

law-breaking increase …”

Sid Roth: Because where my sins of law-breaking increase …

Katie Souza: “… grace increases them more and

superabounds over it.”

Sid Roth: … grace increases them more and

super abounds over it.

Katie Souza: Now just stay there right now.

I want you to just receive.

Thank you, Lord.

I decree that a hedge of the blood and a divine protection of

grace is over everyone watching right now.

I command you, spirit of death, right now,

you come out.

You come out of their body.

You come out of their finances.

You come out of their ministry.

You come out of their marriage.

You come out of their children.

You come out of their household.

You come out of every single organ.

Now lay your hands on that organ.

Lay your hands on that place in your body.

Lay your hands on your face, your skin,

wherever death is attacking you right now.

Say with me, “Come out, death.

Come out, death.”

Sid Roth: Come out, death.

Katie Souza: I release the spirit of life into you.


As death, you have to evacuate.

The spirit of life is coming in to cause new cells to grow,

new skin to grow, organs to be refreshed and made healthy

again, for your bank account to grow,

for your marriage to blossom and be filled with life.

Death, you come out, and life, you come in.

Right now, in the name of Jesus, I bind death,

and I loose life into every place you need it right now.

In Jesus’ name, in the name of Jesus,

in Jesus’ name, in the name of Jesus,

in Jesus’ name, in the name of Jesus now,

now receive life.

Now receive life in Jesus’ name, in Jesus’ name.

Sid Roth: God says, “It is finished.”

Katie Souza: Thank you, Lord.

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Sid Roth on April 15th, 2022

SID: Jesus said, families are very, very important. But He said, there is something even more important.

BRENDA: Yes. And of course, that is putting the kingdom first. But, Sid, I feel something right now that you’re watching, someone, you are watching and I just see this by the Holy Spirit that you’ve been in a place where it seems like you’re like, “Pastor Brenda, I hear what you’re saying about the demons run in terror, but you do not know the circumstance that’s going on in my life right now. And I just feel led by the Spirit to prophesy to you and let you know that there is progress.”

God says, “There is progress taking place even concerning that child that has gone a different path than you plan.” In fact, I see a pastor, a leader you’re watching. You’re in the ministry and your kid has taken a turn for the worst. And the Lord says, “Even right now, watch it turn around,” says the Spirit, “as you are decreeing a thing.” For the Lord says, “Don’t let the enemy think, to make you think, that progress isn’t happening for it is happening,” says the Lord.

And so right now, I just, I need to stretch my hands toward you in this moment. I feel the glory of God coming upon you. And God says, “Your faith is not going to fail. You are right at the finish line,” says the Lord. “So hang on, hold on and decree that thing and it shall surely,” listen to me now, “It shall surely come to pass,” says the Spirit of God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

SID: Brenda, what are you seeing prophetically, and even in your own congregation where you and your husband, Hank, pastor there?

BRENDA: Yes. Well, here is what we are seeing, people are hungry to see again. That’s why I love your program. People are hungry for the supernatural. People are pressing in like never before for the glory of God. They’re not bowing to the culture. People are fed up with that. They’re not going to bow down to what’s being purported in the news. They’re fed up with that. And they are very, very determined about one thing, Sid, is they are determined that we are in, not it’s not just coming, but that we are currently in the greatest supernatural move of God.

We talk about moves of old. We talk about outpourings of the past, but we are prophetically in. And this is why we’re seeing all of these things have to come to the surface in the culture to get exposed. It’s like when you remodel a house. You got to let, clean it up, let the cockroaches run. And then you’ve got to get into a place where you bring in what God wants. And this is what we are not coming into, we are in. And this is what our congregation is hungry for.

They’re determined. They are sinking their teeth in that they’ll have nothing short of a move of the Holy Spirit that is so divine that the secular world is going to have to report it. The media won’t be able to deny it. The politicians are going to see it.

In fact, I’ve prophesied this, I was reading in my Bible just yesterday morning and the Lord drew me back again to Saul when he was on the road to Damascus. Verse one and two of the chapter says that he was, “They are breathing out threatenings.” Two verses later, “He was laying on the pavement on the road and there he was seeing a bright light, a prophesying.”

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