CLARICE: And he said, he says, “Well, they’re not like us!” Now, this is a man that has never, never been anywhere except a Catholic church! Turn to your neighbor and say, “We’ve not been this way before!”

Audience: We’ve not been this way before!

CLARICE: Get ready! You’re going to enjoy laughing at my story because if ignorance had needed a trophy they would have given it to me! Ignorantly is not stupid. It’s uninformed and inexperienced and I’d been churched out! I know about church! I just didn’t know about God! I’d had encounters. Spiritual encounters. But I did not know about the power of God! I didn’t understand. If I am so smart and I still think that the Holy Ghost is a bird there’s something wrong with me! But when you begin to realize how many people don’t know anything about anything they’re like my parrot Lola that all she’ll say is, “Polly want a cracker.” And she doesn’t know who Polly is or what a cracker is! But they can sit there and go on and on. We have been that way in the church to a great deal! We have had word recognition without word understanding!

Audience: Amen!   

CLARICE: Am I makin’ sense?

Audience: Yes! Yes!

CLARICE: Okay! So it’s so funny! And I said, “Explain it to me!” Now he’s going to explain to me He went to a Pentecostal meeting and he did not know it was a Pentecostal meeting! He didn’t know what a Pentecostal was!

Audience: [laughter]

CLARICE: And so at that time we were still saying mass in Latin!

Audience: [laughter]

CLARICE: So he said, “Honey.” He says, “They have a choir but it’s different than ours!” And I said, “Really? What is it?” And he says, “Well you know our choir sits up in the front and we sing from the Missal.” And he says, “But they’re all over the place!” He says, “And you don’t know when they’re going to sing!”

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: And I said, “They don’t know when they’re going to sing?” And he says, “No!” He says, “You’ll hear a little noise and they go [makes sounds] and then they’ll all jump in!” And I said, “What do you mean?” And he says,” Well, they’re Protestants so they’re into Greek and Hebrew!”

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: I said, “They are?”

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: And he says, “And they’re good! They’re good!” He says, “You just don’t know when they’re going to go off!”

Audience: [laughing]

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