DAVE: Yeah. I had a dream a couple of years ago where the Lord revealed to me that the orphan spirit is the greatest single problem that the church is dealing with right now! Many believers are okay with Jesus and they’re kind of cool with the Holy Spirit but they are not too sure about that Father guy!

PAT: Yeah.

DAVE: Because they’ve had bad father figures or no father. And a lot of people have trust issues with God the Father and it creates that anxiety and that tension and that uncertainty like you know does He really care for me? Does He really love me? Does the Father really love me?   

PAT: And you know the media, movies, all the Disney movies, all the different movies they attack the very concept of fatherhood.

DAVE: Right.

PAT: And so we’ve seen a generation that rises up where you know the fatherless generation, the sexual identity problem we see in culture, all the different things that are taking place speak to that for a second. Because I think so much of the emotional distress is fathers have forgotten to be the thermostat in their home, the spiritual thermostat. They’ve forgotten that their job doesn’t begin when they pull out of the driveway but when they pull in. Speak to that. Talk to us about that.    

DAVE: Yeah. That’s a really good point. You know as men, as fathers, we obviously have an obligation to represent the true heart of God the father not just to our physical children but to our spiritual children. A lot of people who watch my videos and broadcasts they kind of see me as a father figure.

PAT: Yeah.

DAVE: As an older guy that they can kind of trust. And it doesn’t just go to us. It goes to this emotional healing issue. Many times when I pray for people to do emotional healing they won’t just have an encounter with Jesus. They’ll have an encounter with God the Father! The Father will come in. He will nurture them. He will love on them! He’ll, you know, caress them and let them know personally that He is a good Father!  

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