PAT: We are so glad you joined us today on “Something More!”     I’m Pat Schatzline! I’m an author and evangelist and I get to be a part of your day! But I’m really excited because my friend, “The Praying Medic,” Dave Hayes is here! Dave, so glad you’re here today!

DAVE: Pat, good to meet you! Good to be on the show!

PAT: Thank you for joining us today! I’m going to tell you, you know all the times I’ve heard about you, all the times I’ve seen where God has used you miraculously, just tell us what’s going on! Tell us what’s going on in your heart as we just share today and talk!

DAVE: Well the biggest thing that’s going on in my heart and the biggest thing that the Lord has been speaking to me about is what is happening in the world of politics and government and Hollywood. There’s a lot of changes going on and I think a lot of believers are understanding that God is doing some amazing things right now in those areas of society.  

PAT: When God really speaks to you about learning how to intercede for the nation, in learning how to intercede in the seats of government and all the different turmoil, all the things that are going on. We were talking before we started the interview today just even about how I believe that we’re in a commercial in America right now, in the horror film and what others are saying. Before we just get deep into this and talk about all that even deeper what God is doing, tell me what you’re feeling in your spirit even as I share about that about you know praying and walking in intercession for our nation. 

DAVE: Well you and I both know that intercessors and you know just regular average people have been praying for decades!

PAT: Right!

DAVE: For revival!

PAT: Right!

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