What was it? I don’t know. Something about God. I can’t remember what it was. You kidding me? Are you kidding me? I would, I would look at that thing and tell you what shoes He was wearing, you know. I mean this is something a real vision like he had gets in your spirit so deep, because I’ve had them before, that you can recall details if it impresses in your spirit.

The other thing you got to remember it’s the Holy Spirit who recalls things to your remembrance. You know because you got your critics out there “Well how could a man remember that long?” Well just because you ain’t got a good memory doesn’t mean John didn’t have one! You know? And the Jews, the Jews back then were taught to memorize. You have to understand that we’re not taught that today. We memorize for a test and then we forget everything.

But back then they rehearsed it over and over and over again. Oh my, man I feel His presence talking about this Book! Hallelujah! All right. Now I’m going to, I’m going to just take just a couple more things here that I feel like I want to share with you. Let me go back to again something that has always been a question and this question always comes up, uh, and they will say to me “Where do you place the return of the Lord for the church?” Okay? Where do you place the return? Let’s go back again. The Lord says to John I want to show you the things that were, that are, and that will be. Future tense.

So if he writes this in 95 A.D., chapter 1 he sees Christ as the High Priest, right? Christ then is doing something. He’s addressing 7 churches. You all want to know the nugget from the Temple days?


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