MARK: And you know this is not a time to lay down our weapons of warfare. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to lay down our weapons of warfare.

KYNAN: Yeah.

MARK: Now more than ever it’s the time to pick up our weapons to take ground for the kingdom of God and hold it at all costs!

KYNAN: That’s right.

MARK: So we have to ask ourselves a tough question. You know why is our country in the condition that it’s in? Well because for so many decades the Church, has not done its job!

KYNAN: Oh my goodness! Wow!

MARK: So now it’s time for the Church to break out!

KYNAN: So, in other words, we’ve been looking for a pastor-in-chief versus a commander-in-chief?

MARK: Correct.

KYNAN: You know, when in fact the Church has been given the responsibility.

MARK: That’s right.

KYNAN: To heal the sick, to cast out devils, to feed the poor, to do the things that Jesus commanded us to do.

MARK: Correct.

KYNAN: And now we’re in a situation where we know that things are shifting. There are a lot of opportunities for the Church now. We were talking before the show about just some of the reforms that will help the Church.

MARY: Uh-huh.

KYNAN: To empower the Church to have a stronger voice.

MARY: Uh-huh.

KYNAN: But I don’t think if I’m hearing you guys correctly we need to get complacent and relaxed and get our popcorn and turn on you know Christian television.

MARY: Well that is what has happened! Because the Church got handcuffed. When Lyndon B. Johnson was running for President there was a radio guy in Texas who attacked him who did not like him. And he was an evangelical preacher and he preached against him. So Johnson got mad about this guy lambasting him.

KYNAN: Uh-huh.

MARY: And he thought how can I shut him up?


MARY: We need to shut him up! Lyndon B. Johnson issued to churches – now this doesn’t have to do with television media and all that sort of thing. But to churches, he issued an order. We will give churches a tax exempt status. In exchange they keep their mouth shut against politicians.


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