SID: Well give me a quick example. You said that the gold dust is not as big as it’s been in the past but just recently you had quite an encounter. Tell me about it.

JOSHUA: We did. I was overseas ministering in Bangalore India for a bunch of businessmen

SID: That’s kind of interesting because you know India is trying to corner the gold market. But go ahead. (laughs)

JOSHUA: (laughing) Well, I guess God knows that, right? (laughs) So I was ministering in Bangalore India. And I was actually preparing to go into the afternoon session. And just before the afternoon session there was like a luncheon and time to pray with people. And there was a couple that came to me and asked me to pray with them for their marriage and so I did and another couple saw that I was praying for them so they came over and they said would you pray for us? We’re going to be leading worship for the meeting. Would you pray for us before we go out? And so I was praying for them and in the middle of the prayer I literally felt the weight of God’s glory just come down. You could just literally tangibly sense the manifest presence of God moving into the atmosphere.

SID: And you know when most people hear the word “glory” that’s the last thing they think of but if you actually know the book, the word in Hebrew, the “kavod” it means “heaviness.”

JOSHUA: Right!

SID: So you just described the glory! Huh!

JOSHUA: And that’s what we felt. We felt that heaviness, the wonderfulness of the blessing of God fall among us and I open up my eyes and instantly I saw that we were being covered by this supernatural sparkling gold heavenly dust. I mean it was amazing. And it got all over. I was completely covered with it. The couple that I was praying for was completely covered with it. And in that room there was a bishop that presides over 11,000 different churches in India and he saw the manifestation happen. He literally saw it manifest instantly in the room and when he saw that he just got so full of the joy of God and just a fresh anointing was imparted to him and actually we received an email not too long ago saying that he is on fire for the Holy Spirit like never before and he’s actually wanting to take this realm of God’s glory into the 11,000 churches that are throughout India and it’s absolutely tremendous what God is doing. And God used the miracle to spark passion. He used that manifestation to spark a new hunger for the things of God and it’s going to bless

SID: But, but, wait a second, Josh. Some would say I don’t see gold dust in the Bible.

JOSHUA: Right.

SID: God wouldn’t do that. What would you say to them?

JOSHUA: Well something that I would say is that you know the Bible is very clear that Jesus did many more things than are actually written in the Book. There’s many miracles that Jesus did. There’s many miraculous realms that were not specifically written about within the Word of God. The ones that are written are given to us to understand that our God is miraculous. That He does signs and wonders and God is releasing signs and wonders in this day. And one of the ways that we can know that it’s God or not is does it glorify Jesus? Does it draw us to His presence? You know if it’s something that’s happening that goes against the Word then certainly it’s not a heavenly sign or a holy sign of God but what God is doing with this gold dust is just causing us to fall into greater love with Jesus Christ and just absolutely worship Him with everything that we have and I think the fruit speaks for itself.

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