SID: Yeah, but doctors have one word, it is called stress. So big deal!

JENNIFER: [laughs]

DENNIS: Stress by definition, you’re going to love this one, men. Stress means you are being emotionally controlled by people or circumstances. I want to be controlled by Jesus.

Audience: [cheers]

DENNIS: If I’m controlled by Jesus, I’ve got peace. If I’m stressed, I told that to one minister. He really got mad at me and he came back two hours and goes, “You were right”.

JENNIFER: [laughs]

DENNIS: But let me show you how to walk in this after you receive it because the Scripture says as you receive,

SID: We only have a few minutes.

DENNIS: Okay, as you received Him, so walk. And I use Proverbs 3, verses 4, 5 and 6. Trust in the Lord, this is the way I taught Jennifer. Trust in the Lord. Trust is not try. Trust is drop down. In your Bibles, it’s put on. Put on the new man, put on the Lord Jesus, put on means to sink into in order to be clothed, to drop down. So I would say trust in the Lord, down here. Lean not on this. Look at that! There’s a warning right in that Scripture. Lean not on this alone. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and acknowledge, that word acknowledge means through divine intimate connection or touching. Touch Him in all of your ways and He will direct your path from the heart. And all the promises of God, the fulfillment of your destiny, all of those good things come to pass because toxic emotions and soul ties are the counterfeit for divine appointments. God has divine appointments for you to fulfill your destiny because destiny always includes people and you’re going to have to choose between the right people or the wrong people. It’s a matter of the heart.

SID: By the way, using this drop down into your spirit and the promises of God, one of the best ways to be physically healed, Jennifer, you’ve been healed of a number of things, recently,


SID: Does it work?

JENNIFER: It absolutely works because we have a divine healer in us. He is the miracle worker in us. And through yielding to Him and dealing with emotions, if there was a problem with a toxic emotion, I anticipate being healed of everything. In the early years of our traveling ministry, I had an upset stomach. I could not even drink water without it bothering my stomach. And so Dennis and I were, you know, we had long drives, driving from one place to another and so I was, he had taught me about the divine Healer in me and so I was just leaning back against the car seat with my eyes closed and I was welcoming Jesus into this area. And he said, “Jennifer, what are you doing? I feel the anointing.” And,

DENNIS: Mm-hmm. “What are you doing because I can feel an increase in the anointing?” And she said, “I’m welcoming the Healer.”

JENNIFER: And by the time we were at the next location, all of that stomach stuff was gone! So that was a dual witness, that he felt the anointing when I was welcoming the presence of Jesus the Healer in that area. And I’ve had miracles, I’ve had miracle healings when Sid’s prayed. There are lots of ways to receive a healing. But you know, I don’t just ask for somebody to pray for me without yielding to the Healer in me, as well. And then you get like a connection, a spiritual connection.

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