SID: Jerame Nelson, I want you to explain what is this shaft of light, this portal that Jesus walked under? Explain it.

JERAME: Yeah. In Matthew 16:17-19, Peter had just confessed that Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus tells Peter, he says, “Upon this confession, upon this rock, I’m going to build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, because I’ve given you the keys of the kingdom, that whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth, will be loosed in heaven.”

Sid, what that is talking about, is through intimacy with God and revelation that comes from him, we have the ability to shut the doors of heaven on darkness and to open up the portals or the gateways for heaven to invade earth.

SID: As best you can, tell me what a portal looks like, feels like.

JERAME: Yeah. Basically, if you look at Matthew chapter 3:16-17, it’s where Jesus is baptized by John on the river. It’s the greatest example, because it says that as Jesus came up out of the waters of the Jordan, it says the heavens were opened unto him. It says that the spirit of God descended upon him in the form of a dove, rest and remained on his life. It says that God the Father began to speak his approval and his love over Jesus.

It was from that moment on that Jesus was activated. He began to move in miracles. He began to move in signs, wonders. He began to hear the voice of God and have encounters in the supernatural. When you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the heavens will open over your life and all of those different things will be activated.

SID: Now, this portal, a light you’ve seen at meetings, tell me about the meeting in Peru.

JERAME: Yeah. We were actually doing a large healing campaign with tens of thousands of people. I was ministering on the stage and I got to the very end, where we started releasing miracles. All of a sudden, a shaft of light, people could see it, it came down. It overshadowed this little boy that was on the right-hand side. This little boy was born with cerebral palsy. When that shaft of light hit him, he was instantly healed of all of the effects of cerebral palsy. He was able to walk and talk and move normally. His mother, she freaked out because even his features changed in his face and his body. It was a crazy creative miracle.

SID: Let’s take a look at what this portal looks like.

JERAME: If you just got set free from an evil spirit.

SID: Now, how would you like to walk, under an open heaven? If there was only a how to book on how to walk under an open heaven, a portal from heaven. Jerame, that’s your new book.

JERAME: That’s right.

SID: Tell us about it.

JERAME: Yeah. I believe that it’s God’s will that everyone would walk under an open heaven. That’s why I wrote the book. I believe that just like Jesus saw the heavens open over his life and the manifestation of the kingdom was in his life, it will be in yours too.

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