Sid Roth 725-Gay

SID: Now a normal pastor doesn’t teach because they’re not normal, according to the Bible, in my opinion, about the Ten Commandments. Did you teach many series and things on the Ten Commandments before God spoke to you?

ROBERT: Sid, I really didn’t as a matter of fact. Occasionally, I would mention the Ten Commandments and never had actually done an entire series on the Ten Commandments, nor the importance of the Ten Commandments, because I really just didn’t have a revelation, and to be honest with you, it seemed a little religious. And I think that’s probably the sentiments maybe of a lot of pastors today. They just seem outdated. We don’t need to teach, do this.

SID: I hear a lot of people, when Jesus said, “We’re no longer under the Law,” of course, he was talking about the laws of animal sacrifice, the laws in the Temple, etc. But what do you say about “no longer under the law”?

ROBERT: Well first of all, I say, as far as the moral law that we see contained in the Ten Commandments, every single one of the Ten Commandments are rearticulated throughout the New Testament. They’re rearticulated by Jesus. They’re rearticulated by Paul. They’re rearticulated by James. And so all of these, the apostles definitely wouldn’t be rearticulating these commandments if they were not relevant to us today. And of course, we read how that love fulfills the Law. And of course, the question I have is, how can the love fulfill a law that doesn’t exist or that is not relevant? And so we have to come to the understanding that the Ten Commandments are relevant for us. They need to be preached. They need to be taught today because they are a key to experiencing the life of God, and not only the life of God, but I believe the obedience to those commandments actually align us for the manifestation of the supernatural power of God in ways like we never have seen before.

SID: Speaking of that, God has shown that you in the United States and in Israel, there will be a mighty miracle revival but something could abort it on individuals. What did He show you?

ROBERT: Well I believe there’s a tidal wave of revival, a tidal wave of anointing, a tidal wave of the power of God that is being—

SID: I’m ready. Are you ready?

ROBERT: I believe we’re all ready. We are ready. But you know, one of the things that we have to do, let me back up. The question is not as to whether or not it’s the will of God. The question is this. Are we willing to align ourselves properly so that God can do this and release it within our lives? And you know, you can see throughout the Bible how that the supernatural was always released in the lives of those who obeyed what they were told to do, what God commanded them. You know, you think about Naaman, for instance. Well he would not have been healed had he not obeyed. And so it’s very important that we understand the importance of obedience, the importance of adherence to God’s commands. And as we do that, that brings forth an alignment within our lives that releases the hand of God in a supernatural manner for us.

SID: Actually, Jesus, as you teach, rose the bar on the Ten Commandments rather than just cutting them out of the Bible.

ROBERT: Exactly. Grace does not lower the standard. Grace raises the bar. It takes it to the next level. Because Jesus said, “You know, you’ve heard, don’t commit adultery. But I’m telling you, don’t even look that way.” And he addresses the actual root issue within the heart of man. See, that’s what grace comes to do. Because we’re new creations in Christ Jesus, now the Law is written on our hearts and we’re empowered. And grace does not excuse us. Grace empowers us to do what is right and what is holy before the Lord.

SID: Okay. Jesus said, the last days, many will say, “Lord, Lord, did I do these things?” What did he tell us?

ROBERT: Well he actually said to those, he said, “Many of them are going to come to me and say, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not done these things?'” He said, “But I’ll say to them, ‘Depart from me you who practice lawlessness.'” “Lawlessness” is the word that Jesus actually used. And lawlessness is to “live void of law”, to live void of any parameters, any rule. And so we have to understand, law is not bad. Law is good. We need law. And of course, we need the Law of God, the law of the Spirit. Paul talked about the law of the Spirit and that is what we begin to live our lives by.

SID: Tell me, wait a second, you’re a prophet. I charge you right now to look at the people at home and move in the gift God has given you.

ROBERT: Well Sid, I see somebody right now who’s had issues in their sinus cavity. I see like growths in the sinus cavity. And right now, the hand of the Lord is upon you and God is healing you. There’s a supernatural manifestation that is taking place within your life right now. I sense there is somebody here that’s been standing in believing for children. I hear a child’s name, Danny, a son that you’ve been believing God for. And the Lord is saying to you that you could rest assured that He is working in Danny’s life. I see a call of God on this young man’s life and God is going to cause him to come in. You’re about to receive a phone call from him, and God is going to restore the relationship that was broken. He is a restorer of the breached and God loves you, and He’s going to begin to bring forth that supernatural manifestation within your life.

SID: Tell me about that car salesman in your church. I mean, what types of things have people moved to the next level in your congregation as you’ve taught on this?

ROBERT: Yes. Well this gentleman that was in our church was a used car salesman, and may I say, he was the stereotypical used car salesman. And he was, you know, basically just wanted to make a buck, however. It didn’t matter what type of things he had to do in order to make a buck. Anyway, he began to come to church. He began to receive this teaching. I was teaching on how that Jesus raised the bar, takes the commandments to the next level, how that you didn’t need to live your life as one who stole. You could live your life as a giver rather than a taker. And he began to put these principles into practice. He began to tithe. He began to give offerings. He began to sow. And today now God has totally done a revolution within his life. Today he actually owns a million-dollar business and God is blessing him to such a great degree. As a matter of fact, they tithe on everything that comes into their business. God is blessing him in a tremendous way and it’s all because he began to take this understanding of the Ten Commandments and even learning how to live as a giver. Of course, part of that means you bring the tithe. In order to not steal, you have to bring the tithe. You have to begin to bring the offering, exactly, give, to the Lord. And as he began to do this, God began to bless him. He released abundant life with him, just like he told, Jesus told the rich young ruler, “If you’ll keep the commandments you’re going to experience life. You’ll experience Zohar.” Well he began to do this and God has blessed him tremendously.

SID: I have a question for you. Are you involved in lawlessness? Do you steal like that used car salesman? Do you lie? Are you involved in sex outside of marriage? Are you involved in homosexuality? Are you involved in pornography? Are you involved in New Age? Are you lawless? Are you stealing the worship that God is entitled to? Well the Bible says, to believers in the Messiah, if you confess your sins, talking to believers, I tell you, he’s just, oh, he’s just, and faithful, oh, he’s faithful to forgive you of all, A-L-L, all unrighteousness. And if you don’t know the Messiah, what are you waiting on? Tell him you’re sorry. Believe that he’s forgiven your sins. Ask him to be your Lord and live inside of you. It’s that simple. But where we are in history, if you’re lawless, if you don’t know God, you don’t know, bad English, but it’s the way that I feel, you don’t know nothing. You don’t know nothing. Make Jesus your Lord and, oh, sinuses, allergies. Has God showed you healing on allergies?

ROBERT: I believe there’s healing. There’s anointing. There’s oil that is flowing right now

SID: For allergies of all kinds, breathing problems in Jesus’ name. Take it. It’s yours.

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