
Sid:  Now most of you are familiar with the past revivals that have occurred in the United States; especially the most recent one that happened in Pensacola, Florida, Brownsville, Smithton, Missouri, the Toronto Airport Church.  Well I have an individual here that says that God has shown him that when we combine the glory of God and reaching the Jew there will be an explosion in the spirit like this earth has never seen before. He’s not just talking about it he is demonstrating it.  His name is David Herzog and I caught up with him in Edmonton, Canada.  Now David is a Jewish believer in the Messiah that moves in, and David excuse me for a moment because we don’t know each other well, but I have to say it outrageous signs and wonders. Now David is it really true that you had a meeting in Augusta, Georgia and you had a word of knowledge and a man that was bald instantly got his hair back.  Is that really true?

David: Yeah, it really happened and actually we have a picture of it on our website.

Sid: Did this shock you at the time, did this astound you at the time or did you expect something like that?

David: Yeah, I’m always amazed when God does these things but I had seen it several times before.  We had seen bald heads get hair in different places like Portland, Oregon, and New Zealand but every time that happens it’s just totally amazing to me.

Sid: Now this guy in Augusta notes say that he had a little bit of gray hair but when he had his full head of hair it came back black?

David:  Yeah, the top of his hair was completely bald but at the end of the meeting he had hair all over the top of his head.  The back of his head he had a little bit of hair which was gray and by the end of the meeting I have a picture of that one too; you see where the gray has turned back to the original black hair color and you still see parts of the gray left.  And so God had kind of left a memory of what he had.

Sid: Now we’re on a couple of radio stations in the New York City area and of course there’s the whole diamond industry in New York City David.  And I want to provoke a few of these diamond merchants that are listening to us right now to jealousy; is it really true that diamonds materialize at your meetings?

David:  Yeah, not at every meeting it’s just the Lord kind of chooses which meeting.

Sid: Well, could you tell me what meeting so I could go there and get a few; no I’m just teasing go ahead (laughing).

David:   We had it first in Holland we had it happen and in different countries life in Holland we had a jeweler that was there; so you know the European are the more skeptical anyway.  So when the diamond appeared this girl found it; of course a girl found it because girls love diamonds; and she picked it up and said “Wow, this is really true look at this perfectly cut diamond.”  And a jeweler came and said “Well, let me check it out I’ve got my instruments with me right here.”  He had it with him in the meeting; and he went and checked it out and he was like “Hmm, hmm, hmm interesting interesting.”  And he confirmed it to be a real diamond and said “Worth a lot of money.”  We’ve had it happen once in Miami where 13 diamonds appeared in 2 or 3 days.”  We’ve had people with fake diamonds on their jewelry turn into real diamonds and we’ll have them checked; so it’s amazing thing.

Sid: Oh, my wife will want to come to your meeting too.  Let’s kind of go back a little bit, now you were not raised in a Jewish environment even though your father was Jewish and that makes you Jewish.  And you came to an understanding, the same understanding I might add, that I have come to; but the fact that I was raised in a Jewish environment and then became a believer for the first 30 years of my life at a traditional Jewish environment and then became a believer in Jesus.  You were although you’re Jewish you were raised in a non-Jewish environment; that makes it even more amazing that you came to the same conclusion but before we even talk about that, there’s an operative key word that I picked up in my notes about you.  And that is before any of this every happened you experienced a hunger for more of God; tell me about that.

David:  Yes, when I was 10 I got saved; 13 filled with the Holy Spirit and from that time on just an incredible hunger for more of God’s presence.  You know I grew up in a…

Sid: Now does this come from God or this something we drum up or because I see this as a common denominator with many people that have been touched with an extraordinary presence of God’s glory.

David:  Well, it’s like a cloud; you know a cloud doesn’t produce rain unless there’s pressure put on it atmospheric pressure; so yeah that hunger and that thirst for more of God creates something in the spirit world where God then chooses to manifest Himself.

Sid: What I’m saying right now if we’re talking to people that are not hungry for God; they believe in Him, they love Him but they say “You know the truth is I’m pretty passive in this area. Is there something I can do about that or should I… or does it all come from God and I’ll just wait for Him to make me hungry?

David:  Yeah, well first of all they can say “God,” be honest with Him say “Lord I’m not hungry but I know I need to be; help me make me hungry.” Second thing they can do is repent of being apathetic; a lot of times repentance of being apathetic “Lord, if they’re single I’m just not fired up taking it as I need to be Lord forgive me for allowing distractions or whatever it is it’s hindering me from making You everything Lord.”  A lot of times it’s just making everything in life more valuable to them so they’re not on fire as other people.

Sid: Well, that’s a good start you got hungry but then God told you and your family to leave everything and go the nations.

David:  Exactly.

Sid: Now it’s easy to read about people that do that but when it happens to you were you excited or were you filled with fear.

David:  Oh, I was excited because I was young about 23 and God said “Just go the nations and we’d been gone to just tons of different nations.  To start off, “He said go to Paris France.” The first place He told me to go which is you know not the easiest place in the world.

Sid: No, it’s known as a very tough place for Christianity.

David:    Yeah but yet but God… we’ve seen God do awesome, awesome things.  We’d been doing glory campaigns and just everything I’m telling you is happening pretty much everywhere we go; you know there’s no difference with God where He goes.

Sid: Okay, so from there you hooked up with a tour with Christ for the Nations to go see Israel and on this tour you too had an experience in the upper room; tell me about it.

David:  Yes I was over there and we took our team and as we were there worshiping the Lord together this man ran in there a Jewish… I think he was a Messianic Jew.  He ran in there and said “Quickly pray for me I don’t know you but the Holy Spirit told me to come here I’m leaving to the nations and the Lord told me someone here would pray for me.”  So we all began praying for him; I began praying for him and the man looked at me and said “Give me a word from the Lord.”  To make a long story short, at the end we just kept worshiping the Lord and I got knocked out onto the floor by the power of God which never happens to me. I usually resist people trying to push me down but this God.  And I began weeping, weeping, weeping, weeping uncontrollably for like a couple of hours after that.  Didn’t know what was happening but something new outpouring of the Holy Spirit was coming upon my life I believe for what we are seeing today.

Sid: And then you were led to go to a renewal meeting in Toronto, Canada; what happened to you there?

David:  Oh I went there actually preached at a Methodist church; my wife’s uncle is a pastor there and I don’t think they’re Spirit Filled.  So we went there to preach in this church.  And on the way I heard about this other move in Toronto and several people told me “What don’t you go check it out?”  It was early in ’94 before it was really well known.  Got up there to check it out and I said “Wow, this is different.”  And different kind of things were happening in the meeting.  And the pastor there said “If you’re a believer or if you are a missionary or if you are a pastor or evangelist or whatever ministry come up here we would like to pray for you.”  So I went up and got prayer; got slain in the Spirit again; it felt like the same thing that I felt in the upper-room which was amazing.  But if didn’t do anything else didn’t laugh or cry or shake or whatever people do and I just felt a peace; so I thought “Well that was good been there done that.” Left, when to the Methodist Church to preach and all of a sudden the power of God exploded into that church, not only were there miracles, signs and wonders. People were just drunk in the Spirit; everything was happening.

Sid:  Now for those that aren’t familiar with drunk in the Spirit it’s not without precedence; that’s what the first Jewish believers were accused at what is known of as Pentecost Shavuot but this was just a non-Charismatic type of environment correct.

David:  Exactly, yeah they weren’t used to anything miracles or people uncontrollable joy or healings or anything like that.

Sid: Now when this first presence of God came on you in the upper-room you started to evangelizing Jewish people.

David:  Yeah, about 13 people received the Lord on that trip; the Lord told me if I would touch Israel, the apple of God’s eye He would give me the nations.  And I thought the best way to bless Israel is not just say “You know hold your fingers up and say “Peace.”  But bring them the King of Glory, Yeshua, and that would make a difference in people’s hearts.  So we had about 3 Arabs receive the Lord and about 10 Jewish people receive the Lord on that first trip.  And it led to about 5 years of non-stop revival after that trip.

Sid: David I’m featuring your book this week called “Mysteries of the Glory.” I want to read a sentence form the introduction.  “Those who seek the new will find it; while those who are content with their anointing and walk with God will not see the next move of God.”  I agree totally with that, what’s happening when people read your book because the intent is to make them hungry for the glory, and then show them actually step by step how to enter into the glory. Give me an example of someone that has read the book or sat under your teaching on the glory and what’s happened.

David:  Okay, let’s say a minister and let’s say your listing and you have a ministry and you’re thinking God I have a ministry but I want to move in a greater realm of God’s glory.  There is a difference between on your life the way I see it and the glory directly from heaven. We all have an anointing when we receive the Lord and filled with the Holy Spirit.  For instance healing; we hands on the sick and they recover but that was just the first way that start healing the sick.  Acts Chapter 2 was one wave of glory where people went out and laid hands on the sick and cast out demons and preached the gospel and people were added to the church.  But Acts 4 it was like a greater glory began to come and it says, “Lord now stretch out Your hands to heal and now let there be signs and wonders.”  So I noticed that in the glory realm as it increases there’s more signs and wonders as opposed to healings, there’s more creative miracles as opposed to just miracles.

Sid: Now, are you seeing more results instantly happen when the glory comes then when you lay hands on the sick?

David:  Yeah, well before I would only lay hands on the sick and then God told me when My glory overshadows your anointing that’s on you when that glory from above comes in yield you’re anointing to my glory. When that would happen then God would say “Don’t lay hands on them now; Acts Chapter 4 “Let me stretch out my hand directly.”  So I wouldn’t lay hands and God would say “You just say these few words of knowledge and whatever it is and tons of people.

Sid: Whoops we’re out of time.

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