Sid:  My guest is a Jewish believer in the Messiah like myself Roberta Simpson. Roberta came to the Lord when there was a move of God’s Spirit on Jewish people, I came to the Lord at the same time, Roberta did, and many of the leaders of Messianic Jewish movement today came to the Lord at the same time.  But then it’s this move of God’s Spirit on Jewish people that just stopped.  I tell you some Jewish people came to the Lord, but not what I saw in the early ‘70s. Every week Jewish people were coming to the Lord in the Messianic congregation that we were running and I was senior man there and I was less than a year in the Lord and I hadn’t even read the whole Bible.  But Roberta you received a word from God about Jewish people, tell me about that dream.

Roberta:  Well, God spoke to me and said “My perfect will for you is to minister to Jewish people.”  I didn’t want to do it, I argued, you know we’re always very good at arguing but then I had to come to the place where I said, “Yes God want ever You want me to do I’m willing to do.”  And God has given me understanding over the years and I believe though the best is yet to come, I’ve only seen a trickle of the results of that dream, but I believe more is to come.

Sid:  Well, at age 70 and now you know this but I’m going to say this for the listeners everything that you have done to date Roberta is for this moment and that dream that you had is for this moment because this is literally the set time to favor Zion.  And for those that are tuning in for the first time Roberta at age 70 was instructed by God to start writing and she immediately took that word to heart. You told me you had such joy when God told you to write.

Roberta:  Yes, absolutely and you know what Sid I could tell you what gives me the strength is the joy of the Lord.  I just have so much joy in the Lord that just bubbles up in me every day and gives me such energy and everything I need.  I mean you know I wouldn’t have thought that at 70 I’m now 71 that I’d have such energy and such joy in my life.  But just walking with God and obeying Him just brings such great joy.

Sid:  Roberta, I’m looking at the cover of your book right now “Nana’s Bible Stories” and it has the bonus CD included in which Sheila Walsh narrates the stories but I like idea of the parents and the grandparents reading it to their children and grandchildren.  And the beautiful art work, but I’m looking at the cover right now and I see some sheep and a beautiful green hills and I see Jesus and I see Him hugging a little boy.  Is that was that your grandson when he was little?

Roberta:  Well, actually this was one of the characters in this story and he was blind, and Jesus came to this village and actually the little girl that introduces him to Jesus, that was one of my granddaughters.  And I can’t remember what the boy’s name is now but I just wanted this story to show the love also and the compassion of Jesus.  And this little boy was saying “I wonder if He’ll heal me, I wonder if He’ll heal me?”  And of course He does and the fact that I love this picture and I did tell the illustrator this is what I wanted, Jesus kneeling down on the grass and just opening His arms to this little boy because that’s who Jesus is He opens His arms wide to all of us.

Sid:  I literally can see children all over the world having their parents or grandparents reading these stories to them and developing that childlike love for Jesus just like that little boy on this cover.

Roberta:  Yes.

Sid:  Tell me what is the name of that story that illustration is from?

Roberta:  A child sees Jesus.

Sid:  Let’s hear and except from that right now.

Sheila Walsh reading excerpt:  Levi was standing nearby with his mother, he couldn’t see but listened very closely to everything that was going on around him.  Suddenly Levi sensed that Jesus was standing right by him. Would Jesus heal him?  Faith grew in his young heart, “Yes, He will, I know He will.  “Levi” called Jesus.  The boy was startled, You know my name?  Jesus took him by the hand and said, “Levi, I know all about you, I knew you before you were born, I know what has happened in your life and I even know what will happen in your future. Today Levi you will receive a miracle, you will be able to see again.”  With that Jesus gently touched his eyes, “I can see, I can see!” Levi suddenly shouted, “How beautiful the world is, I can see the sky, the birds and the trees.”  He ran back to his mother and gazed at her face, “Mother I can see you.”  He turned and ran to Jesus and looked right into His warm loving eyes, he knew he was looking into the eyes of God.  “Thank you, oh thank you Jesus, he exclaimed with tears running down his cheeks.”  Wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve Levi smiled at Jesus one more time then ran off with his friends matching their faces with the voices he knew so well.  Word of the miracle got around quickly and everyone came to meet the blind child who could now see.

Sid:  Roberta when you got that prophetic word from God that you were to go to the Jewish people and then you went to a lecture on the Jewish people what did you learn at that lecture?

Roberta:  Well, it was amazing because I thought it was going to be something to do with Israel and instead this gentleman and I think his name was David Parson taught on what had been done to the Jewish people by Christians.   And why the thought of the cross or anything to do with the cross is so difficult for them to understand or want to understand.  And included in the talk was things to do with the Council of Nicea and Constantine.  And changing things you know the Jewish people would be ones that called the shots and then the Gentiles began to come in and they changed so many things forbid the Jews to celebrate Shabbat or the feasts.  And it made me very angry at first but it gave me such an understanding of things that I didn’t know anything about.

Sid:  You know what I believe, I’ve spent over thirty years going to Jewish people and there’s one thing that I have learned with all the stuff and that’s what I call it, all the stuff that the devil has put in the path of Jewish people to stop us from even considering believing in Jesus.  We bought the lie you can’t be Jewish and believe in Jesus.  There’s only one thing that really really transcends this and that is what we are designed to see and do. The Jew requires a supernatural sign and that’s why I have my television show “It’s Supernatural.”  And I believe I’m going to reach more Jewish people through this television show and whether I’m Jewish or not it comes out naturally it’s not you have to be Jewish and believe in Jesus.  No the God that just demonstrated this miracle is the God that you can know and that’s the attraction to Jewish people.  And Roberta that’s why you’ve been so attracted to things of the supernatural your whole life, but I believe “Nana’s Bible Stories that we’ve been making available is a supernatural tool because the love of God is communicated to your children and your grandchildren.  If there’s one last thought about “Nana’s Bible Stories” what would that be Roberta?

Roberta:  Well, I believe the stories are from God, they are stories that are full of hope, love, compassion and joy and I just want children to start believing the Bible for what it is, it’s the most exciting book ever!

Sid:  Let’s have Steve Hill say something about the book.  Steve, I believe that if people will sow this book into their children’s lives and their grandchildren’s lives that seed will never leave that child no matter how much the world comes against them.

Steve Hill:   Sid, this is seed for fertile soil, you think about how many kids do you buy gifts for, how many people do you know that really could use something like this, maybe even an unsaved neighbor that has children, what an opportunity to give them a gift that they will read.

Sid:    Now, what did you do with this book?

Steve Hill:  My wife and I we purchased twenty copies of this and we’re giving them as baby gifts, we’re giving them as Christmas gifts, we’re already giving them as gifts and we’re already seeing the response.  One lady wrote back and she said, “I gave one to a friend, the friend wanted to know how can I get three more.  Sow this seed, buy these books and then sow the book into lives that could really use them.

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