ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home1/bduvall4/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Tommy Welchel

Sid:  My guest Tommy Welchel was a young man and through a circumstance that God Himself ordained Tommy met some of the believer that were instrumental in the Azusa Street Revival. They would tell him their stories, and the most amazing thing is as he started repeating their stories. The same Spirit that was at Azusa Street started coming in the atmosphere and people started getting healed.  For instance Tommy we were discussing before we started this broadcast a woman that was involved in the Azusa Street Revival called “Mother Mangrim” tell me about her.

Tommy:  Mother Mangrim was a very prim well-dressed woman, very proper, very extremely well spoken, but she still spoiled me rotten and treated me like her own.  She told me this one woman that had come into the meeting she said she looked like you see pictures of like a witch, her nose was hooked bad, very homely nose and Mother Mangrim thought well, surely there’s some doctor that could help her fix her nose.  But God spoke to her in kind of a voice, small voice within her said, “I’m a better doctor than any doctor on earth.”  So after she got that little message from God she looked at the lady she knew she knew she needed to pray for her.  So she went to the woman and prayed, but the results were not immediate, later on in the service Mother Mangrim noticed that the hook was gone went up to her and told her about it.  The woman said, somewhat happy but told Mother Mangrim I know that the hook is gone but I would like this little point at the end of my nose to go away.  And she said, “It was, it’s kind of pointed.”  So Mother Mangrim understood her concerning it and she prayed for it again and before the lady left the meeting, hours later, she had a perfect nose. Brother it’s like a doctor had done plastic surgery on the end of the nose and has made that nose.  She told me, she said, “Brother Tommy that was the most beautifully shaped nose I’ve ever saw.”

Sid:  Well, Todd Bentley at the Lakeland Revival was having an amazing phenomena occur people with scars are having the scars disappear, but I kind a like the plastic surgery you’re telling me about on noses. Although it just depends on what someone needs, but were there many people that had this type of plastic surgery done?

Tommy:  There were a few, not that was not that awful many but that was the one Mother Mangrim like the most.  There are some that had some old either you know sores or wounds that had healed up that would have a deep scar that would be indented in their bodies.  Now Brother Langford had a big thing with these harelips they had these pallet’s in their lips he had hundred’s, Sister Mangrim told me that she had hundreds of these lips that would be like a doctor performed surgery on them and the lips would be made whole.  And some of them would be so bad that some of their teeth would have been missing in that.  Not only the lip would grow back together the teeth would come back in part of the gums would be gone and the gum would come back in, and it was perfect.

Sid:  Tell  me about Goldie and tumors.

Tommy:  Sister Goldie, see she’s the one that won me to the Lord and then she took me on a bus to Pisgah where all these people were.

Sid:  Who started Pisgah by the way?

Tommy:  Pisgah is in Highland Park which is surrounded by Pasadena and Glendale it’s right next to South Pasadena by the Royal Seeka River and it was just a little church founded by doctor Yokum in 1895.

Sid:  Well, tell me about Doctor Yokum.

Tommy:  Well, Yokum was a man that got healed miraculously in 1895.

Sid:  He was a medical doctor, right.

Tommy:  He was a brain surgeon, and he got instantly healed then he went to Highland Park and bought this property and built these few buildings and started this work. Mainly working with the down and outers and in praying for people to be healed.  He had the gift of healing before in 1904 before they received the Baptism because Brother Langford had come back from Topeka and summer vacation and introduced this thing to Doctor Yokum, and he received it and so did the congregation there in Pisgah and that’s where Carnie received the Baptism in 1904.

Sid:  Okay, now let’s go back to Goldie and tumors.

Tommy:  Okay, these have you ever seen a lot of growths grown out on peoples face or body?

Sid:  Sure.

Tommy:  Little pellets, she would bring towels with her to the meetings to wipe these off of people’s faces so they wouldn’t be all over the floor, but of course the floor was dirty you couldn’t tell much anyhow.  But she’d see these people with these growths on them and she’d go to them and she’d would demand to be allowed to pray for them, and she would just wipe these things off of their faces, off their arms and whatever it was on.

Sid:  Hey, you know I had something interesting happen to me when I was at the Todd Bentley meeting, I had a wouldn’t call it a growth, but it was but a small one, it was like a real oversized pimple and it wasn’t ready to shrink up or die or come off and it looked kind of bad.  And I just wiped my forehead and it just slipped off and I couldn’t believe it, it was just like I had put a knife to it, but I didn’t. There wasn’t any blood and the skin was normal so I can imagine what would happen with these larger growths that people had.

Tommy:  Well, she had some pretty good size ones and she had some little ones but she came prepared and with expectation that when she brought those towels to fill them up with those little growths.

Sid:  Tell me about the person God used to start Azusa Street; William Seymour.

Tommy:  I was fascinated by Seymour. You know when he first came to LA he as at a house and they locked the doors on him, then a man than lived at Bonny Brae  Street said, I’ve got a house on Bonny Brae you can use it.  Of course he started getting in trouble over there because it was filling up the streets and the people’s yards.  He wanted it so God told him to…

Sid:  So all you need is the legitimate thing, and people will come to you don’t have to advertise it.

Tommy:  No, they never advertised didn’t have to but they had such a revival that thing was full 24 hours a day and they had different, Seymour had three meetings a day, but the meeting would just go on 24 hours a day.  And other people would speak there too and I’ve got pictures of people like John G. Lake with Seymour, and F.F. Bosworth.  Many of these people were right there with him in the leadership and it was astonishing for me to sit. I would tell them, “Tell me what about Seymour especially I was interested in that box on his head and Brother Sign said he sat behind him sometimes and he’d lean under and look.  And I said, “Did you ever touch the box?  He said, “Oh no, no, no, no I never especially the one on Seymour’s head everybody left him alone.”  When Brother Seymour was sitting there with that box on his head they left him alone, and I said “Why were you peaking under the box?”  He said, “Well, I wanted to see if he was doing anything, you could see his mouth moving, but you couldn’t hear him.”

Sid:  So he was probably praying in tongues.

Tommy:  Well, I’m sure.

Sid:  Or, I’ll tell you something that happens to me, sometimes my lips will just start trembling, and I don’t even know what that means.

Tommy:  Well, yeah, a trembling lips and a slumbering tongues when I’m talking to this people. It’s anointing coming on, and God’s wanting the Holy Spirit… when you’re praying in the Spirit that’s God praying; or your spirit praying to God.  But Seymour he was an extremely humble man and extremely obedient man, he really was.

Sid:  Now you have an acronym they use to use called HOPE which really summaries what happened at Azusa Street and how you can have your own Azusa Street would you explain what H-O-P-E stands for and what it means?

Tommy:  Well HOPE is a message to the people that what you’re reading about Azusa is not because of special people they were special people alright, but HOPE is that you’re looking forward and you can have this same outpouring and these same gifts that all these people.   You see all these people were teenagers.

Sid:  It was a young people’s revival.

Tommy:  Yes, they were teenagers.

Sid:  Huh.

Tommy:  And God was using them tremendously just an outpouring of God’s Spirit and we have that HOPE today of this message that listen you can do the same thing, you can have the same gifts you can have the same anointing s; God’s not a respecter of person.  And that Azusa code is just simply with some scriptures that is kind on verifying what happened at Azusa and some scriptures of the Old and the New Testament.

Sid:  But no what I meant was the word HOPE as you state in your book as an acronym and it stand for H is for humility, O is for obedience, P is for prayer, and E is for expectation, that’s quite a formula to follow.

Tommy:  It is, it’s exactly right on.  Now I didn’t write that, Dr. Morris wrote it.

Sid:  Okay, but I’ll tell you what one of the things I see was how important humility was in the Azusa Street Revival.

Tommy:  Absolutely, Seymour would have got nothing done without him being that humble. They said at Azusa they had perfect love.  You couldn’t walk in there; Frank Bartleman, Johnny Bartleman told me about it, the son of Frank Bartleman, said that of course he’s got it in his book.  He said that he could be upset with his mother which would be Frank Bartleman’s wife he’d go down to the meeting he say he’d go in there and he’d stager back out and he’d have to come back out and he’d go home and ask his wife to forgive him.

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