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Sid:  The Jewish person that has crossed your path is not an accident. God wants you to demonstrate the kingdom to them and love them to Jesus.  This is the set time to favor Zion.  My guest Dr. Jim Richards is going to show you a missing area you’ve been struggling with so many promises of God that you’ve been asking for.  So many prophetic words you had, physical problems, financial problems, emotional problems, family problems, problem problems and you’re wondering why, what God am I Swiss cheese, why is it not working for me?  Well, Dr. Jim Richards has spent forty, over forty years walking and living in the miraculous.  He also happens to have three doctorates, he studied alternative health, and alternative medicine for over thirty-five years and the word of God and science is finally catching up with understanding the words of God.  I believe this is a missing link that is going to allow you to believe God with all of your heart.  Dr. Jim Richards, you started out telling me about the change that occurred in you as an example of using some of the tools that you’ve developed.

Jim:  That’s right and you know when we were talking about this in the context of the fact that when we believe the truth about Jesus in our heart it literally reprograms our cells and to me that is just phenomenal to realize I’ve become a new person and I don’t just become a new person spiritually, but my body begins to change, everything about me begins to change as a result in coming into Jesus.  I was sharing about the fact that I was born with a congenital kidney disease and had several life threatening illnesses. By the time I was twenty-one I had a skin disease, my hair was falling out, my skull had been fractured, my nose had been broken, I had teeth kicked out, I had been stabbed, my collar bone had been broke, some ribs were broken, had my wrist broken, had some toes broken, had some bones in my feet broken. I was a total physical wreck. My kidneys were on the verge of collapsing from substance abuse.  The amazing thing is when I gave my life to Jesus; when I came into this thing, I came into this thing really wanting to be delivered from me, and as much as I knew how holding nothing back.  And you know also I had seizures, which was, the seizure were affecting me also more than anything.  You know when I gave my life to Jesus the truth is most of that went away.  And I didn’t have somebody pray for me to get delivered, I didn’t have somebody pray for me to get healed, the fact that I believed in my heart that I was becoming a new man.  You know I never had another seizure after that.  It was just over a period of time, the skin disease corrected itself; so many things changed in my life as a result of what changed in my heart.  And sometimes people ask me also, “Well that didn’t happen for me,”  I’m not trying to be critical at all, but in sometimes in talking to those people I discover that when they came to Jesus they didn’t really come surrendering their life completely.

Sid: They didn’t even know what they were doing.

Jim:  Yeah.

Sid:  And I understand because when I came to Jesus I knew the reality of the devil, and He rescued me and I was not going to let loose of Him ever again.

Jim:  Exactly.  You know I had this lifetime of sickness, I had this lifetime of pain and misery and emotional suffering. So I was coming giving every part of my being.  And I really didn’t care if I gave my life to Jesus and then I died right there and then.  Which really is what happened, I just didn’t understand it.  But I’ve seen this, you know I’ve seen people I get these letters a lot, you know I tell people this I say, “You know when I do a meeting I’m not too impressed if I get a letter a week after I do a meeting and somebody says, ‘Man, my whole life changed while you were here.’” I don’t mean to be cruel, but I kind of think, “Well, you must not have had much of a life or many problem if it all got changed that quick.”  But where I really get impressed is when I get a letter a year later, or two years later, or five years later like I am so many thousands of times.  But I’m thinking about a particular meeting that I was doing there was a lady there that had multiple personality disorder.  It’s not just that the cells of our body get changed and our feelings and our emotions, and I mean our sicknesses go away.  But even feelings, deep rooted feeling can go away.  And she talked about how angry she became when I told the story about someone with a multiple personality disorder getting set free and how easy it was.  And she talked about how angry she became because she had a degree in psychology, and you know she had studied this, she was a believer, but when she surrendered herself to the finished work of Jesus she said, “I went through a transformation” and she said “Now, I’m back at work, now I have my kids, the custody of my kids again, now I’m walking with God” and she said, “After these years I waited to write you because I wanted to know if this was really going to work.”  And so whether it’s emotional, whether it’s physical, we see people experience changes that are phenomenal that it’s just beyond what you can almost grasp.

Sid:  As I’ve said several times, and I have listened to your entire eight CD set called, “Change Your Heart, Change Your World.”  Science is finally catching up with the words of Jesus, for instance as you explain from your medical background that every organ, every part of your body has a frequency if you will.

Jim:  That’s right.

Sid:  And if the frequency is not in the harmony that God created it to be in then you are going to have disorder.  Speak to that a little.

Jim:  Yes, you know God created everything by spoken words, and every spoken word has a frequency and in fact we know that every emotion has a frequency, everything has a frequency.  And so when we have an experience in our life where we experience a trespass, an offense, anything that causes us pain or emotion, we have two choices that we can do when we experience an offense.  We can send it away which is literally what is what the word forgive means.  We can send away that offense of we can hold on to that offense and those are the only two choices.  If we do not send away an offense, in other words when these strong destructive feelings come, whether anger, whether shame or whatever they are if we do not send them away, which is to forgive really then we hold on to them and because we hold on to them ultimately they take up a residence somewhere in our body much like a virus or bacteria would.  And whatever part of our body they abide in is actually what’s called cellular memory, it makes an imprint along the cells of our body; then the frequency of that pain or that shame or that negative thought or whatever it is, that frequency literally, it’s like having a violin playing with an orchestra that’s out of tune.  It just makes it sound off a little bit.

Sid:  You know you said something else in your teaching that amazed me, that if someone when went into a room that was 100% silence they could hear the frequency in their body.

Jim:  That’s right.

Sid:  And even in their blood, that even astounded me, it was different explain that.

Jim:  Well, our bodies actually vibrate at a frequency; the problem is that there is so much around us, so much noise you know that we can’t hear it.  Tests have been done where people were put into completely soundproof chambers, and when they would sit there and just kind of settle down and begin to pay attention they would realize that start hearing a hum if you will.  And that’s literally what it is. That hum is the frequency of their own body and their own blood that they can hear in total silence, but it can’t be heard when you’re distracted by all these sounds.  Every organ of our body has a unique frequency and literally we have a unique frequency.

Sid:  Now when you hear someone struggling with a particular area you know the part of their body that is out of kilter because they’ve taken trauma, offenses, bad words, you name it.  Explain that.

Jim:  You know, it’s really interesting the Bible talks about in one place it says, “Trauma reigns oh Lord.”  Well it turns out the Hebrew Word for reigns is kidneys.  And I started seeing that there were correlations between words the way we translate it in the King James Bible were not accurate.  And I started seeing that there were emotions connected to specific organs of the body, and as I did medical research I found out that there was research out there that affirmed this.  So I started realizing that when somebody came in, for example for counseling, they had extreme anger problems I knew that they always had a liver disorder. I never had one time that it didn’t turn out that way.  If a person came and they were experiencing deep grief, deep sorrow that they just could not escape from, that they were going to have a respiratory problem.  From a Biblical perspective as well as a scientific perspective, which let me say I always interpret science by the Bible, I don’t interpret Bible by science.  Anything I learn in science or medicine I go back to the Bible and say “I’ve got to understand this from the Biblical perspective.”  And so I started realizing that these experiences that we have in life literally they take up the abode in us.  As a matter of fact the book of Jeremiah 17:9 it says this in the King James Version.  It says “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.”  Well the word deceitful is literally the word, footprints, and it’s saying basically that our heart has footprints, and it is very chaotic.  Well these footprints, we now understand are the frequencies or the cellular memories that are recorded in the cells of our body.

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