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Sid:  My guests are red hot for the Messiah, Jordan and Michelle Cooke.  Jordan is an eight year old. At age two Michelle noticed that her daughter had supernatural gifting for painting.  But she doesn’t just paint; there are prophecies in her painting.  You were telling me before we went on the air what God is doing through her paintings Michelle.

Michelle:  Yeah, Jordan’s paintings have a quality about them that you can just see the fingerprint of God on them.  She paints landscapes and even though some of the landscapes don’t seem to have any Christian meaning into them people still are finding them Lord through them and their seeing anointing.  None Christians say “What am I feeling, I have goose bumps, I don’t know what this is, oh my gosh.” And they sense it but they don’t understand it and it’s just a perfect witnessing tool like at her gallery we can just sit down and say “Well you know, this is what it feels like when God’s talking to you” and they’ll get quiet and then they’ll just break down and cry, lot’s of them do this.

Sid:  Now when she was, when you were just pregnant with her, you began to speak to her, and to worship, and surround her with worship music explain.

Michelle:  Well, I figured you hear all these studies about children who were exposed to classical music in the womb and how it helps there development and all of that and I thought you know what, God’s Word doesn’t come back void and if she’s forming right now I want her formed hearing God’s Word all the time.  So I’d wake up in the morning and I just lay my hand on my stomach and I’d pray for the baby, and I’d put music on all the time, just tons of worship music, I didn’t want her hearing anything else so that’s what I did.

Sid:  And you started to say this that you have a gallery in your mother’s vacuum shop, and people come in. Tell me about these construction workers that came in.

Michelle:  Oh, it’s so much fun because they don’t really come in for the gallery so you catch people unaware all the time.  They come in and they are waiting for their vacuum or whatever and they look around they wander over the gallery and as soon as they start looking things happen, it’s just wonderful.  There were two construction workers that came into my mom’s store, and one of the men was purchasing some vacuum parts and he asked who the artist was?  Now when he found out that she was a Christian he said, “No wonder, I can feel the Lord in this place,” he said, “Will you please pray for me because my wife left me three months ago, and she took my daughter with her and I haven’t heard from them, I don’t know where they are and I mean this is just tearing me up, I just know that if you pray for me something will happen.”  Now Jordan and I aren’t there all the time, but this time we were and Jordan grabbed his hand with my mom and they sat down and they prayed and Jordan just said, “Please bring his little girl back to him and please make it soon God.”  You know real simple little prayer, and the very next day the man returned to the store and he said, “My wife and daughter called me, they were in Phoenix, Arizona, and there in communication with me and I man thrilled.”  He brought back all kinds of construction workers to the gallery for the next few weeks to give a testimony.  I mean here’s these guys you know covered in dirt and concrete from head to toe, these big burly guys looking at pictures of Jordan, not even knowing what they are feeling.  It was just, it was awesome Sid.

Sid:  Tell me another experience that happened at the gallery perhaps tell me about Victoria.

Michelle:  Victoria was a lady thirty-nine years old who came in and she was of course waiting for her grandma’s vacuum to be repaired, and looking in the gallery.  And she was looking at a painting that really isn’t anything to me, it’s just a picture of a leaf, but she was focusing in on it and just starring and then she started to cry and as she cried and continued to cry my mom walked up to her and said, “Do you need prayer?”  And she said, “Yeah, you know that leaf is me,” and she said “I use to know God and I really fell from His grace, I fell away from Him and I just know that I’m feeling anointing on this picture.”  And she said, “God is ministering to me right now,” and she said, “He’s telling me I’m a single leaf just dangling by a stem you know hanging from life by a thread.”  And she said “You know what God’s restoring me.”  And she just gave my mom this big hug and she bought this painting and she walked out of there and came back several days later and said, “Her whole walk with God has been revolutionized.”   I mean we can’t take credit for that, Jordan can’t take credit for that, I mean God’s just using them as a point of contact.

Sid:  And you know I’m reminded of that when Jordan was just an infant you would go in to check on her, but you would back off tell me why.

Michelle:  Oh, man I know exactly what you’re talking about there was a picture that Jordan did called Jordan’s cross.  I walked into the room and we had this little CD player next to Jordan’s desk. She used to painstakingly go through the stack until she found the right music and she would put it on and she would pray and then she would start to color with crayons.  And on this particular occasion I walked in to tell her lunch was ready and the minute I stepped in the door way it was like walking in when a whole congregation was in payer you just quiet, I felt like I was invading, the presence of God was all over that room.  I almost turned and left, but I was so curious I wanted to see what was going on.  So I just joined her in worship and we sat there together you know just it wasn’t even like I was saying anything it was just awesome.  I looked down and what she’d been working on and she had drawn this picture of a figure carrying a cross with a tomb behind it.  And I said after the moment had passed, I said “Jordan how come you made Jesus have blond curly hair?”  And she said, “That’s not Jesus, that’s me and I said, “Why are you carrying the cross and she said, “He carried one for me so I’m going to do it for him.”

Sid:  How old was she at the time?

Michelle:   Four.

Sid:  And now, this concept had you ever taught her on this?

Michelle:  No, that’s the thing about Jordan, is that you can sit and tell them Bible stories and concepts all day long, but it’s like God uses her to humble me.  She was in worship and she just had this idea that if he did it for her, she wanted to do it for Him.

Sid:  Well, speaking of worship, I’ve got in front of me this beautiful 8 x 10 print that is including the backing 8 x 10 that it’s called “Worship.” The story behind this is Jordan saw you being healed and painted this painting.  But you shared something earlier this week and it’s so important I want you to share it again about worship because when I look at this painting I want to worship the Lord. There is an anointing that’s pouring out of this painting that is prophetically makes me want to worship the Lord.  Tell me how important worship in reverence to healing.

Michelle:  The reason worship is important is because there is nothing more intimate that you can do with the Father, you open your heart and you’re taking Him in and you’re also pouring out at the same time, you’re giving of yourself to the Lord, all your adoration and everything that He’s put in you, you’re giving back to Him.  And God responds always, and a lot of people are healed during worship for that very reason, they’re open to receive their focus is on Him where it should be. Particularly when you are worshipping Him for something you are waiting for a promise.  He does give it to you because that is the most pure form of faith, if you can worship God and say “God I completely adore you for this, I thank you for this” I mean, what’s a Father going to do?  He loves us, He waiting for that moment, I think sometimes He holds back because He’s waiting for us to desire Him and to pursue Him because it’s all about relationship.

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