ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home1/bduvall4/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Michelle & Jordan Cooke

Sid:  I’m speaking to Jordan and Michelle Cooke. Jordan you might have seen her on Oprah or some popular television shows has a supernatural gift from God that her Mom was aware of at two.  Michelle give me an idea about Jordan’s gifting.

Michelle:  Well, Jordan has this unusual talent for expressing something that’s conceptual, things that aren’t just landscape paintings perhaps, but something that expresses an idea.  Most of them are from God. She says God paints with her and I believer her.

Sid:  And she uses pretty unconventional methods to do her painting like a toothbrush.

Michelle:  She uses a toothbrush when she first started painting her first painting was her hand, her own fingers you know, finger painting.  She uses toothpicks and sometimes plants, she’ll go out and find just the right…like a pine needle or a leaf or something. She also uses brushes of course.

Sid:  I wonder if you could put Jordan on the telephone I want to talk to her about her hand print.

Michelle:  Okay, here she is.

Jordan:  Hello.

Sid:  Hi Jordan I want to talk to you when you were two years old, that’s a long time ago, you’re what eight now?

Jordan:  Um, I’m almost nine; I’ll be nine on September 29.

Sid:  Okay, well I’m sorry. You’re almost nine so I won’t embarrass you by saying your eight.  But going back to when you were two years of age you made a painting that was called, “The Hand Print,” and tell me about that painting.

Jordan:  Well, the hand print is my very first painting, I painted myself, hee-hee I painted my hand and then put it on the paper.

Sid:  And you kept repeating according to your Mom “God is all the colors,” do you remember that?

Jordan:  Yeah, I use to say that God was all the colors because He is.

Sid:  And you said to your Mom, “God loves us.”

Jordan:  He loves everyone.

Sid:  Ha-ha-ha.

Jordan:  He’s made everyone, why shouldn’t He!

Sid:  Now I understand when you paint usually God tells you what to do and how to do it.

Jordan:  Well, He paints with me, He’s an artist too.  It was my very first canvas, it was my first canvas.

Sid:  I wonder if you would put your mom back on, I just wanted everyone to get to know you a little bit before we get any further.

Jordan:  Alright.  I also made a little heart blood spot.

Sid:  I see that, I’m looking at it, there’s a little heart in your hand, what was that heart for?

Jordan:  Well, it’s a blood spot.

Sid:  But according to your mom, you had never been taught about the crucifixion.

Jordan:  I hadn’t yet, but I can’t remember that too good because I was only two years old.

Sid:  But you feel that God told you to put that little blood spot on the hand.

Jordan:  Ah, yeah I do.

Sid:  Okay, if you put your mom back on.

Jordan:  Alright here she is.

Michelle:  Hi Sid.

 Sid:  Well, I can understand why the devil tried to knock both of you out when Jordan was born, tell me about that.

Michelle:  Well, I had a perfect pregnancy, I mean not even a day of morning sickness and there was no indication that there would be any problem. When I went into labor same thing everything looked fine until it was an extremely long labor, forty-nine hours.  And apparently her elbow was caught inside my pelvis and there was a little bit of concern that by giving a C-section it would do something to her arm.  So they tried to have me give birth naturally. They had her hooked up to some kind of a fetal monitor to see what her heart was doing and quite a ways into the labor it flat lined and her heart stopped.  And then I started going into distress probably because of the length, you know the duration of the birth.  So they rushed us in to another room and I had this wonderful Jewish doctor, and a Spirit filled Christian OBGYN, and both were praying in their own way and they miraculously delivered her, I found out later that this doctor was the only one in Washington state that could do like that.

Sid:  And then of course when Jordan was five she painted my favorite painting, the title is “Worship.”  And it’s a painting of you worshipping God. I guess I literally sense the worship coming off of this painting and of course my favorite color, it’s a blue background.  And tell me the circumstances of that painting.

 Michelle:  Well, it’s kind of an emotional story, so excuse me if I get emotional.  At that time, when Jordan painted that I had already been sick for quite a few years, and Jordan was believing that God would heal me and when she painted this picture of me worshipping she said, “You know Mom you’re better now.”  And when I looked at that painting it scared the heck out of me because I thought oh no that’s me in heaven I’ve died.  I’m not in pain any more, you know, it didn’t dawn on me you know that it was my healing here now because she’s got me in this white gown and you know it looks so out of this world the picture.  And I remember just shoving that thing away not wanting to look at it, but then she painted a picture right the same time frame you know maybe a week later of an angel.  And it’s called “Angel of the Lord,” they are almost identical. That was from very real circumstance that happened in our lives here on earth.  And it was God telling me, no this your healings coming.

Sid:  But you had to wait almost three years.

Michelle: I did, it was like three and a half years.

Sid:  So, did you give up on that painting and the prophetic word that God gave you through your daughter?

Michelle:  I didn’t give up on it, I just at some point I realized that whatever I did wasn’t going to bring that healing, it wasn’t going to be like earning it.  You know I think for me I kept feeling like if I only had enough faith somehow it would appear to me. It would come and it was my lack of faith or perhaps I didn’t make the right confessions, I complained that I didn’t feel good, you know we go through all these theologies trying to find a way to extract the healing from God as if He’s stingy.  And it wasn’t until I finally just said, “Okay Lord, it’s in your hands, it’s your timing”, it just released so suddenly I just couldn’t believe it.

Sid:  Now it was actually I believe it was on Jordan’s Birthday that she had an encounter tell me about that.

Michelle:  It was Jordan’s encounter on her Birthday I was in the bathroom washing up for bed and Jordan was reading a little book and waiting for me to come and tuck her in.  And all of a sudden she just started jumping up and down, you’re healed, your healed, your healed I just saw Jesus and I mean it was so hard to take it all in.  I kind of rushed in there and I asked her all the details and she quietly told me what had happened and I didn’t feel any different you know nothing came over me.  I though “Why didn’t He appear to me, I’m the one that wants the healing you know.”  But he appeared to Jordan and He was leaning over according to what she’s telling me writing on a nightstand and He said, “Ask.”  And she said, “You know Mom I think He wanted to know what I wanted for my Birthday, I knew He’d give me whatever it is that I asked for.“ So I said, “Heal my Mom.” And He said, “Done,” and disappeared.  Now when she told me He was leaning over writing on that nightstand my heart just started pounding a million miles an hour because that is exactly where I write whenever the Lord says something to me and I want to remember it, I lean over right at that spot with my little notebook and I write.  And so I knew that the Lord was personalizing the encounter even then.

Sid:  Now, I understand the illness you had could have been fatal.

Michelle:  Yes.

Sid:  What did it come from?

Michelle:  Well, when I was a little girl, a baby about two months of age I received a vaccination, just your standard baby vaccine, but this particular one was tainted.  And I remember my mom telling me how I went into great distress, I couldn’t breathe, they had me in air tents, they gave me gamma globulin injections to boost my immune system to fight this thing off, tested me for Cystic Fibrosis, all kinds of problems, very sickly for a long time after that.  And not really knowing the cause, and as I grew up after I had Jordan I believe you know just being a fatigued new mother and having a lot of other health concerns that arose this had a chance to really take hold of my body.  And from my understanding now, the doctor said that “you know less than 2% of the people who ever received this vaccine lived,” that I already was a walking miracle and of the 2% of the people that did live they were mentally incapacitated.

Sid:  Jesus told Jordan, “Done,” meaning you were healed, when did you manifest the healing?

Michelle:  Well, it was less than a week; I had been going in for treatments every six weeks and I was due for one.  And as I prepared to go to the doctor Jordan said, “Your wasting your money, you’re wasting your time.”

Sid:  I’ll tell you what, hold that thought…

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