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Sid:  Why don’t you say that, that’s me I’m red hot for the Messiah.  And you say “Well Sid, I’m not red hot for the Messiah, I want to be.”  Well, faith calls those things that are not as if they are and I’m going to tell you something say this with me, “I am red hot for the Messiah,” out loud come on now, no cheating.  “I am red hot for the Messiah.”  My guest is another crazy man for Yeshua, a Jewish Believer in the Messiah.  His name is Steve Solomon, but I’m saying crazy in a normal way. It’s so good to have normal Jewish people on my program.  Normal is not a Jewish person that believes in Jesus.  Normal is a Jewish person that believes in Jesus and does the stuff that the New Testament says is normal; that’s my definition of normal.  Steve, what is this business, I mean I get a hold of a CD because someone from a church sends it to me and they’re saying there’s all sorts of visitations, Jacobs ladder and walking up to heaven and getting revelation and people being literally frozen to the ground.  And I mean the tears flowing and people overcome by the love of Jesus when they hear this music.  And so they sent it to me so I talked to those that schedule my guests and I said, “Check this out, call the pastor, I didn’t have any pastor’s name on this.”  I didn’t have any pastors name on this, it was called “Riverwalk DNA” I didn’t have any name on this and so I called.  And I thought huh, Steve Solomon I wonder if it’s the Steve Solomon that I know.  And we spoke on the phone and I found out that you’re a pastor.  How did you become a pastor?   I mean you have this most wonderful “Praise in the night show” that’s on radio stations in the middle of the night which is just as far as I’m concerned is probably the loneliest, neediest people in the world are listening.  But I never even saw you as a pastor, tell me the story.

Steve:  Well, we were happy doing “Praise in the Night” and traveling around the country and having meetings all over the country and different places that we were on.  And the Lord in 1999 started speaking to my heart to start pastoring a church.  And I tried all the Excedrin that I could get my hands on and the feeling wouldn’t go away, I couldn’t fight it.  And the Lord just had us start it and I’ll tell you the amazing thing about it was that I said, “Okay Lord if we’re going to do it then You got to go before me Lord.”  Because we didn’t have any money to do it, we didn’t have a building to do it, we didn’t have a sound system, you know chairs, nothing.  And to make a long story short the Lord was just faithful to do it.  And the Lord told me, “He wanted me to start a church, not a performance based church, but a presence based church.”  He said, “I want you to get My word in their faces; I want you to get My presence in their faces; I want you to get My music in their faces; put it right in their face and let them deal with it.”  And that’s what happened; just supernaturally He opened the doors for us.

Sid:  Tell me about the prophecy about the building, or prophecies.

Steve:  Yeah, well I told a couple friends about this; what the Lord was sharing with me to do.  Well this goes back to 1999.  And then in 2000 I shared it with Pastor Bob Nichols we were going to church at Calvary Cathedral in Fort Worth and that was as the Tornadoes hit downtown Fort Worth and really destroyed the building, Calvary Cathedral.  I wanted to get to our building and I need to set it up this way.  And so Pastor Bob and I decided that I would wait until 2001 you know with the Tornadoes and stuff it wouldn’t be right to start a church right then, I didn’t think that it would be the right thing to do.  And I felt a real release of the Lord to wait until 2001.  Alright, so the Lord supernaturally leads us in January of 2001, leads me to a guy, the first building we got Sid is just as supernatural because I was going to different hotels and getting prices to rent rooms.  And everything was just so expensive and it just we didn’t have anyone but my wife and myself and a couple friends; so I didn’t know who would show up if anyone would show up.  So I’m praying about it and the Lord tells me to call this guy I don’t know and I looked his phone number up and I called him.  He was in the ministry and I said, “Listen, I’m looking for a building and I don’t know where to go but the Lord told me to call you, you would know where to go.”  And he said, “I don’t know where a building is, but I have a friend who knows where a building is call him.”  So I called this other pastor up.  And as I call him up that day its January 8th the year 2001.  I said, “Danny this is Steve Solomon, this other bother gave me your number, the Lord wants me to start a church, I can’t find a building but the Lord told me to call him, he told me to call you.”  And he said, “Steve, I just moved my church into this Strip Center three months ago, we lost a lot of people; as we speak I was writing an ad to put in the Dallas Morning News to see if there would be a civic group or a church group who would like to share my building.”  And I said, “Don’t put the ad in the paper.”  So we got together the next day and the Lord opened up a Strip Center where I could rent and it was fully furnished because remember Sid, I didn’t have anything to start a church, not in the pulpit.  And so we started there in February of 2001. We started on Friday nights and went to Friday and Saturday.  And then April 15th, Easter Sunday was our first Sunday Service.  The Lord gave me a word as I’m preaching, and we were packed it only sits 300 people.  And the Lord gave me this word and I prophesied it, I said, “By the fall of the year by Tabernacles were going to have our very own building.”  Well Sid, I knew that after I said those words I thought, “Oh my God what did I just say,” because I knew that get your own building it means credit checks, it means money, it means all of these things and we’re a brand new church and by then we would have been six months of age and in the natural…

Sid:  Isn’t it great when God does a brain bypass, it comes straight out of your spirit.

Steve:  Yeah, it’s just incredible, absolutely.

Sid:  So tell me about those prophetic words you had that you were going to be given a church.

Steve:  Yes, so that’s April, well I’m driving all over town every day looking for buildings.  In August of 2001 I go to a meeting a good friend of mine, Christian Harfouche is preaching and he turns to me and Diane, my wife and he says “The Lord just told me to tell you that He’s going to give you a building turnkey, you won’t have to do anything at 40% of its value.”  Well, I said “Wow that’s awesome,” you know.  In my mind I’m thinking “Yeah right,” but in my heart, “Alright.”  About two weeks later, I remember because it was right before 9/11 2001; a good friend of mine, Pastor Sam Carr in Freeport, TX called me up and said during his morning prayer time the Lord interrupted him and told him to call and tell me “That I was going to get a call from a pastor who was going to give me his building and his people.”  And I said, “Amen, alright.” And, but my heart believed it, but my head was having a hard time with it.  Well, I was suppose to fly to Moscow on October 1st 2001 on September 10th I’m calling my travel agent to buy my ticket to fly overseas and the Lord says, “Don’t buy anything wait until tomorrow.”  Well tomorrow is 9-11 and when 9-11 happened Sid, I don’t know about you, but we just stopped all our immediate travel plans.

Sid:  I think that was rational.

Steve:  Yeah, as a matter of fact I asked my church, I said “Listen,” well before I asked the church the Lord said, “Listen, you will always have opportunities to preach, but you have a responsibility to stay here with your flock.”  And I said, “Lord I’ll do it.”  I mean it was no big deal, that decision.  Plus the ticket was $7000 it was easy to say no.  Okay, October the 2nd I leave the house, I’m supposed to be landing in Moscow on October the 2nd.  I leave the house and I tell my wife Diane, I said “Honey,” remember I have these two prophetic words but I was still out looking for a building.  And I say, “Diane I’m not coming home until I find a place for our church, a building.”  And I left the house with those words.  Ten minutes later Sid, I get a phone call from a pastor who I haven’t spoke to in about seven years.  And he says “Steve,” the first words out of his mouth, “Steve,” I said, “Yeah.” “This is Bill Fletcher.”  I said, “Hi Bill.”  He said, “Are you in town today?”  And I said, “Funny you should ask, I’m in town.”  He said, “Are you close by?”  I said, “I’m about five minutes from your church.”  He said, “Well, come by I want to talk to you.”  I said, “Okay.”  When I hung up I called Diane and we both knew that there was something to this.  I walk in his office and he says, “I hear your looking for a building for your church.”  I said, “I am.”  He said, “Would you like this building.”  I said, “I’d love it, why, what’s happening?”  He said, “My wife and I are going to go on the road traveling, we’ve been praying for months about who to turn this church over to and your name came to us from a friend of ours.”

Sid Roth:  How much did he charge you?”

Steve:  Well, the Lord told us to give him I think it was like; $250,000 for another ministry building that he had to bless him.  And He was going to give us this building so he really wasn’t going to charge me anything, but the Lord told us to commit to him to sow a quarter of a million dollars into his ministry.

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