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SID: Now we found that these feast days that are called God’s feasts are virtually ignored by the church, but they’re not ignored by the devil. He picks feast days to attack Israel. Explain, Perry Stone.

PERRY: If you go into the New Testament and, you know, this is some research that we did, I found it very intriguing that, for example, when Satan would come after Jesus he would usually come after him with a large crowd of people who didn’t like him, on Passover in Jerusalem. In the Book of Acts, for example, during Passover, who was beheaded? James was beheaded. Peter was going to be beheaded after Passover. So then you had one apostle being killed before Passover, another being attempted to being killed right after Passover. And I started realizing, when you look at the New Testament at the Book of Acts, there’s probably six to eight examples, you can show where the worst attack to come against Christ or against the apostles happened during the time of the feasts. Now I believe there’s several reasons for that. Number one, Jerusalem was the site of redemption. And I’m going to give you a nugget here that’s very powerful that the Lord gave me, and I wrote it down on a piece of paper because I saw it yesterday. The reason Satan wants Jerusalem is he wants to own the site of redemption. He wants to own the land where redemption took place and lay hold of it, and claim it for himself. And he’s not going to be able to do that. He’s going to make an attempt to. And if you would discover, if you would look at these times when he would attack Christ during feast days, it was usually around Jerusalem or it was a time of feasts because, number one, it would be the site of redemption and was the site of redemption in the Book of Acts. Number two, the largest crowds of people were there, which meant that if the Pharisees wanted to start a rumor on Christ, they had more people that could spread the rumor than they had any other time during a feast day. So when you look at this, you come to the conclusion after you study these examples in detail, which I have, that the enemy understands the feast days. Why did Israel get attacked during Yom Kippur years ago? The Yom Kippur War, when the Syrians came into attack Israel, was during the time when all the Jewish men were on a fast and they were in the synagogue. Why Yom Kippur? So in other words, we have to understand that if Satan sees these feasts as significant, surely we’d better understand what they represent.

SID: Well not only understand what they represent, because God says, “These are my feasts.” And in the Hebrew the word for “feast” is “these are my appointments”. And many have found that when you worship God on His feasts, there’s like a portal, an amazing portal to Heaven where the Glory of God can come upon you and the angels can come up and down the ladder. I mean, the devil knows why he attacks us.

PERRY: Absolutely.

SID: But Christians must know why. Not you have to, you don’t have to come into the presence of God. You get to it.

PERRY: That’s right.

SID: See the difference? Tell me a little bit about what you claimed on the Second Coming from the feasts?

PERRY: Well one of the things that I love to do, first of all, is to show people that in the seven feasts there were three that all men had to attend: Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. Now watch how significant this is. Passover, the emphasis there is the blood of the lamb. That’s your redemption. No one can be saved for you. You have to present yourself to the Lord for your salvation. Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit came in Acts, Chapter 2, 1 through 4, and that’s the Holy Spirit baptism. So when you’re to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, nobody can come on your behalf. You have to present yourself to the Lord. The third is tabernacles, which in the early church was a picture of the resurrection of the dead in Christ, the resurrection of the dead and the reign of the Messiah. Nobody can be resurrected for you. You’re going to have to appear before the Lord to be resurrected yourself. Now how interesting that out these seven, the Lord chose number one, number four and number seven, each representing something you have to personally do to enjoy the pattern of that celebration: salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit and the rule and reign of Christ through a resurrected body. And you have to be there. No one can do it for you. You must appear before the Lord and it’s you and Him alone during those three.

SID: What about what’s known as the millennium? Give me a little insight in that.

PERRY: Well if you remember at the Mount of Transfiguration, you had Christ, you had Moses and Elijah, and they were transfigured before the disciples. You know, Peter was so excited, this appears to have fallen during the Feast of Tabernacles because Peter said, “Let us build three tabernacles,” but actually it’s let us build three booths. And you know, Tabernacles was when the Jews built a booth out of different leaves, you know things, and they live outside. So this, because of what Peter said about, “let us build three tabernacles” or three booths, that transfiguration is a picture of the Kingdom, which is coming in the future. So in the millennium reign, what happens is this. You know, tabernacles is the one feast that Jews and Gentiles both come together, even in Israel. It’s a huge celebration. They celebrate together almost like one family. And so here’s the pattern. Jesus is crucified at Passover, in the grave, in the tomb, unleavened bread, seen alive by his disciples at first fruits. Then the church is born on Pentecost. We are still back in [unintelligible]. We are still prophetically living in Pentecost. We’re living in the church age. We’re living in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit right now. But we’re coming to trumpets. Trumpets is a picture of catching away, the gathering together of the saints, the resurrection of Christ. Following the catching away, there comes the tribulation, which is the Day of Atonement, because atonement follows trumpets 10 days later and it’s the time when Israel was judged by the Lord. Either they were released or they were judged, depending on their spiritual condition. But after the tribulation ends, we come to the millennial reign in Revelation, Chapter 20. And the millennial reign of Christ is a thousand-year reign and that’s pictured by Feast of Tabernacles. When we’re with him, and really tabernacles, as you know, Sid, is the seasons of our joy and seasons of rejoicing. It’s the last feast to introduce the rain, praying for the coming harvest, praying for the rain season to come.

SID: The feast of our joy.

PERRY: Absolutely.

SID: How would you like to celebrate an appointment with God with supernatural joy? I mean, you know. One of the things that I find is amazing is many Muslims are having dreams and visions of God, and you said we’re at Pentecost right now, which talks about dreams and visions of God.

PERRY: Absolutely. And I will confer that to you. We have been contacted by individuals who have been Muslims, who simply got hunger for God, got hungry to say there must be something more. And the odd thing is, if you’re a Muslim and you’re watching, God will visit you. Jesus will visit you in a dream. It’s happened by the thousands. And Sid, it’s happening more and more. We get emails constantly from Persians, Iraqis and people in Egypt, and all they do is pray, and they say, “Lord if you’re real, show me.” And the amazing thing is, I’m telling you, Christ is appearing to them, literally appearing to them and telling them who he is.

SID: But not just Muslims, but Jews.


SID: Orthodox Jews having dreams and visions. But Perry, can you picture the training an orthodox Jewish rabbi has, then has a revelation of what the old revelation of, rather than two Messiahs, Messiah ben Joseph and Messiah ben David, one Messiah, two appearances, and then becomes a teacher. Let me ask you this. I want you to ponder this. The Jewish person that has crossed your path is not an accident. You are to love that Jewish person to Jesus. Jews and Muslims, one in Messiah, one in Yeshua, the prayer right now is, God show me the truth about Jesus. I want to experience your presence. Pray that. Because the day that you seek him with all of your heart, in that day, I promise you he will be found right now. Don’t even wait until we go off the air. Right now say, show me the truth. If you know God, you have everything. If you have everything and don’t know God, you’ve got nothing.

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