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Sid: Now all this week you heard of an absolute miracle how Bridgette and Donald got remarried. Bridgette was actually in a church that was a branch of Pastor Gary Whetstone’s church. He’s pastor of Victory Christian Fellowship in New Castle, Delaware. There is an anointing on Gary and Faye’s life for restoring marriages and making marriages what God’s called them to be.  How many couples would you estimate that were divorced that got remarried that were influenced by your teaching would you say Gary?

Gary:  Well, I image there is at least over a hundred.

Sid: That is phenomenal, but one of the reasons your able to teach like you do on what a marriage should be, what God called a marriage to be is because if you thought it was a miracle that Bridgette and Donald got back together you haven’t heard anything yet.  Gary would you tell us what happened with you and Faye?

Gary: You know Sid the thing that I believe is the most significant that happened is during our separation and divorce in 1975 God put in my heart, and during that time I wasn’t Spirit Filled but I got Spirit Filled and I recognized that God was able to reach me and to bring me into the power of God He could reach Faye and bring her into the same experience.  And He began to speak to my heart to just give her everything that she asked for.  I even paid for the divorce and while she was dating even my best friend that they’d go out and they’d have sex together and I would watch my two children while they could be together.  And God began to I mean the pain that normal everybody would go through and all the normal anger and bitterness and hatred and all of that.  God began to deal with my heart and show me that the love of God has the power to forgo any pain, any situation, any difficulty, any bitterness, any resentment, and to believe the best.  And to trust that God would reach into that life and deliver and heal and restore.

Sid: And you know something I’m never going to forget, is at the divorce hearing you made a proclamation, would you repeat that.

Gary: Yeah, right at the divorce hearing I read the scripture that “If the unbelieving spouse leaves, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled unto her husband.”  And so I brought to the courts attention that I will only permit her to be only married to me.  So I brought the word of God to bear in our divorce.

Sid: You stated that and you actually said “You wanted that in the records, is that correct?”

Gary: Yes, we did we put it in the court record because I wanted it on record that the only thing that would happen in this marriage is that we would be restored.

Sid: Gary I know about the grace of God; I know about the love of God but for you to be able to love your wife under the circumstances of she divorced you; she is going out with another guy; you are babysitting to help her out.  How did you do that?

Gary: See Sid the real of the love of God is not just a feeling, it has within it a total life commitment, that when the love of God is worked in your heart you are able to stand in the place of any pain and difficulty in life and know that God’s love has covered that sin and that they are freed of every guilt, every shame. And by so doing, I knew that God was going to bring her to salvation to the power of the Spirit and do a complete reconciliation in my life.

Sid: So you were looking at the end rather than the path to get there.

Gary: Yeah there’s no possibility of looking at the act of a person, you have to look at the fact that the love of God reaches all the way to the reconciliation of the end.  That’s why Jesus is called the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.  That even from the point when man sinned, Christ himself became the grace for all mankind even before he came to the earth.  And that’s how the love of God is in us that we can see another sin and that love of God reaches all the way to the end of their restoration and their complete restoring of everything that God intended for them.

Sid: So your walking in the supernatural love of God. I assumed that Faye really didn’t want much to do with you initially, but when did you see that love starting to pay off?

Gary: Well, what would happen is I would just tell her constantly, she would say “Gary I hate you.”  I would say “Faye you can’t hate me because the Bible says “Everyone that’s begotten of God loves them that are begotten of God, you’ve got born again you have to love me.”  She said “That’s not what the Bible says.”  And I said “No there is nothing that you can say that would ever defy what God’s word declares.”  So what happened was the word of God prevailed, and one day while I was at work I heard the voice of God speak to me that “Today your marriage is reconciled.”  I just saw inside of my spirit that I’d be taking my wife to a small prayer meeting that I was going to that night and that we’d be going out to dinner together and I just had that knowledge inside that when I came out to my car there was a note written on my window it said “Jesus had met me today, I did not go to work, would you take me to dinner and to that prayer meeting.”  And exactly what God spoke to me He did.

Sid: Now paint a picture of where you and Faye today and this was the marriage that the devil wanted to see destroyed in the worst way and you can see why. Tell us what God has done through your lives.

Gary: Well, we’re married 34 years with 9 months off for bad behavior which we call it, but during the course of this last 22 years we have opened up almost 400 Bible Colleges around the world.  We oversee 4 churches in the East coast here and the primary church we oversee has about 2000 adult members in it.  And we have about 4,000 people that come to the church.

Sid:  So someone says to you “You don’t know how awful my spouse is?”  What do you say to them?

Gary: Oh, there’s absolutely nothing anybody could tell me that would compare.  So there’s just Sid the fact of the matter that everyone’s that’s listening today whatever their primary complaint is the word the word of God has the absolute victorious answer to prevail in that situation.  And no one has the ability to stop the word of God. If only one person will stand in that authority of God’s word they will see God’s word prevail.

Sid: And what would you say to some one that says “Yeah I know that’s true, but I just feel too sorry for myself?”

Gary:  Well, I just tell them look Jesus never felt sorry for Himself, he took upon himself the sin of the world and that’s exactly what love does, love takes no account, no account of a wrong suffered.  And you know I believe that self-pity is one of the greatest sins that holds us captive in our own heart.  And we really need to repent of being hurt people.  Because of all our hurt is the rehearsal of an injury of our own life that we have been ill- treated or spoken ill against. The fact of the matter is the same blood that forgave us forgave them. And no one has the right to hold anybody in the captivity or the bondage of another person’s sin.  They all must be forgiven just as we are.

Sid:  I have your series your CD series of “What God Has Joined Together”  plus the workbook.  Tell me when you teach on this subject or when someone gets this CD series what type of reports are you getting?

Gary: Well, we’ve had several thousands of these series sold and every one of the families that have gone through this for a pre-marriage couple it’s critical because it set’s the foundation for how God orders a marriage in fulfillment of it in every aspect.

Sid: You know the premarital counseling is a few minutes before the minister that’s going to do the ceremony and that’s like… I mean I wish I had had of course it wouldn’t have done me any good I wasn’t a believer.  But I wish I had been a believer and I had the series before I got married I could have avoided a lot of grief.  But who is this really for, whose it designed for?

Gary: It’s for every married family, every couple it’s for every single person, it’s for every person that’s going through marriage problems if they’re in a divorce if they’re in a single life and their looking to get married because it sets the course of how God has offered marriage to work. And it is not the traditional way of the normal church reality, it is the word of God that prevails and prevails in every intimate environment of life.  The only thing I know Sid is the anointing that is in that series has delivered so many families because it just brings right into clarity “What do I do now?”  And it is right there, the Word of God shows you actually what to do.  I have a little statement I did a woman’s conference with about 5,000 women one time and one of the words that’s used in Christian traditions is a word called “Subject yourself.”  And most people don’t know what it means and I said to this women group, I said “Now look what does it really to just duck and let it just hit the man.”  And I just had all the women duck and it was about five men in the congregation and boy did they stand out like a well thumb and it just works.

Sid:  For those that are listening right now, your married but it’s not a good marriage what difference would this teaching make Gary?

 Gary: Well, it will open up their eyes to see exactly what to do to bring the healing and the restoration in that home.

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