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Michael and Cyndi Hinson

Sid: My guests here in the studio are Michael and Cyndi Hinson from Gainesville, Florida.  I’m interviewing them on Michael’s brand new book “To Heal the Heat” subtitled “Live Life to the Fullest.”  As you know every week I have tools to mentor you with, every once and awhile there is a tool that is literally revolutionary that literally is… and by the way it’s not that it’s a new paradigm it’s an old paradigm; it’s from the Word of God.  It’s just that there’s so many levels of tradition add to the Word of God that it’s very complex.  Michael this is such a simple teaching yet it really allows people to live what Jesus said “We’re supposed to live the abundant life.

Michael:   Yeah it contains revelation that can change the heart and soul; it’s truth that will enhance everyone’s life.  Even if you don’t need your heart healed it can change where you are and bring about a glory that you have not seen before; a fulfillment a peace, a joy. Best yet, everyone we talk to tells us that it brings contentment to them that they have not experienced before.

Sid: You talk in your book about the power of words.

Michael:   Words are probably one of the most powerful things, in fact the Lord made the world by just speaking it.  The chair that your sitting in, the car that you’re driving now someone spoke it first and then it came into being.  Our words carry the power of life, they can enhance and they can empower us; they can also bring death, they can destroy, they can kill. The Bible tells us “The tongue has power of life and death in it.” That life and death is not only in what we say but also in what others say to us and what others say about us.

Sid: You point out there is something about what we say but we don’t have control about what other people say about us, how can that hurt us?

Michael:   Well, what other people say about us can stick on us. They can be the equivalent of a word curse; have you ever been in those situation where you feel like your prayers go over the ceiling where there’s something wrong but you don’t know what it is.  And you can do a witch hunt; you can try to figure out whose saying what about this, that or the other.  But the Bible doesn’t even go into that direction, and actually calls that kind of junk “Junk”; we’re not to do that.  But if someone says something ill or speaks to you in a harsh word we’re to return with a kind word for it turns away wrath.  There are things that we can do to keep ourselves for the sake of a better word, Teflon proof that nothing can stick on us.

Sid: I know I’m not supposed to gossip but sometimes I just feel like doing it.

Michael: Gossip is a deadly thing because when we pass it on to someone else what we’re judging about that person literally sticks to us with a measure we use unto others it is measured back unto us.  So when we start gossiping and some Christians…

Sid: Are you telling me it’s a boomerang?

Michael:  I’m not telling you it’s a boomerang it is a rubber band, it will not leave you it doesn’t go and then come back.  It never leaves, as the words pass through your life will start to change; you’re setting in motion something within your own heart that will set the course of your life.  Many of us don’t see it, if we had any idea of what our future would be because of the words out of our mouth we would change our words instantly.

Sid: You know many times we’ll say true things but they’re not what God wants for us and we’re just agreeing with the devil who’s trying to rob us of the future that God has for us.

Michael: Oh absolutely many of us pass on what I call Christian gossip; well it’s the truth and we need to know this about brother so and so, so that we can pray for him.  Well, the truth is that doesn’t enhance or change our prayers.   

Sid: But wait a second, is not only are we gossiping but we’re ending up to be a rubber-band, this bad attribute of this other person we’re just binding to ourself.

Michael:  Whatever we judge them in, even though it is accurate, even though it is the truth, if it does not fix the problem; if it does not change the circumstances it does not need to be said.

Sid: Listen after understanding your teaching in your book I’m afraid to say anything about anyone. Now I have to deal with your chapter on fear. (Laughing)

Michael:  Well the Bible says “By every word you will be acquitted and by every word you will be condemned.”  Our words will show a picture of our heart.  In fact out of the abundance of our heart the mouth speaks.  So this is actually a picture of our own heart, we can use our words for us as a sign of the things in our heart that need to change.  But equally if we’re caught up in these words that are condemning, if we’re caught up in words that are killing, or are harmful, or that are slander, or gossip then we are already deceived, we just don’t know it because we can’t see the truth in it.

Sid: Now do you see people whose lives are dramatically changed once they read the teaching on this and then pray that supernatural prayer at the end?

Michael:   Absolutely, before we even wrote this we had a CD that we called word curses. We taught this for a long time and people got…we took the same prayer and put it in the book and we would see the countenance of whole congregations come.  We’ve had pastors buy the CD and give them out to their congregation because of the change that it makes in their lives.  They not only repent of what they’ve done it teaches them how to live without this being part of their life.  Everyone completes the words, it isn’t what you say it’s the heart condition in which you say it.  If you knew the damage it did not only to you but to your children you cease them immediately if they did not edify, confirm or correct God’s Kingdom.

Sid: So what do you do now everyone’s convicted what do they do?

Michael:   They repent, you stop right where you are, some of us have done this out of habit, some of us have done it just because we’ve heard other people do it so we fall right in line; our mentor does it and so they tell us.  And so we just go ahead and go along with them in suit but it’s the same kind of quality of life, it does not bring fullness of joy, it does not bring contentment and they never felt better after they gossiped at least not a few moments later.

Sid: How about if we were to pray the supernatural prayer right to those that are being convicted of what they’ve been saying with their mouth.

Michael:  Let’s do that, just repeat this from your heart.  If you are the person and you were saying words against anyone, and let’s take it one step further into the prayer.  Some people have said prayers that hurt others, that have dishonored others who we’re supposed to give honor to.  If we’ve dishonored our parents and other people have said words to dishonor our in-laws, which essentially are our parents.  We need to say these same words, understand before we go any further, “Well I just said because I was angry, or I just said it because I was upset.”  If you squeeze a grape then juice comes out, if you squeeze an orange that’s how you get orange juice. But when you squeeze you, and pressure is under you and things don’t go the way you want them, and you’re upset about things and what comes out of your mouth, what are the words that come out.  That’s really what’s in your heart and in this all you have to do is repent and agree not to say those words again. Father.   

Sid: Father.

Michael:  Forgive me for the words that I have said that were contrary to Your Words..

Sid: Forgive me for the words that I have said that are contrary to Your Words.

Michael:  Words that did not edify, confirm or correct.

Sid: Words that did not edify, confirm or correct.

Michael:  Words that were gossip or slander or lies.

Sid: Words that were gossip or slander or lies.

Michael:  Or dishonored anyone.

Sid: Or dishonored anyone.

Michael:   Father I repent now in Jesus Name.

Sid: Father I repent now in Jesus Name.

Michael: And I will not continue in them.  

Sid: And I will not continue in them.

Michael:   I renounce these words in Jesus Name.

Sid: I renounce these words in Jesus Name.

Michael:  And I will not repeat them.

Sid: And I will not repeat them.

Michael:   Let’s take this one step further because they’re people that have said words about us whether they’re true or not they can equally cause pain to us, whether it’s through another party or to us directly.  To get free of those so that they are no longer a part of us we need to forgive these people so let’s do that as well.

Sid: Okay.

Michael:  Father. 

Sid: Father.

Michael:   Other people said words about me.

Sid: Other people have said words about me.

Michael:   That were not edifying.

Sid: That were not edifying.

Michael: That did not correct or confirm.   

Sid: That did not correct or confirm.

Michael: And they were hurtful.

Sid: And they were hurtful.

Michael:   Father that is sin.

Sid: Father that is sin;

Michael:  Separate the sin from them.

Sid:  Separate the sin from them.

Michael:    And put it on the cross.

Sid:    And put it on the cross.

Michael:   I release these people of those words.

Sid:  I release these people of those words.

Michael:  Even now they are forgiven.

Sid: Even now they are forgiven.

Michael:   Father have mercy on them.

Sid: Father have mercy on them.

Michael:  In Jesus name.

Sid: In Jesus name.

Michael:   Now what just happened is that some people that when you forgive others you actually release whatever they said against you.  There’s no way it can stick; the Bible says “A curse cannot stick without a cause.”  If you have forgiven them for what they’ve said there’s no cause for it to stick, if you’ve repented of whatever you did that caused it your free, you’re absolutely free and you can live in accordance with that.  But there is one other thing I’d like to talk about since we’re talking about words.

Sid: What’s that?

Michael:  There’s some people probably stuck in traffic right now or going down the highway and you complain about the circumstances you complain about whatever the situation is.  People just naturally do it and they have no idea but they’re complaining about everything.  That’s totally contrary to God’s nature and that certainly not out of a joyous heart.  But you know what most people don’t like to hang around people who complain a lot they tend to bring people down.  They already have something that’s draining in them already, for some people this is just something that’s just as simple as repenting.  Father, I have been complaining a lot.  We have a simple technique that’s really easy we’ll lead them in a prayer to do this technique.  Repeat this, Father forgive me for complaining.

Sid: Father forgive me for complaining.

Michael:  Your word says to give thanks in everything.

Sid: Your word says to give thanks in everything.

Michael:   I repent.

Sid: I repent.

Michael:   And I will no longer complain.

Sid: And I will no longer complain.

Michael:   And from this moment on.

Sid: And from this moment on.

Michael:  I will give thanks in everything.

Sid: I will give thanks in everything.

Michael:  Instead of complaining about traffic this is a simple technique that we tell people, every time you complain about something find three good things to be thankful for.  So you’re stuck right now so you can say “Father, thank You that I even have a car to drive, thank You Father that I a drivers license I can see the road.  Thank You Father for any number of things that you can be thankful for this next breath, that you will get there God will protect you the rest of the way.  A hundred things that you can find at any moment, that’s true when you walk in the house and it’s not as you expected start thanking God for everything.  I found that people break this habit of complaining, simply taking a principal of God and start thanking in everything and you know what in a short time people we’ll go from not even liking themselves sometimes to finding joy and peace because they can literally see God in everything.

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