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Sid:  I have a couple on the phone I have Sean and Ayelet Steckbeck from just outside of Jerusalem, Israel. I caught up with them, they are in 2 different places in the United States. I believe as you get to understand Ayelet, who is a sabra, that’s a native born Israeli. She was raised on a secular kibbutz in Israel, but just always knew there was a God and talked to Him constantly even though the whole kibbutz was atheistic. As you get to know her, you will understand what God is doing to Jewish worldwide at this moment. Now Ayelet had a tough childhood at 3months of age her mother died, here brother died in the war. She was in the army, she was suicidal, and she had a visitation from God. During this visitation from God she literally saw God weeping over her because she was thinking about taking her life.  She had a vision if you will, of what would happen to her if she had taken her life. She saw God weeping over her, and she realized there’s a God and what does a Jew do in Israel when they realize there’s a God, and they have no religious background. She went to a Yeshiva, that’s a school of higher learning to learn more about God, but this was a Yeshiva for woman and the rabbi taught in the Yeshiva. For the first time she heard about Messiah, and she started praying every day for the Messiah to come and to live inside of her. Then a few days, a few weeks later, she was just walking along, and you said “A ball of fire came on you?” Explain that Ayelet.

Ayelet:  [Laughing] I felt a ball fire coming within my back, and I heard a voice saying at the same time “Now I am in you, everything is going to be alright.”

Sid:  You had some friends who started explaining to you a few things. When you started praying in unknown tongues you didn’t know what it was, so your friends began to tell you about it, and you started getting visions. What kind of visions did you have?

Ayelet:  I had a lot of visions, different scriptures, a lot of visions about the Messiah, but I never saw His face. I remember one of the visions I saw I a huge man over Jerusalem, and one of His feet was over the Mount of Olives, and one of them was over the Mount of Zion. I didn’t know that was a scripture…

Sid:  In Zechariah.

Ayelet:  Yeah.

Sid:  Even while this was all going on you began to question what is known in Judaism as the Oral Law, and most rabbis see that as equivalent to the written law. You actually need the Oral Law to even understand the written law, but how in the world could you in an Orthodox Yeshiva question the Oral Law?

Ayelet:  Well I learned in the kibbutz to always think. So I was thought, and I always had questions and some of the rabbis didn’t know what to do with my questions. So when I didn’t get answers I just kept asking God, but I refused to accept what they call the Oral Torah which is really rabbis different teachings, and sometimes even arguments.

Sid:  It’s referred to as the Talmud.

Ayelet:  Shulchan Aruch and all the big books.

Sid:  Right, but let me ask you this. How did you bump into my friend who is now in heaven? Her name is Ruth Heflin and she had a house of prayer in Jerusalem that I went to several times to pray at. How did you as an Orthodox Jewish woman going to a Yeshiva no less end up in her house?

Ayelet:  [Laughing] Well this friend that knew I received the Holy Spirit she invited me to come, she told me that it’s Christian, but they have the same Holy Spirit as we as Jewish people can have. So I didn’t have a problem with it. I knew they believed in Jesus, but I didn’t think it had anything to do with me. I went check it out, and I remember when I came I felt the presence of God so strong and I remember every time I would leave I felt like weights were lifted off of me. I just received a lot of freedom and a lot of joy, so I kept coming back. I went through the whole summer of 1996 for a few months, for 2 or 3 months I kept coming every…

Sid:  Now did they know that you didn’t know who Jesus was?

Ayelet:  They had no idea, finally after a few months I did accept Yeshua. They were so surprised because they were all convinced that I was a believer because I spoke in tongues like everybody else.

Sid:  Wait second. One year right before Rosh Hashanah

Ayelet:  Hmm hmm.

Sid:  Someone there had a prophecy and they taped it. Why did you want to keep it.

Ayelet:  I wanted to keep the tape because it was the first time I was really exposed to clear prophecy, I think I wanted to check it out too. [Laughing]

Sid:  But in this prophecy, that you were listening to I guess over and over again, it had the name Jesus. What did you want to do with His name?

Ayelet:  Well I took the tape on the way to the Yeshiva dorm I thought “Oh my gosh, what if the rabbi founds a tape with name Jesus on it?”

Sid:  Hmm.

Ayelet:  So I decided to erase everywhere it says Jesus. I thought it would be really easy. So I came to the dorm, and when everybody left I put it in the tape and I pushed play and record, like your suppose to erase, but Jesus name did not erase. I tried 5 times and it would not erase, by that time the fear of God fell on me so strong. I was really confused because I didn’t understand why, but I knew I had to repent.

Sid:  Then you had a couple of friends they were believers they said something to you.

Ayelet:  Well I went to my friend who brought me to the prayer house and I said “What is going on.” I told her what happened with the tape. I said “I don’t understand what is happening, why are those Christians that believe in Jesus, how come they have the power of God, and why God would be upset with me if I erased Jesus name?” So she brought the New Testament for the first time, she showed me the New Testament in Hebrew. She explained to me that she believes Jesus, Yeshua, is the Messiah. I was so confused I felt like someone had taken my brain and spun it thousands of times. I decided to check it out, and I took the New Testament. I took it to the dorms, I hid it again, and I started reading it. I was amazed, I was amazed…

Sid:  Did you feel guilty when you were reading the New Testament in the dorms of an Orthodox Yeshiva?

Ayelet:  No I didn’t because I again, was raised to think for yourself, and to check things out.

Sid:  Ayelet we’ll pick things back up here on tomorrow’s broadcast. Mishpochah trust me it gets better, but there are Jewish people in process that the Holy Spirit is working on right now. I believe that the next Jewish person that crosses your path could well be one of these Jewish people

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