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Sid: If you’ve been listening this week to Pastor Kynan Bridges then you are going from wherever you are to getting hotter and hotter for the Lord.  Kynan there’s some revelation in your brand new book that’s literally just right off the press the book is called “Possessing Your Healing” taking authority over sickness in your life.  And one of the things you said which I’m still pondering this, is that you can get to the point where your hearing on the inside who you really are.  Explain that to me.

Kynan: Well, it’s interesting one of my favorite passage of scripture Sid is Luke Chapter 4,  Luke Chapter 4 and if you are familiar with it it talks about how Jesus; this is after He was baptized by His cousin John and He goes into the wilderness.  Now this is the Persian word so its desert land, it’s dry, it’s hot and he goes there and the Bible says that He fasted for forty days and forty nights and at this point Satan begins to tempt him.  And one of his temptations Sid Satan comes to Jesus and says “You know man shall not live by bread alone but by every word…I’m sorry Satan comes and says this you’re the Son of God why don’t you turn these stones into bread.  And Jesus responds one of the most profound responses in the Bible He says “For it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Now Jesus was we know that He is the Messiah, we know that He’s fully God and fully man we understand that but He was also such a powerful teacher and He chose every word carefully Sid.  And He chose to use the word rehema in the Greek.  When He said “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word,” it literally means the living voice Sid.  And what happens is; what Jesus is teaching us is the reason why He could overcome the temptation, the reason why He could overcome the external circumstances of His life is because the word was alive on the inside of Him.  He was hearing the words that were written, they were literally speaking to Him in the wilderness Sid, every word that He read out of the Torah it was speaking to Him in His hour of temptation.  And you and I are no different as we begin to mediate on the Word of God Sid we will begin to hear the Word of God on the inside of us; we will hear that word speak to us in a profound way and that word will bring life.

Sid: Now the opposite of what you’re saying is something and you talk about this something called mental assent; what is that?

Kynan: Well, mental assent Sid is simply well when we understand a concept.  We can understand it intellectually in other words we you know a person can say “Well, I read that God is my Healer or He is Jehovah Rapha according Exodus 15.”  But they really don’t eternalize it Sid.  Here’s the evidence that we believe something, the word faith that we see often times in the New Testament is usually the same word and it simply means conviction of the truth of anything.  And how do you define a conviction Sid?  Really a conviction is something that’s unshakable, it’s stands regardless of circumstances or anything like that, it’s an unshakable conviction, an unshakeable belief.  And that’s what happens when we actually obtain faith; the Bible says “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.”  Now that’s again Rehema that Jesus used in Luke 4 it means the living voice; our faith comes to us when the word of God becomes alive an active not when we simply mentally ascend and understand a concept.

Sid: And you know most people that say their operating in faith I have to believe are operating in mental ascent meaning they understand the concepts intellectually but they’re not hearing the voice of God in their spirit.

Kynan: Absolutely.

Sid: Okay now when you teach people like you have a congregation now and you teach these revelations and I mean every time every pages is explosive of your new book of revelation of how to operate by faith.  Tell me what’s happening to some of your people.

Kynan: You know it’s interesting recently several months ago actually there was a lady that came to us we were holding a meeting, we were actually preaching at a place and we holding a meeting and one lady came and she…her and her husband had been missionaries this last pastors up north and they moved down to Florida because her husband had just…well he had several years prior been diagnosed with cancer.  They had to remove tissue from his face it had been in remission and everything.  Well, she comes to us Sid with tears in her eyes and she says “I have, cancerous growth on my back and I’ve had them for about two years or so and it’s becoming painful, it’s bleeding, it’s becoming discolored.”  And she says “I’m afraid.”  And Sid as I begin to lay hands on her the Holy Spirit would not allow me, all He would allow me to say was this phrase to her; “You will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord.”  And when I said that to her Sid the power of God fell on us like a blanket of bricks that’s the only way I can describe it.  A blanket of bricks fell on us and before I could even lay hands on this lady she fell out in the spirit knocked out cold.  Well we left there, this was a Friday night and on Sunday morning after service we received a techs that this same lady that we prayed for that the cancerous growth on her back withered up and died and fell off in the shower; this was less than 72 hours Sid.

Sid: You know it’s great when other people are healed but what about you, tell me about the time some lying symptoms came upon you.

Kynan: Well, that’s a good question Sid actually had some love ones that were dealing with sickness actually; I had a close relative that was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis  Sid and I’m familiar with the disease I know all about it.  And they begin to tell me you know different things about what was happening to them and I prayed for them of course.  Well immediately after I was praying for them and I heard the news about them Satan began to attack my body in the same way.  My leg became numb for several weeks I couldn’t feel my leg I had spasms in my face, sometimes I would be sitting in a room and I would have what seemed to be MS attack literally and now I began to bind and loose and take authority over the enemy and say “In the Name of Jesus heal me, heal me.”  And God reminded me of what I’m teaching everybody today that He says “Son I’ve already healed you, I’ve already healed you just stand on my words.”  So you know what I did Sid?

Sid: What?

Kynan: I begin to take the Word of God like it was medication (Laughing). I begin to eat the word like pain pills and all I would do Sid is just speak the word over myself and I would thank God.  I would say “You know what God I thank You that my arms are perfectly normal, I have feeling in all of my arms, I thank You Lord that my immune systems functions according to Your perfect will and I am fine in Jesus Name.  Thank You that I am 100% healthy in the Name of Jesus” and I spoke this over and over again.  So about after a week or so Sid every symptom vanished, every single not only did it vanish they have never come anywhere near, I have forbidden them to come within 1000 mile radius of me.

Sid: So tell me the truth between you and me.

Kynan: Okay.

Sid: Are you convinced not 99%, 100% that sickness is foreign to you and is from an enemy and doesn’t belong.  I mean 100% or are there some reasons God might want to make someone sick?

Kynan: Absolutely not, I am convinced based on the authority of God’s Word that sickness is evil.  As a matter of fact if you don’t mind I want to share this really quickly. In the Book of James Chapter 5 the author of James under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit asked a very profound question.  He says “Is any sick among you?”  Now I know the church doesn’t think about this much but Sid it’s like saying “Does anyone need a ride to church in the congregation, or need a ride home for example.”  The implication is that’s not something that’s common among the people, for James to ask that question sickness was seen as a foreigner in their midst.  It’s like saying “Does anyone speak Togalic or anyone speak an Ethiopian dialect in the room.” We’re suggested that it’s rare, it’s foreign.  But then he goes further to say Sid he says “Let the elders of the church pray for the sick anointing them with oil and the prayer of faith will save the sick.”  Now that’s not a mistranslation I’m reading from the King James of course but it says in the original Greek it’s the word saved.  Why does he say saved?  Because sickness is evil, it’s a villain, it’s a robber and a thief and it does not belong in the Body of a Born Again Believer.  As a matter of fact let me say this to you and all of us really, the Bible talks about in 1st Corinthians 5 that “Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost.”  Imagine someone taking something unclean and putting it on the altar in a synagogue or in a temple; imagine someone taking trash or taking some foreign agent and stewing it all over the sanctuary that is no different than allowing the enemy to come into your body and affect you with sickness it’s a illegal and it desecrates that which is holy.  Our bodies not ours Sid, I’ve learned that I don’t have the right to be sick I can’t this is not my body this belong to the Lord.  I have to take care of what belongs to Him so I cannot allow sickness and disease into my body.

Sid: Well you know one of the things I love about your brand new book is you literally have every objection someone could come up with or heads come up with and when you remove all those objections; and when someone has your revelation teaching on scriptures and then they start mediating on the word, on the scripture cards the same scriptures in the book. We’ve put together on scripture cards and then they listen to your CD on healing you’re having the most fabulous results.  I want to hear a little bit more on tomorrows broadcast.

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