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Sid:  I want to make sure that you understand what the law of evangelism is, why?  The only thing you’re going to take to Heaven with you is souls.  If you participate with this ministry you’re talking souls to the Kingdom, but you’re not just to participate with us, we want to equip you to be able to move in signs and wonders and take so many souls to Heaven with you. That’s all your taking and you’re concentrating your entire life on doing everything else except the one that that you’re talking to Heaven.  And I’m going to tell you the key, the key is found in the Bible, the law of evangelism; here’s how it works. “God so loved the whole world” because He so loved the whole world He started with one people group, He went to Abraham first the Father of the Jewish people.  Because He loved the whole world he planted a seed with the Jew, Abraham.  Now Jesus died for the sins of the whole world but what does He say, “I go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”  He planted a seed with the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  So you might say God the Father went to the Jew first to reach the world, Jesus the Son went to the Jew first to reach the world.  Well, how about the great apostle of the Gentiles?  Paul to reach the Gentiles what does he say?  Roman’s 1:16 “I’m not ashamed of the gospel because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first.”  You find Paul even gets so upset with my Jewish people he says almost a punch on you I don’t even want to go to you I’m going to the Gentiles and so he moves into a house right next store to the synagogue.  And what does he do?  He reaches all the people in the Synagogue; he know when he goes to the Jew first it opens up a supernatural door of evangelism to the gentiles bigger than had he gone to the Gentile first.  That’s called the law of evangelism.  Now you must understand what Paul means in the one new man; Ephesians chapter two verses 14, 15 and 22. Start with verse 14 “For He Himself is our peace who has made both” that’s Jew and Gentile one, “and has broken down the middle wall of separation as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace.”  And the Hebrew word for peace is shalom which means completeness; so in order to be complete we can’t have just the Gentile believer and we can’t have just the Jewish believer; we have to have both.  Now verse 22, I get so excited because now that you’ve understood that the word shalom means completeness “So as to create in Himself one new man from the two thus making peace,” or completeness.  And verse 22 “In whom  you also are being built together for” we’ve already said completeness, it’s not in there but it’s implied by the verse 15 “In whom you also are being built together for a complete dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”  So what does God’s word telling us?  A Jewish believer is incomplete without a Gentile believer; a Gentile believer is incomplete without a Jewish believer.”  It’s not jealousy; I meet many Gentile believers that say “Oh I wish I was Jewish!”  NO! You are wonderfully and fearfully made for good works before the world even began you where chosen for these good works. If God made you a male stay a male, if God made you a Gentile stay a Gentile, it’s when you change what God has made you that you get into religion.  Don’t get into religion get into relationship with the living God.  Now what is the job assignment of the Jew?  John 4:22 tells us, the job of the Jew is to reach the Gentile, it says “Salvation is of the Jews.” Acts 13:4 New Living Translation Paul said, “For the Lord gave us this command when He said ‘I have made you a light to the Gentiles to bring salvation to the farthest corners of the earth.’”  The job of the Jew is to reach the Gentile and in the end times even Zachariah Chapter 8 verse 33 says “Thus says the Lord of Host, in those days ten men from every language;” the word Gentile means the nations; so ten people from the Gentiles shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man saying “Let us go with you for we have heard that God is with you.” Jewish people are going to be raised up to reach tens of thousands of millions of Gentiles for the Messiah, but what’s the job of the Gentile believer?  Even more important; why do I say even more important because Romans 11:11 says what the job of the Gentile is “To provoke the Jewish people to jealousy.  Salvation has come to the Gentile.” So why were you saved? To provoke the Jewish people to jealousy.  How are you going to reach the Jewish people, “Through apologetics, “Good luck.”  As my mother used to say “Goodbye and good luck.”  You’re not going to reach to many Jewish people, but the book of Corinthians tells us how the Jew requires a sign, and it’s as if there’s a spiritual DNA in Jewish people and a special spiritual DNA in Gentile people.  And when the two comingle together we have the full dwelling place of God by His Spirit, but what’s at stake?”  Only the salvation of the world; why do I say that, let me give you the revelation of Amos Chapter 9 verse 11 through 13 which talks about the greatest revival the world has ever seen, the world has never seen this particular revival that it describes.  Let me read this to you starting at verse 11.  “On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David.”  Now we know what the tabernacle of David is, but in the Hebrew the word tabernacle means house or family.  So in that day I will raise up the family of David, that’s the Jewish people and this is what’s going to happen when the Gentile does their job of provoking the Jew to jealousy to form one new man.  It says “That they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the Gentiles that are called by My Name says the Lord who does this saying “Behold the days are coming says the Lord when the plowman shall overtake the reaper.”  What is He saying here?  He’s saying there’s going to be such a harvest that you will not be able to harvest all the grapes on the vine until the next season when you’re plowing up the field again.  Because there is coming such a harvest, and I proclaim to you that the glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former.  And in this place I God will give completeness; so whether you know it or not if you can just look up those scriptures, if you can just study those scriptures you’re going to find out that we are living in the most exciting time in the history of planet earth.  And God has called you to the Kingdom for such a time as this and it’s time for you to stop being a spectator; it’s the last act of the last play.  It’s time for you to get into the play; you’re being called right now; what are you going to do about it?  I’m going to tell you what you’re going to do about it you’re going to go to our brand new mentoring kit on our internet site and look at it.  Just look at it, do me that one courtesy because I was never mentored; I want to make sure that there isn’t one person that’s not mentored.  Oh, I was mentored over many, many years but you don’t have decades to be mentored; and when I say I was mentored I did it the hard way.  But we have put it all together for you the best of the best teachers are going to mentor you in every area of the supernatural.  But more important than that, as you get your “Supernatural Mentoring Kit” you are investing in the Jewish ministry.  Why is that so important?  Because when the Jew is reached then the Jew and the Gentile arm and arm are equipped to reach; because the Jew is equipped to reach the Gentile, the Gentile is equipped to reach the Jew.  When you merge the two together you reach the whole world it’s so simple you need help to get confused.  So go to my web page and look up our supernatural Mentoring Kit and then don’t just be a hearer of this word, go do it, be a participant in the greatest revival in history.; S-i-d-r-o-t-h-dot-o-r-g.  We’re living at the time of Jeremiah Chapter 30 verse 6 & 7; let me read this to you.  “Now let me ask you a question do men give birth to babies; then why did they stand there ashen face hands pressed against their sides like a woman in labor.”  In other words, the prophet is saying “I see a man in such agony it says the same agony that I see in a woman when she’s giving birth to a child.”  In all of history there’s never been such a time of “It will be a time of trouble for my people Israel.”  In other words this is what is known as Jacobs trouble, this is when the devil is going to try to stop the birth of the one new man, this is when the devil is going to stamp out the Jewish people and we’re on the verge of this right now.  And we have a door open to us to evangelize the Jew and woe is me if we don’t evangelize the Jew at this set time to favor Zion.  Because here we are in the greatest country in the world and we have freedom of speech and freedom of religion and it’s such a large Jewish population and we are equipped to reach them.  But I want you to enter into the harvest that’s why you must get our supernatural mentoring kit, go to my web site

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