Sid Roth on October 27th, 2022

KYNAN: Hey friends! This is Dr. Kynan Bridges and you’re with Something More! And I have my wonderful guests Mary Colbert and Mark Taylor! And we’re talking about something that’s very important for the times in which we live! I believe and we concur that this is one of the greatest times for the Church that we’ve been in in the last 100 years and it’s time for us to rise up like never before! And God has been speaking with our guests about some of the things that have been happening in the world today and in the government today! Mary, you and I were talking –

MARY: Uh-huh.

KYNAN: Before the show about a lot of what’s happening in the government, what’s happening in America. And one of the things that we talked about was the narrative. We know that the enemy is the prince of the power of the air. So one of his schemes is to control the media, control perceptions, control paradigms, control the information that people are receiving. But you say that there’s more to the story. You say there’s more to the narrative than what people are seeing. Talk a little bit about that.  

MARY: Well Donald, my husband, Donald Colbert and I, we serve on Donald Trump’s faith-based initiative board.

KYNAN: Really!

MARY: Yes. So we are privy –

KYNAN: So hold on. He has Christians around him right now –

MARY: [laughs]

KYNAN: That are speaking, into his life?

MARY: Absolutely!


MARY: Continually!

KYNAN: Okay.

MARY: One of the things that Donald has requested is – he’s praying for is that by the time he leaves office, which we believe is for 8 years. We’re believing 8 years he’s going to be there.


MARY: To do what we believe God fully can put into motion what He desires.

KYNAN: Praise God!

MARY: But that his desires when he leaves, and this is what he said, that he wants to be known as the most praying President in history!


MARY: And you sit there and go that is completely contrary to what people have heard and their perception of this man and who he really is today!



Sid Roth on October 16th, 2022

FIRE OF GOD RIGHT NOW! I release you in the name of Jesus! I release you! FIRE ANOINTING! FIRE ANOINTING! Rivers of living water! Power of God! Word of God! Emergency peculiar anointing! Fire of God! Fire of God NOW in the name of Jesus! Right now I set you free! I set you free! Power of God! Power of God! Right now look to the cross! Look to the cross! Oh right now blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus sets you free NOW! In the name of Jesus! In the name of Jesus! Oh right now anointing oil! Anointing oil! Anointing oil! Power of God flowing through you in the name of Jesus! Right now I heal you and set you free in the name of Jesus! Hallelujah! Oh right now start moving your neck and tell me if the pain is gone. What do you feel?

WOMAN#1: Freedom. [Laughs] I feel freedom!

DAVID: Hallelujah!

Audience: [Shouting and clapping]

DAVID: Clap your hands and give glory to God! Hallelujah!

Audience: [Clapping]

DAVID: Come, daughter. Come. Come. You feel the power of God? Amen. Come right here. You’ll see it. You can feel the power of God already up here.

WOMAN #2: I can.

DAVID: Okay. Make sure nobody touch anyone. The headache will be gone. You can hold this for me. What is your neck? What is wrong with it?

WOMAN #2: Right here.

DAVID: Just not too close so I can – okay. You can’t turn it? Show me. Side to side. Show me. Move it side to side. Does it hurt?  

WOMAN #2: It hurts right here.

DAVID: Okay.

WOMAN #2: And right here.

DAVID: Right now.

WOMAN #2: Where the skull is.

DAVID: Right now Jesus will take it from you this very moment!

WOMAN #2: [Crying]

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Sid Roth on October 8th, 2022

This lady is sick for 12 years. I don’t know about you, especially men. We’re babies. I’m sick for one week. I’m laying, on my bed. I want my wife. I’m crying out for chicken soup and I want to be fed and babied! One week I’m like oh, I can’t get up and get dressed. 12 years she’s bleeding and suffering! Imagine how tired she must have been. Imagine what it took her to get off the bed and just put on clothes. She might have been so tired she was like I’m done! Have you ever felt like that when you’re sick? I can’t even get dressed let alone get out of the house.

And then she knew going out of the house she was going to have to be put to shame and tell everyone I’m unclean as she passed by. She had to figure out where Jesus was and then when she got there, there was a crowd around Jesus. Any moment the devil could have put in her head why are you going to Jesus? He’s not going to heal you. He’s not going to bother. Oh, there’s someone else with something that’s worse than you! All the things we think that we turn around before we ever get there! We stop halfway. The enemy puts it in our head. Oh, there’s so much phoniness out there. This is another one.

There probably is a lot of phoninesses out there. I agree with that but that doesn’t mean you throw out the baby with the bathwater! All my life I saw so much phoniness that I thought there was no real and then Jesus showed me there’s actually the real! You just have to know the difference! You have to recognize it when it comes. Amen?

Audience: Amen.


Sid Roth on September 27th, 2022

KEVIN:  But things began to happen. There began to be an outpouring of supernatural experiences and supernatural things begin to happen in my house. And one day I was in my prayer room and I was praying and I was telling God Lord, if you’re not going to come down here I’m going to come up there because I really had seen God’s angels for a season. It had stopped so I really wanted it to be activated again so I’m entertaining God’s angels and all of a sudden I hear these voices in my living room so I get up very quietly and I go out of my prayer room which was really my little micro-bathroom and walked into the living room and “POOF!” There’s seven angels and this big angel in the living room and they’re playing around and joking and having fun. Hallelujah. So sometimes when you begin to entertain God’s angels they’ll be attracted to you. You know when we teach about God’s angels from the scripture what begins to happens is they get very excited and there are a lot of angels that are very excited right now because people are going to begin to learn how they can co-labor with them. That God’s angels are real. And that you have at least one angel God has assigned to you and you can begin co-labor with them on this side of eternity. Can someone say amen to that?


KEVIN:  And God’s angels are ready, willing and able to help you. So as you begin to entertain God’s angels they’ll begin to manifest. Hallelujah! I just want to decree over you that some of you are going to have angelic encounters and angelic visitations tonight.


KEVIN:  Let me say that again.


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Sid Roth on September 16th, 2022

DAVID: Hallelujah! I tell you this because the Bible says, Book of Romans chapter 5, verse 5, that your “hope in Jesus will not disappoint.” Put your hope, put your trust in Him! I tell you today that Jesus, the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13, verse 8, that “He is the same yesterday, today and forever!” The same things He was doing in Bible times are the same things He did through the disciples who became apostles. It’s the same thing He’s doing in this world today! Amen?

Audience: Amen!

DAVID: I see it everywhere I go! Hallelujah! So I want to encourage you! God has actually placed a message, upon my heart. When we’re done I’ve actually never had a meeting I’ve ever had without miracles! God does miracles and healings! He does both. I teach people a miracle is instantaneous and out of the bounds of natural law. A healing can take an hour, a day or a week. So we always believe! You know I had a very rough upbringing. But because of it, I saw so much phoniness and hypocrisy that I never – I wasn’t interested. I don’t want that phony stuff. I tell people we don’t need to lie for Jesus. He can defend Himself.

Audience: Amen! 

DAVID: He taught me very simple. Lift up the name of Jesus! Speak the pure Word of God! The Holy Spirit comes! When I share a message I speak Bible, Bible, Bible! You don’t need my opinion! We don’t need your opinion. We need the words of God! Amen?

Audience: Yes! Amen! 

DAVID: So when you speak the Word what happens? Psalm 107:20 it says His word goes forth and it touches your spirit! Many messages touch your soul and you’re excited for about an hour, maybe a day. But when He touches your spirit it brings healing! 3rd John 2 it says beloved, you’ll prosper in all matters as your soul prospers. So when we receive spiritual healing by the Spirit because of the Word of God automatically the physical healing takes place! Amen?

Audience: Amen.

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