Sid Roth on July 6th, 2023

DAVE: Yeah. I had a dream a couple of years ago where the Lord revealed to me that the orphan spirit is the greatest single problem that the church is dealing with right now! Many believers are okay with Jesus and they’re kind of cool with the Holy Spirit but they are not too sure about that Father guy!

PAT: Yeah.

DAVE: Because they’ve had bad father figures or no father. And a lot of people have trust issues with God the Father and it creates that anxiety and that tension and that uncertainty like you know does He really care for me? Does He really love me? Does the Father really love me?   

PAT: And you know the media, movies, all the Disney movies, all the different movies they attack the very concept of fatherhood.

DAVE: Right.

PAT: And so we’ve seen a generation that rises up where you know the fatherless generation, the sexual identity problem we see in culture, all the different things that are taking place speak to that for a second. Because I think so much of the emotional distress is fathers have forgotten to be the thermostat in their home, the spiritual thermostat. They’ve forgotten that their job doesn’t begin when they pull out of the driveway but when they pull in. Speak to that. Talk to us about that.    

DAVE: Yeah. That’s a really good point. You know as men, as fathers, we obviously have an obligation to represent the true heart of God the father not just to our physical children but to our spiritual children. A lot of people who watch my videos and broadcasts they kind of see me as a father figure.

PAT: Yeah.

DAVE: As an older guy that they can kind of trust. And it doesn’t just go to us. It goes to this emotional healing issue. Many times when I pray for people to do emotional healing they won’t just have an encounter with Jesus. They’ll have an encounter with God the Father! The Father will come in. He will nurture them. He will love on them! He’ll, you know, caress them and let them know personally that He is a good Father!  

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Sid Roth on June 30th, 2023

PAT: We are so glad you joined us today on “Something More!”     I’m Pat Schatzline! I’m an author and evangelist and I get to be a part of your day! But I’m really excited because my friend, “The Praying Medic,” Dave Hayes is here! Dave, so glad you’re here today!

DAVE: Pat, good to meet you! Good to be on the show!

PAT: Thank you for joining us today! I’m going to tell you, you know all the times I’ve heard about you, all the times I’ve seen where God has used you miraculously, just tell us what’s going on! Tell us what’s going on in your heart as we just share today and talk!

DAVE: Well the biggest thing that’s going on in my heart and the biggest thing that the Lord has been speaking to me about is what is happening in the world of politics and government and Hollywood. There’s a lot of changes going on and I think a lot of believers are understanding that God is doing some amazing things right now in those areas of society.  

PAT: When God really speaks to you about learning how to intercede for the nation, in learning how to intercede in the seats of government and all the different turmoil, all the things that are going on. We were talking before we started the interview today just even about how I believe that we’re in a commercial in America right now, in the horror film and what others are saying. Before we just get deep into this and talk about all that even deeper what God is doing, tell me what you’re feeling in your spirit even as I share about that about you know praying and walking in intercession for our nation. 

DAVE: Well you and I both know that intercessors and you know just regular average people have been praying for decades!

PAT: Right!

DAVE: For revival!

PAT: Right!

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Sid Roth on June 22nd, 2023

I’d puke all over the side of the road. And we’d drive up to the house, turn right around a week or so later, go back, go through the same thing again. Week after week, month after month. And then at the end of all of it the prognosis is it’s worse or there’s no change. And we’d go through another series of chemo, and then another series of chemo. And finally my whole body shut down. I’m sharing this for a reason. Everything shut down. My kidneys, my liver, my intestines. Everything shut down. I could get morbidly honest with everyone here today but I’m not because many of you would probably get sick at what my wife had to do to keep me alive.

Never left my side. For years! In sickness and in health. Remember those words? And I would hear her next to me and I’d be lying in the hospice hospital bed always just a breath away from death. And it’d be 3 o’clock in the morning and she’d be going [Steve speaks in tongues]. Because the Lord had spoken to her and said this: “Take care of the man of God.” Didn’t give her any other instructions. Just take care of the man of God. And taking care of the man of God meant hell on earth. She literally at times had to hire people to come in and watch over me so she could sleep for an hour. And she always wanted to be there when I died.

But from all that, and coming out of all that, you can only imagine the horrific process of coming out of it. And I’m still fighting.   But I’m in a place right now where I’m back. The anointing’s twice as strong as it was before. My voice is as strong or stronger than it was before. The message is clearer. We’re getting invitations to come into the, go to the megachurches to come and speak truth. But I’m going to close with this. I don’t argue with anybody. I don’t. It really doesn’t make any difference. I don’t use the word I don’t care because I’d care about everybody here. But it really doesn’t make any difference to me what you believe.

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Sid Roth on June 9th, 2023

They get the land of Israel, they get the city of Jerusalem, they get the blossoming of the Land, King David gets to rule over them. But the body of Christ, whether they be Jew or Gentile, once you come into the Messiah, guess what you get? You get a double blessing! Because you get eternal blessings, you get eternal promises, you get heavenly promises, and then you get to come back and rule and reign on earth for a thousand years with the Messiah!!! So you get both of them!! Hallelujah, you get both! Hallelujah!!


SID: Did you enjoy Perry? I sure enjoyed that. I have to tell you, though. I liked what Perry ended with. “God is real.” Do you know wat he really was saying. God-Israel. God, that’s what he was really saying. God-Israel! You can’t be on God’s side unless you’re on Israel’s side. And you can’t really be on Israel’s side unless you’re a Jew that doesn’t know Jesus or a believer in the Messiah. And I want to bless you from a New Covenant perspective of a scripture that is in the Old Covenant. God told Moses that if he would bless the Jewish people this way, His name would be sealed on their forehead.

So this is a supernatural prayer, it is not, it is not a cosmetic, religious prayer. But I’m going to pray it from a New Covenant perspective. The Lord is blessing you right now! The Lord is smiling upon you right this second!  The Lord is surrounding you with His favor right now.  The Lord is gifting you from above, just receive, right now. In the name that is sealing you. Yeshua ha Mashiach Tsidekenu, Jesus the Messiah, Our Righteousness. And all God’s people said “So be it!” Amen.

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Sid Roth on May 26th, 2023

What was it? I don’t know. Something about God. I can’t remember what it was. You kidding me? Are you kidding me? I would, I would look at that thing and tell you what shoes He was wearing, you know. I mean this is something a real vision like he had gets in your spirit so deep, because I’ve had them before, that you can recall details if it impresses in your spirit.

The other thing you got to remember it’s the Holy Spirit who recalls things to your remembrance. You know because you got your critics out there “Well how could a man remember that long?” Well just because you ain’t got a good memory doesn’t mean John didn’t have one! You know? And the Jews, the Jews back then were taught to memorize. You have to understand that we’re not taught that today. We memorize for a test and then we forget everything.

But back then they rehearsed it over and over and over again. Oh my, man I feel His presence talking about this Book! Hallelujah! All right. Now I’m going to, I’m going to just take just a couple more things here that I feel like I want to share with you. Let me go back to again something that has always been a question and this question always comes up, uh, and they will say to me “Where do you place the return of the Lord for the church?” Okay? Where do you place the return? Let’s go back again. The Lord says to John I want to show you the things that were, that are, and that will be. Future tense.

So if he writes this in 95 A.D., chapter 1 he sees Christ as the High Priest, right? Christ then is doing something. He’s addressing 7 churches. You all want to know the nugget from the Temple days?


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