GARY:  I’ve been healed of so many diseases I can’t even remember what they all are. I mean the last were these 80 tumors in my “mediastinum” which is from your navel all the way through to your throat. Some of them were the size of the thumb, the end of my thumb. 80 of them. It doesn’t matter what you face. What matters is who manifests in you. Not just who you believe in because demons believe. It’s who manifests in you. Who takes the cover off and reveals himself? Now listen carefully. The objection that rises in us, what obscures His expectation that’s in us, His manifestation that’s in us is our distraction level. Fear, false evidence appearing real. Paul gave us a clear understanding that we are given a responsibility for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they’re mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against what? The knowledge of God. And then the next sentence says and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Not my obedience of Christ or in Christ. It is the nature of Christ within me taking the action. So He expects to manifest in me. Anything that speaks to me must come down. Whether it is physical symptoms. Whether it is personal history. Someone asked me to pray for their marriage. My, my wife was sleeping with my best friend and I would babysit my children just so I could stand in prayer for her while she was with him because I knew God was going to touch her. It had nothing to do with what we were experiencing. It had to do with what God had given. Expectation to manifest in our life! It didn’t matter what anybody did. It didn’t matter what the hurt was.  It didn’t matter what pain was. It didn’t matter what disappointment was. It doesn’t make any difference what you feel. It’s not about you. As a matter of fact is has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with Him.  And He decided He’s going to trust you with His presence. He’s going to entrust His presence in you to manifest Himself. And all you have to do is say “I acknowledge You are here. I acknowledge You are here. You are almighty. You are unlimited. You are unrestrained. You are supernatural. You are without any restraint whatsoever!” So anything and everything that rises in obstruction, whether it’s fear. You can look at your past and say… I mean Hey, I’m an ex mental patient. So when we receive offerings in our church I say now just think about it! You trust God to give money to an ex mental patient to hear the voice of God to use your money for His glory! Now who’s the crazy people in this meeting? So you got the idea. So, you know the confidence must be so unashamed that you have no history. It doesn’t matter what anybody knows. It doesn’t matter what anybody thinks. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through. It doesn’t matter what you’re facing. It only matters does God show Himself as God! So what is obstructing you? We’re going to pray because there’s a scripture in 2nd Thessalonians and Paul writes and he says, “I have confidence in the Lord touching you.” He doesn’t say I have confidence in you. He says “I have confidence in the Lord touching you.” And then the end of the sentence is “that both you will do and you do what is commanded of you.” The outcome is if I trusted my wife to change I’d be crazy. Not that I wasn’t before. But… I’d be really crazy. I never trusted she’d change. I don’t trust I would change. I have no confidence in my ability to change at all. In fact I have no confidence in my ability to see God manifest tonight. But I have confidence in God touching you. And the end result is that both you do and you will do everything God speaks to you. The end of this prayer is you fulfill everything God speaks to you. The end of it is God manifesting Himself. So just look at your neighbor and say: I could care less what you think…

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