
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. How many of us have had dreams and we haven’t really been able to figure it out. My guest has learned the language of Heaven and teaches people how to know what their dreams really mean. Anyone here interested in really knowing what, you want to learn that supernatural language? Get ready. I’m so excited about this show because yesterday we had a staff prayer meeting and we saw Adam move in the prophetic in accuracy like, and I have to tell you, I haven’t seen that before. Now you were not always prophetic. But you had an automobile accident. What happened?

ADAM: Well I did this sheepish thing when I was a young man.

SID: You weren’t a believer.

ADAM: No, I wasn’t a believer.

SID: We were pretty stupid before we knew the Messiah, some of us even after. Oy vey, I can’t believe I said that.

ADAM: And I did a pretty stupid thing. Driving home from a party I was intoxicated with alcohol with a friend of mine, one of my best friends. And all of a sudden there was this massive bang and we drive under a truck. So I got out of the car and the actual truck driver noticed I was intoxicated. I was actually seeing double. That’s how drunk I was. And he called the police and there was a big scene and thought to myself, oh boy, I’m in a lot of trouble. I went inside a little bit and I started to pray, and my friend said, “What are you doing?” I said, “I’m praying to God.” And he said, “Why?” And I said, “Well I’m going to God, I’m praying to God that if he gets me out of this I will, I’ll go to church and I’ll actually repent and ask God into my life and follow him.” And he didn’t know what to say, my friend. But the police officer came up to me and he showed me, he showed me this machine, I had to blow into this thing to test my breath, and he looked at it and it was completely negative. And I was seeing double. I was trying very hard to be sober.

SID: So that was in your mind and mine, too, that was an absolute miracle. He becomes a believer then he has a visitation from Jesus. What happened?

ADAM: Well ten years later, one night I actually came home from a late night after a long day’s work. All my family were asleep. And I saw this TV article on CNN of this TV evangelist. They called him out, you know, with some sin that he did, you know, with some prostitutes, and I called out, I was getting angry, and I said, “Where are you Lord when these men mock you?” I was looking for an excuse not to serve God. Anyway, the long story short, I felt the presence of God come into the room so strong. It came so thick I found myself shaking. My hands were shaking. Then I found myself on my knees shaking. I found myself, you know, completely wiped out on the floor prostrate with the presence of God so strong, it was a like a bright light just switched on in the place. And I was repenting because I wasn’t sure what was happening. I thought I was going to die. But what happened is before me was this fire, like a, all I could describe was like a burning bush. But in this fire was a man and there was a voice that spoke to me, went right through me, and I knew it was the Lord. And he said something interesting, he said, “Well I’m here now. What would you like me to do for you?” And I said, “Lord, give me wisdom.” That’s all I asked. I said, “Lord, give me wisdom.” And I kept asking that. And I said, “In fact, give me a double portion of Solomon’s wisdom.” Probably a month after that, that encounter I had this massive impartation with the Spirit of God where I couldn’t stop laughing and speaking in tongues.

SID: Okay. But then you started knowing people’s names and things about them.

ADAM: That’s right.

SID: Conditions.

ADAM: Just things started happening to me. I couldn’t explain. I had to work it out myself because I never had any mentors. But I could see in the spirit. I’m in the street, I knew what was wrong with people. I even knew, one time, I knew, in a cafeteria, knew the lady’s name and she thought I was some sort of stalker. She freaked out, “How do you know me?” And I’m thinking, I don’t know why I know these things.

SID: But he gradually learned. Now Adrian, you two worked together in the most phenomenal way. What is your part and what is Adam’s part?

ADRIAN: You know Sid, Adam’s got a tremendous seer’s, a prophetic gift. Mine is a teaching prophetic gift and the two seem to dovetail. One of our friends in Colorado, a friendship we developed, says, “You two guys have got a one-two punch.” And so what, we complement each other. We have a synergy between ourselves and God put us together so well. You know, it has a strength and a ministry when both aspects of the ministry are released. Because when I teach, there’s a word of revelation for the Word of God released, and when Adam is ministering, the power of God displayed as words of knowledge is released and people and individuals are set free.

SID: Okay. That begs the question. Why is it so important for us to understand our dreams?

ADRIAN: You know, to understand our dreams, if we don’t understand our dreams we’re missing part of God’s love language to us. You know, in the scriptures, a third of the Bible is poetry. Wherever we see a ragged edge in our modern Bibles is poetic. There’s more than Job to Psalms. All throughout scripture all the prophets are poetic. And we’ve moved into a kingdom of love and God uses poetry to speak to us. It’s a higher language. And if we can understand that language then God can move us and see the Kingdom manifest. Whenever Jesus spoke or taught about the Kingdom, he used parables. Our dreams are personal parables to us and they’re framed around our lives.

SID: But you explain to me that somehow when we’re in that dream state God can get through to us easier. Explain that.

ADRIAN: That’s true. You know, we have a natural defense mechanism and one of the main things of dreams is correction and warnings. God has an ability to speak to us in parable form, and in the parable he has a way of getting behind our defense mechanisms when we understand what he’s saying.

SID: Well let me tell you something. I am very frustrated over my dreams. I recognize how important it is to understand God is telling me things. I want Adrian and Adam to address this when we come back. Be right back.

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