Sid: You know what is coming up this weekend? Pesach, Passover. We are told in scriptures that we are supposed to have this Passover celebration every year. Why? Because it’s a shadow of what the Messiah did for us, but it’s also a shadow of future events. I have my friend Dr. John Miller on the telephone speaking to him at his home in Tampa, Florida. He’s a chiropractor, but he has studied communion for 22 years. In effect the Last Supper was a Passover Seder. He has a teaching called the “Meal That Heals” with such deep rich understanding of communion. But this weekend begins Pesach, Passover, and I’ve asked Dr. Miller to show us the connection between the Lamb that takes away the sins of the whole world, the Passover Lamb, Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, and healing, and communion. John what are some of the parallels that you have seen?

John: Well you know we see the Passover lamb as a perfect picture of Messiah crucified on the cross. Everything in the story up to that also points to the Messiah. For instance, the story begins when God called on Moses to go set his people free. Well, he was a man God sent to set his people free, so was the Messiah a man sent to set God’s people free. Moses was so much a type of the Messiah that their birth circumstances were identical. The ruling leaders had killed all young males 2 years old and younger. So Mary and Joseph had to flee to Egypt, and Moses had to be put in basket and sent down the Nile. So we see Moses as a type of the Messiah. Then Moses tells God that he is slow of speech and he can’t go talk to Pharaoh. So he says well take Aaron your brother, the priest, and use him as your spokesman. Now we find that Aaron becomes a type of the Messiah. In John 1 it says “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men.” The Greek word for “Word” there is “Logos” which means spokesmen, not Rhema which means the spoken word used in other places. So we find that the Messiah was the spokesmen for God. Now Aaron is typifying the Messiah, he’s going to be the spokesmen for God. They were going to use Moses’ rod, which other places called Aaron’s rod and even the rod of God. Remember God told Moses to throw the staff down, the rod, and it turned into a serpent and he picked it back up and it turned back into a rod. Well even the rod represents the Messiah. Wood in the Bible represents humanity; the Messiah came in the form of humanity, and He was the authority of God. The rod that a person carried had their markings of who they were in the tribe and what their authority was. The Messiah was the authority of God. He even changed things for instance, “You have heard it said ‘Thou shalt not commit murder,’ but I say unto you ‘If you hate your neighbor you’ve committed murder in your heart.’” He kept repeating the things that I say are not mine, but what I hear from the Father. So the rod itself becomes wood, humanity, the authority of God. When they went in Pharaoh’s temple and they threw the staff down and it turned into a snake, Pharaoh’s magicians threw their staffs down they turned into snakes, but Moses’ rod swallowed up the other snakes. Then when Moses picked the rod back up it went back into a wooden staff. That’s a perfect picture of the Messiah. He came in the form humanity, wood, as the authority of God, and when He went to the cross when He took our sins in Him He was made to be sin for us, Who knew no sin. He likened in John 3:14 Himself on the cross to the serpent that Moses raised up on the pole in the wilderness. “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so shall the Son of man be lifted up.” So…

Sid: I’m reminded that story when Moses did it it said if you would look at, I think it was a brass serpent, everyone that looked at it would be healed.

John: Right. So this staff went from wood to a serpent. Now when Jesus was on the cross he was in the form of serpent so to speak He was the essence of sin and evil. He took our sin in His own body so when He was on the cross He defeated Satan and all of the demons. So while Jesus was in the form of a serpent He defeated Satan, then He died and was resurrected back into flesh and bone. He said “Touch me, handle me I’m flesh and bone.” So that staff went from wood, humanity and the authority of God, to a serpent swallowing up the other serpents, then back into the form of the staff, the wood and the authority of God. So the staff pictures the Messiah leading right up to the 10 miracles that were performed, I see that as the law. Paul said “The law doesn’t free you, it only condemns you.” The 10 miracles that Moses performed did not free God’s people it took the blood of the lamb over the doorpost and the death angel coming through that night to free God’s people. The instruction that was given to Moses was “Take the blood and put it up over the lintel and the side posts of the door, then roast the lamb and eat yea all of it even the pertinents thereof.” So we’re told by Jewish history the way that they roasted that lamb they put it on a vertical pole, they split the chest open they pulled the chest apart and put a cross bar in. They took the intestines and wrapped around the lamb’s head. Now we have a perfect picture of the Messiah on the cross, remembering he had our sin in Him and the ultimate end to sin is the lake of fire the Bible says. So what did they do with that lamb that represented the Messiah with our sin? They built a fire around him and engulfed him in fire, and roasted that lamb. Then they had to eat it, all of it. The Israelites at that time didn’t understand what type and shadow they were doing, but from God’s perspective when those Israelites at that roasted flesh of that lamb representing the Messiah, they made an identity with the redemption that was done by the Messiah when they left Egypt, Psalms 105:37 “They came out with silver and gold and not one infirmed one among them.” So the blood of the lamb saved their life, and the flesh of the lamb when they ate it healed them. So that’s why Paul could say in 1 Corinthians 11 “When we discern the bread, which represents the body of the Messiah, when we discern that body was beaten for our healing,” Matthew 8:17 says “Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses and by His stripes we are healed.” When we come to the communion table and don’t discern that bread represents the body of Christ that was pictured by that body of that lamb, then we eat the bread and drink the wine and walk away from table unhealed.

Sid: A lot of people, at least myself, I was always taught to discern the body means if you ever done anything wrong to another member of the body of Messiah. What you’re saying is a far greater truth that is, discern thee body of Messiah and what He did for us. So that’s why many are sick or even dead because they don’t discern what the Messiah did for us. That’s so much different than the way I was originally taught.

John: Yeah there is a truth in what is taught in that discerning the body… let’s say you weigh 350 pounds and God spoke to me and said “You better tell Sid to cut back on his eating or he’s going to die prematurely” and you don’t listen to me as part of the body of Christ, there’s a truth in there, but it has nothing to do with what Paul was teaching here. He said “He that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself.” Not discerning the Lord’s body you’re eating the body. It’s talking about participating in eating the body of Christ it has nothing to do with the other elements of the body of Christ.

Sid: So you take communion every day I know John. Do you ever find yourself falling into ritual rather than discerning the body?

John: You know what’s funny about that Sid, I’ve heard ministers come against saying “Well if you did it every day it would become ritualistic.” I’ve never heard one person that every took communion daily say that.

Sid: Hmm.

John: Derek Prince took it daily, Smith Wigglesworth took communion daily. Anyone that takes it daily just has such a reverence for it.

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