
Sid: My guest Apostle Maldonado and we’re teaching this week on one of the most misunderstood areas which is separating you from being a demonstrator of God’s power to being just someone that has a lot of information inside of your head.  Guillermo you told me that it’s revelation that causes the miracles.  Give us some revelation; teach us some revelation on the kingdom of God and the resurrection.

Guillermo:  Okay, 2 things Sid, I thank you Sid.  Actually 2 things are very important to understand the prerequisite for God to demonstrate power is revelation not information because God would not have allowed for his power to be based on fallen knowledge.  I can give you any kind of knowledge natural knowledge is what I call fallen knowledge and I cannot produce power.  One of the reason we don’t see the demonstration today is because number one there is no revelation; people have information on the Kingdom and after they preach that’s where you draw the line nothing happened.  Second they don’t want to take a risk they don’t want to risk their reputation, they too big.  Number three they don’t want to pay the price; I think those three things are very important to understand why there is no demonstration.  Let me give you a very quick revelation about what the Kingdom; where’s the Kingdom?  The word Kingdom is the word Vasalia which means government which means rule.  In other words it’s God’s rule; God’s dominion worship and will influence the earth.  I’m going to say it again; it’s just the government of God is an invisible government is not something that is visible and that’s why Luke 17:20 and 21 says “You’re not going to see the Kingdom and ask for observation.”  In other words you’re not going to see the Kingdom as a building but you’re going to see it…”  And Jesus said “But the Kingdom is within you.”  What does that mean?  It’s inside of us by through the Holy Spirit. So it’s an invisible Kingdom; number one it’s an invisible Kingdom and invisible government.  And when I’m saying government that means it has its rules, norms, constitution which is the Word of God.  So the Kingdom of God first of the Kingdom is a kingdom is a supernatural Kingdom, it’s above and it’s beyond any circumcise.  If you’re facing any circumstance right now there is a Kingdom within you don’t wait for me to pray, don’t wait for somebody else.  The Kingdom is within you; that invisible government is in you through the Holy Spirit.  So it is supernatural; what does that mean?  Supernatural means above and beyond; you can be above and not beyond.  You can be beyond but not above; but the supernatural Kingdom the supernatural of God is above and beyond sickness, beyond deception, beyond devils, demons, beyond fear, beyond depression. So this Kingdom, this government is within the believer.  Luke 17:20–21.  Number two it’s unshakeable kingdom; if you live in obedience, if you walk in obedience there’s nothing can touch you.  And Sid this is important for people to understand, anything that is established by a supernatural means cannot be shaken.  I’m going to say it again; “Anything that is established by supernatural means cannot be shaken.”  So if you see anything shaking today if your marriage is shaking if something is shaking denominations are shaking many things.  In fact economies are shaking because it was not established by supernatural means.  So the Kingdom of God is supernatural, the Kingdom of God is unshakeable and number thee the Kingdom, the government of God is also not in words but in power.  And that is the big difference today; we know good preaching, we come to church looking for good preaching and they say “Oh my God that Word was good.” but now what happened after they preached did they demonstrate it.  In America we don’t have any pressure of the man to demonstrate anything because we live in a free country, there’s no demand from people as a matter of fact we used to live without the power; we are used to live without the power for so long that we don’t miss it that demonstration we don’t want the demonstration.  We don’t miss that demonstration so the Kingdom of God is not in words but in power.  If you see any Kingdom being preached without demonstration that tells you that it is a motivational kingdom.  God never sent the church to preach without demonstration; in other words….

Sid: You know I’m reminded that, not yours, but some of the most successful churches in the United States teach mostly motivational, positive thinking, they work scripture in it but there are no signs and wonders and people flock to it.  Why would people flock to that when they could flock to where the power is being taught so they can walk in the power?

Guillermo: Okay, I tell you because Sid because again this is to what we are used to live without the presence and the power of God and we think the Word is the most important.  But what about when Jesus said this is what Jesus said “You Pharisee’s you err the word of God and the power of God.”  That tells you we must be a church of the Word, and church of the power, but today the majority of the believers in this country, and even in other countries that have been Sid they don’t bring any expectation for demonstration for the supernatural.  They don’t have any so when there’s no demand for demonstration for the supernatural Sid God will not supply.   

Sid: I want to whet the appetite of people that are listening to us.  Tell me about the person who got a creative miracle I’ve read in my notes someone had a new thyroid.

Guillermo:  Okay I was preaching in Peru maybe 15,000 people, people were coming from everywhere.  And this little girl came into the place into the building and brought her mother brought her in.  And there was a moment when the power of the Kingdom fell onto the place into the building.  And suddenly this little girl was on the fourth floor she was I mean in the building and she was missing the thyroid gland. And suddenly she felt something in her throat. One of my best doctors, which is a Cuban doctor they always certify those kind of miracles they got the instruments to check and the whole thing.  And this little girl came up with her mother; they were running to the altar, they were weeping and they said “Well, you know something happened and I tell my doctor “You check them out.”  And went and checked her out; came back and the Lord had created a new thyroid gland.  In other words instantly one miracle it happened there.

Sid: Tell me about your brand new book “The Kingdom of Power” subtitle “How to Demonstrate It Here and Now.”

Guillermo: Okay, I believe Sid, remember when Jesus said in the book of Matthew He said “Yours…” He ends the Abba Father prayer saying this. “Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory.”  And those three realms of God and that is what the Bible is, you know He the revelation is so much in those three things.  And I have written on the glory, I have written on the supernatural and the power, and the Lord said “I want you to complete those in “The Kingdom.”  Because the Kingdom is the government of God, the power is the ability of that government and the glory is the atmosphere of Heaven.  So what I’m trying to tell you is the Kingdom is God, the Kingdom must be built so we need the glory and need the power to build the Kingdom of God because the Kingdom is forever being expanded on Earth.  So it’s a book that I teach the people how to; anyone that believes that God is alive today and take the books and start reading on it they can start doing the miracles and signs and wonders.  And Sid this is not just to tell the people buy it, I got 1000’s in 50 countries; they have read my books and they read it and the moment they read it they put it into practice because revelation puts you into motion.  It activates what is dormant in you; it stimulates that you said “My God I want to do it; I want to do it I want to pray for the sick, I want to move in power.”  Not only receiving your miracle because most of the Christians today they are just looking for the blessing.  Well, that’s good God wants to heal you now but once you’ve been healed you’re healed God wants you to pray for somebody else.

Sid: You know we probably don’t have time but real briefly tell me about the young man in Mexico who is a Youth Pastor.  His congregation started at about 83 he sat under the teaching that we’re making available and now he has 4,000 youth and the Youth Pastor and his wife put a phone up to a 12 year old boy whose mother had just died and the phone was by the mother and tell me what happened when she spoke in the phone.

Guillermo: Well, you know he had applied what I had taught him.  I said “I want you to rebuke the spirit of death and then you release the power of the resurrection.”  And Sid and this kind of people the supernatural and the power the supernatural power is very normal. The Youth Pastor and his wife rebuked the spirit of death.  That woman came to life in that precise moment; and this kind of miracle brought so many people saying “Well, this is for real.”  And the youth group started growing and growing and growing to the point now they got 4,000 people.  And now Sid not only is the growth 1000’s of those 4,000 people they moving in the power; they….

Sid: I want the people listening to us right now to move in that power.

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