
Sid:  Everything, I mean you don’t even have to understand Bible prophecy but you can see everything on the late great planet earth has just speeding up so rapidly, all end-time events. We’re told by the Prophet Daniel that in the last days we would get insight into end-times and I’m so excited to be interviewing David Brennan right now.  Dave before he knew the Lord the Bible was a mystery to him he didn’t understand anything he read but it was as if supernaturally he had such a desire after having a dream and a warning to sell out to God to give his life to God. He couldn’t get enough of the Bible. But certain things started coming into his hands for instance, there was a papyrus, an ancient Egyptian scroll, that came into his hands that sounds exactly like the judgments that hit Egypt.  And again why did they hit Egypt, because Moses said “Let my people go to Israel” and Pharaoh stopped him. He’s seeing a parallel even today of those judgments. But tell me, I mean it’s fascinating, but tell me one in the ancient scroll one of the judgments that it talked about for Pharaoh trying to stop the Jewish people from going to Israel.

David: You know in Al Arish there’s a shrine and the shrine has on it the hieroglyphic that were deciphered and it talks about a time long ago where Pharaoh had gone before the sea; the Red Sea to the same place the name is same as in the Book of Exodus tells us is the town where the Jews fleeing Egypt had first camped before crossing the Red Sea.  Then as it goes on it talks about how Pharaoh ended up in a whirlpool of water and lost; he was lost he was killed in a whirlpool of water just outside of that particular city that the Bible says is the place that the Jews launched into to the Red Sea.  So it’s just absolutely fascinating from a secular perspective you know that it was recorded exactly what the Book of Exodus is telling us.

Sid: Now just out of curiosity, and we’ll talk hopefully a little later on in the week about what’s coming up which is a replay of what happened in the Exodus as countries try to divide the land of Israel.  But before that, how in the world did you get this revelation you have in your two books on Zachariah and the four horns and the four carpenters how did that evolve?

David: Well I’ll tell you as I was writing I began looking at various prophecies that relate to Israel’s possession of the land. This particular prophesy talks about how four horns will eventually come against the land.  Well we know that horns are actually political powers. These horns will go after to scatter the land.  But a funny thing will happen, that’s not funny for them, is that the Lord will respond with what he calls four carpenters.  And amazingly we do have today four political entities that have united under the name Quartet; that is the legal official international name.  The United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia have come together to form this Quartet.  They are now actively seeking to remove the land from Israel.  Now some Bible scholars in Israel’s history, I’m sorry in the churches history would come out and say “Well no that was nations in Israel’s past,” But of the four nations they would utilize to fulfill that prophecy two of them did not scatter the Jews, Persia restored them and Greece did not scatter them. So we know that the prophecy has not been fulfilled.  We also know this that when we read the scripture it refers to the horns going forth to scatter; it says horns in the plural several times right until the end Sid it says lifted their horn indicating the plural goes to singular the four will act as one.  And that’s exactly what we’re seeing today, it’s not only that we’re seeing this four acting as one that says “Yes, this prophecy is fulfilling right now.” But when you look at the warning associated within that prophecy it talks about how the Lord showed Zachariah four carpenters and then He asks “Where are these coming to do?”  And then he flat out says “That they’re coming to fray the horns of the Gentiles that have come to scatter the land.”  And so that takes us to events that are unfolding today.                             

Sid: So what do you define carpenters as?

David: You know I’ve given that a lot of thought. I think huge powerful angels I would have to say; sophisticated angels capable of doing quite a bit to the nations that are trying to scatter Israel.  And we see actually if we go back the very first day that this quartet, this group of four political entities or four horns met was April 30th 2003.  Consequentially and I say that tongue and cheek on that particular day the worst weather in US history began on that day.  It was a tornado rampage like which had never been recorded.  It was 562 of them over the course of about three weeks and when that ended, then a heat wave was launched in Europe which was the worst in 250 years tragically 52,000 people lost their lives.  The worst one in 250 years.

Sid: So let me get this straight when this quartet which you believe very clearly is the four from the book of Zechariah when this quartet came together this horrific thing happened.  When you saw the in quotes as you put it “The coincidence of the timing,” what did this mean to you?

David: It mean that that’s further confirmation that this prophecy is actually unfolding and this is a prophecy given 2500 years ago unfolding today.

Sid: Okay, give me so more understanding of the four horns and the four angels or carpenters.                                      

David: One thing is this replacement theology tried to put the four horns in Israel’s past because they had to because they didn’t think Israel was coming back into the land. There’s another incident that took place, you know we’re told in the prophecy that the carpenters will go forth to fray these four horns.  Okay, here’s another event of this fraying, this biblical fraying…

Sid: When you say fray you mean destroy.

David: Oh, yeah do great damage.

Sid: Okay fray sounds too mild to me but go ahead.

David: Until you look at the definition it’s pretty out there.

Sid: Okay.                                          

David: You look at the global financial collapse that happened in 2008 and most of us look at that and say “Okay, we’ll it happened in 2008.”  But in point of fact you can go back and you can find out the exact day it began and this is how. The entire global financial collapse centered on banking liquidity or the lack thereof.  It’s measured by the premium banks pay to one another; you can go back to July 26, 2007 and you can see the beginning of the march of that premium that used to be less than 7/100th of 1% marched all the way up to 364/100th of 1% to put that in English, it’s a sigma 6.2 event which would take place once out of every 2.5 million days and that happened, began on July 26, 2007.  Well, you say “What’s so special about that?”  That marks the week that the Quartet launched their next effort to remove the promise land.  Tony Blair the head of the Quartet at that time went to the Middle East to begin gathering the group of nations that would oppose Israel to remove the land on that very same week.

Sid: So you’re seeing every time this Quartet does something notable there’s a judgment.

David: The key is this; when you look at all of these events that transpire, and this is something I know that we’re going to get into in a little bit, we have I have a political catastrophe matrix that I talk about.  And what is notable is that it has to be some advance against the promise land. So if the Quartet meets and it’s a meaningless meeting nothing seems to happen, but when it is a meeting of great substance like being the first in an effort is big.  Or the one that the meeting that ended up taking place based off of the July 23, 2007 visit of Tony Blair to the Middle East was the Annapolis Peace Conference where it was a promise land bazaar where everybody wanted to get their hands on Israel’s land.

Sid: And what happened at that meeting what consequence?

David: They set up a framework that could be used in the future to remove the land, it’s there; it’s sitting there now because of that gathering.  It was a significant gathering.

Sid:  No but what judgment occurred as a result.

David: That is actually that meeting took place in November of 2007 but the beginning move the first week that Tony Blair went to the Middle East to begin the effort toward that Annapolis conference was the week of July 23, 2007; which was the exact week that the global system began to fray basically.

Sid: When you see all of these things, how certain are you that your prognosis based on scripture that you see is about ready to happen; how certain are you that it’s correct?

David:  I am very certain because I believe the Lord is showing us so that we can be watchful and sober. We’re told…

Sid:  Whoops we’re out of time again….This Quartet is on the scene right now, the history we already know the Bible we have revelation on…

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