
You know I was reading a book by Dennis Bennett called “The Holy Spirit in You.” It talks about a woman that worked with the deaf and she prayed for them to be so immersed with the Holy Spirit that 2 deaf mutes started praying the most articulate unknown languages, and then 20 deaf people spoke fluently in tongues. Another book I read by John Sherrill “They Speak With Other Tongues.” This John Sherrill went to a university and tape recorded speaking in unknown tongues. A linguistic scholar said every one of them was a real language he could figure that out. He didn’t know all the languages, but everyone was a definite language. So how do you receive this Holy Spirit explosion? First of all He’s called the Holy Spirit, get that, the Holy Spirit. You can’t be involved in the New Age and expect to receive the Holy Spirit. Read Deuteronomy chapter 18. If you’re involved in séances and fortune telling and witchcraft, and reading cards, and Harry Potter, if you’re involved in drugs, if you’re involved in adultery what kind of spirit do you think you’re going to be immersed in? It’s not going to be God’s Holy Spirit. So number 1 repent of your sins you can do that. Tell God you’re sorry and ask Him for the help to overcome them and not keep repeating them. The next thing you have to understand is receiving the Holy Spirit, although some people have emotional experiences with it it’s not necessarily an emotion it’s a decision. Now with me, someone said “Pray in the name of Jesus that you be immersed in the Holy Spirit.” I did that and he said “Now you can pray in tongues,” and I believed him… see I hadn’t had that unbelief. He told me I could do it, if he had told me I could have walked on water I would have walked on water at that moment. I spoke in unknown tongues perfectly and I had no emotion. Now remember you receive this explosion of the Holy Spirit by faith. Receiving is usually an action, for instance, Peter walking water. If Peter had said to Jesus “I would like to walk on the water, but I’m not going to do it till you move my legs that way I’ll know it’s sure that it’s really from you. If I move my own legs who knows…” Wait a second Peter did his part he moved his own legs. So faith is an action, and you better demonstrate an action or you don’t have faith, and if you don’t have faith you’re not a God pleaser. Receive the Holy Spirit by faith, and you have to become like a little child. I was like… although I was 30years of age I was like a little child for the things of God and the gifts the Spirit. I mean my instructor told me I could do it, and I didn’t doubt it, and I had no unbelief. Now you can sing in the Spirit, and you can sing with your understanding. Many people like to sing their language. Psalm 81:10 says “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it,” but it says in the 2nd chapter of Acts “They spoke in tongues.” Who did the speaking? “They did the speaking,” you must do the speaking, and do it out loud and don’t stop, and pray as fast as you can. You know what I’ve had people that have been praying in tongues for years, but they really haven’t been doing it much it because it immerses the Holy Spirit throughout them, that they’re praying mysteries in the Spirit to solve the biggest problems in their life that their peanut brain doesn’t understand. That they’re going to be able to speak languages they’ve never been instructed to people and give them words of prophecy in their own language. That they’re going to be able to pray in tongues and then interpret it in church. They’re going to be able to praise God well in the Spirit. When they pray very quickly God gives them multiple tongues, and they’d have one prayer language their whole life, the language will actually change.  Now the devil will tell you “You’re making it up.” Well you tell the devil “I’ve repented of known sin and I believe Jesus is my Lord and I am asking Jesus to fill me with the Holy Spirit because He’s seated at the right hand of God the Father, and He promised that the Holy Spirit would come and be inside of me. So I’m just standing on His word.” So are you ready to pray? Pray out loud with me: Dear God, say this right after me, dear God I’m a sinner please forgive for my sins; I believe the blood of Jesus washes them away. I make Jesus my Lord and savior. Lord Jesus live inside of me and now Holy Spirit I ask you to baptize to just fill me with your presence. I have only so many words in English I can sing to you and pray to you. I want to pray in unknown tongues, and the Bible says “That I praise you well,” and I want to praise you well. So I dedicate whatever comes out of my mouth to praising you well, in the name of Jesus. Now begin to thank Him for the blood. Thank you for your blood, thank you for forgiving my sins, thank you for the fact that I’ll be forever with you in heaven. Thank you that you’ll never leave me or forsake me, thank you Lord. I bless you Jesus. Now begin to speak in unknown tongues, and you think I don’t know what to say perfect so far. If you’ll be like a little child, that’s what you have to enter the Kingdom of God like a little child. A little child starts with little syllables but say them quickly and elongate them. Just if you do it so quick and you will not hear it in your head. Thank you (Sid praying in tongues). Come on now you can do it. (Sid praying in tongues) God’s waiting for you, you’re not waiting for God (Sid praying in tongues). How can you walk on the water if you’re waiting for God to move your leg Peter? (Sid praying in tongues) It’s time to launch out (Sid singing in tongues). Now pray it as strongly as loud as you can and as quickly as you can. (Sid praying in tongues) You can do it fast (Sid praying in tongues). I’m just a Holy Ghost cheerleader right now (Sid praying in tongues). Do you realize what you are doing? You are changing yourself; you are being saturated by the Spirit of the living God. Now for those that did not pray, listen it’s just because we all come from different perspectives but if you oh read the Bible for a little bit, praise God in English. Anytime you want to start you can start, and if you have prayed it’s the only gift of the Spirit you can start and stop at will. If you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and you haven’t been praying much boy you should read a book of my friend Dave Roberson. He started praying 8 hours a day and he is a superman in the Spirit. A friend of mine read his book and did the same and this guy is a missionary to the nations now. I mean being saturated in the Spirit; being saturated in the blood of Jesus by taking communion; being saturated in the Word of God by meditating on the God’s word. I prophecy to you if you’ll do this you’ll become a minister that is a flame of God’s fire. At this set time to favor to Zion it is so imperative. I’ve got a copy of the newspaper ads we’re running by faith in the largest newspapers in Israel, the largest newspapers in New York City. Do you realize there are 7 million Jewish people in New York City and in Israel that watch “It’s Supernatural” television and these shows are so anointed by God because they’re not religious. Praise God! I want you to become part of the Millionaire’s Club, a million souls. I believe you and I together, with your prayers and with your gifts we can run these ads. What if 20% of Israel’s population, 20% of New York City start’s watching our television show? Having a million Jewish people, and maybe 10 million Gentiles come to the Lord. I want to take that to heaven with me, what about you? He who wins souls is wise. Become a part of the Millionaire’s Club, a million souls, no premiums, no box tops, just the favor of God.

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