Sid: This week you’ve been hearing a bit about how powerful the first church was and how the first church lost its power and the reasons for it.This is Pesach week, Feast of Unleavened Bread and you know how an orthodox Jew would celebrate Pesach, Passover.  You know how many Messianic Jews would celebrate Passover, but what does God want with these biblical festivals,is there not something more under the New Covenant?  And I have on the telephone my friend Rabbi Curt Landry and he is spiritual leader of House of David Congregation a one new man congregation in Fairland, Oklahoma north of Tulsa.  Curt how do you celebrate Passover at House of David?

Curt: We are really excited and we respect all the ways people celebrate Pesach and Passover.What we do is we come together Jews and Gentiles as the one new man.  You know in Ephesians it says that there is a middle wall that has been removed that creates an abiding place for the Lord. And in Ephesians chapter 3 it says in that abiding place that it’s the Lord desire to make His manifold wisdom be made known in a manifestation to the church and to the powers and the principalities.  And not planned at House of David but we’ve had over 20 Passover Seders and what we found is that there is an anointing of revelation when people can see all the types and shadows in the matzo, in the cups, in all the elements of the Seder it all points to the love of God and the goodness of that love to send the Passover Lamb Yeshua our Mashiach.  And the anointing of revelation in the House of David has brought forth healing signs and wonders, it has brought miracles, peoples marriages have been healed and peoples bodies have been healed.  And particularly when we get to the third cup when we get to that third cup of redemption people seem to make the connection that healing is for today, salvation, victory over the problems in their marriages and their businesses.  And we have just been…we had no idea when we started this we just thought we’re going to have a Passover, this is what we desire but it really turns into like almost a healing meeting where all sorts of troubles and burdens seem to fall off at this table Sid.

Sid: You know what I have to believe, that if you have a Jewish person that doesn’t know the Messiah and they were to come to a One New Man Passover Seder where the Kingdom of God is demonstrated not just history, not just talking about what happened at the original Exodus, but actually demonstrating before their very eyes it’s got to change, it’s got to blow them out of the water!

Curt:And Sid that exact thing has happened and you know there is always pressure on me because you know this is not an Orthodox Seder and we allow the Holy Spirit.  I mean we cover all the basis of the Seder but we allow the Holy Spirit to move and so you know when you get the second cup of the plagues and we put it on the plate and we say you know the blood, frogs, lice and then I found myself with the anointing after we got past the cattle diseases, boils and hail and we’re going on that I found myself just calling out cancers, leukemia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, heart…

Sid:Hey it’s wonderful that you’re calling these things out but at your Passovers, One New Man Passover Seders the House of David, what types of miracles have actually occurred?

Curt:We have seen and have had reported people healed from cancers, we’ve had people healed from heart disease, we’ve had marriages healed.  And when I say that we actually had a couple that came that were planning to get divorced that next week, they came to the Seder, and they were so touched within you know all these elements go from the table within and so it’s not just a matzo and it’s not just the bitterness of the herbs and things that go just into our mouth but they go into our spirit and there is a reconciliation.  And you know faith worketh through love and what we find at the House of David is that the love of God is truly shed abroad in our heart by the Holy Spirit because it’s a miraculous time and Sid I have to say this you know this is a moed, it’s a divine appointment, this is a time where God calls us to meet with Him and He certainly does in a One New Man Seder.

Sid:And I like to explain and most people don’t know the Hebrew they just read the English and they miss what God is saying, literally these Biblical celebrations God says, “I promise to be at this appointment,” could you picture anything stopping you Rabbi Curt from going to an appointment that God has set up?

Curt:Oh, you know in Proverbs it says that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  But you know one of the traditions that we do is the Dayenu, you know, it would have been have been enough.When you start to read you know it says “They celebrated abundantly the goodness and with joyful singing of His righteousness.  And when we do these Dayenus when we say “It would have been enough that if He would have just done this and the other things that we say, you know if He would have just brought us out of Egypt it would have been enough.  If He would have just permitted us to pass on dry ground but when you start realizing the Dayenus and it’s being said you know our Passover had …we’ve had them with 6 to 700 people and when you have them all saying “Yes, He’s enough, Yes, He’s enough” faith cometh by hearing of the word of God but faith also comes by seeing and when you see all your brothers and your sisters there holding up these cups and this bread and this matzos and saying He’s enough the miracles break forth.

Sid:Oh I can just feel the presence, it’s like a river and it’s getting deeper and deeper as we’re talking.  For those that aren’t that familiar with Rabbi Curt Landry he travels the world with T.L. Osborn.  When you and T.L. are involved in a campaign in another country what are some of things that you’ve seen?

Curt:There’s 3 things that Dr. Osborn does in a campaign and this is what he’s mentored me with is that first of all we have to hear the word, secondly we have to receive the word, and third we have to take action.  And you know he goes to countries that are like we’ve been with him in Africa and Puerto Rico and different places.What happens is that he simply tells the goodness of God.  He brings the love of God and he access of that love is through Yeshua and then and then he brings forth the scriptures that it’s for today.Then so people hear the word, they believe the word and then me says I want you to do something you couldn’t do before.  And in every campaign he always starts out with those that have lost hearing in one ear and then he has them plug the good ear and then the first thing that happens usually on the first night is several and I say several I’m talking between 25 these are outreaches where there’s usually start the first night 15 to 20,000 people.

Sid:That’s a big church!

Curt:It’s always outside but they’ll be somewhere between 25 and 100 who have an ear open and it’s just a demonstration to the people that God is able.  Then the second night he goes for the blind eyes.Then typically on the third night what happens is that once they see the ears and the eyes, and it’s very prophetic Sid because we have to be able to hear and we have to be able to see that God is real.  And then on that third night that’s when the tumors fall off, that’s when the wheel chairs start to fly in the air and it really it almost turns into a riot because there’s…

Sid:But that’s the way Passover should be it’s a celebration of the greatest deliverance that happened short of the Messiah coming.

Curt:To me the Passover is the foundation of healing because it’s a time when God said “You know these things have come to hold you and kill you but put the blood on the doorpost, come into the house, shut the door and consume all of me.Then when that death angel has past then you can go out in abundance and you can become a nation.”

Sid:You’re listening to Rabbi Curt Landry and One New Man Passover Seder.That One New Man for all of these festivals but you must understand the history of how powerful the first congregation of believers were and why we lost our power and literally the Jewishness, and when I say Jewishness I’m not talking about culture, I’m talking about the foundational truths of the Bible were stolen from the church and when they are restored.When you understand this and Robert Heidler’s book “The Messianic Church Arising” shows you the rhythm of life that has been lost by the church as a result of not observing these Godly biblical festivals.  And they’re really God appointments in which God says “I promise to attend your feast” this book “The Messianic Church Arising” is the most inclusive book I’ve seen explaining the history and then explaining the festivals it is must understanding for the next move of God’s Spirit.

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