Sid:  I have found that there’s a way to speed everything up. My guest David Herzog, I’m speaking to him at his home at Sedona, Arizona, speaking to him about his latest book, “Glory Invasion, Walking under an Open Heaven.”  And David, on yesterday’s broadcast we said that science is finally catching up to the Word of God and to me when I begin to understand that from having read your book it helps me grab hold of faith.  It actually, for me makes faith more tangible to me.

David:  Exactly, it gives you more confidence when you pray.

Sid:  Let’s do this for some of our listeners right now; would you explain that invisible world that science is catching up with; the Word of God.

David:  Sure, let me explain it to you.  We know in the Bible that Jesus commanded the wind and the waves and they obeyed Him.  You always wonder why would the wind, not just the demons the wind listened to Him.  Or He said that He could talk to a fig tree and cursed it and it died, He said, “If you spoke to a mountain, so these are things that we don’t really understand how could a mountain hear you?  And after understanding this now I have really really understood it a bit more that Genesis 1 God used sound to create everything, “Let there be light.”  Scientist now are saying the smallest particle is not a proton or a neutron, it’s a sound wave or a quark.  Sound waves they’re finding out has the actual ability to respond to voice recognition to respond to commands.

Sid:  You know I interviewed a man by the name of Paul Heckstrum that he had a stroke and most of his brain just was destroyed, he was supposed to be a vegetable, and he read the word of God out loud; not just didn’t just read the word.  He read the word of God out loud, he was totally restored.

David:  Yes, because he used sound.  The word of God is powerful and sharp and so their realizing that not just everything was create by sound, “Let there be light,” but He spoke sound to make the light.  So everything is made of sound at its core, and that sound wave can hear and respond.  That’s what they’re finding out, and that’s what NASA scientists are finding this out, quantum physicists; people studying water particles; that the water particles respond according to how they are spoken to.   It’s really out there, and then it makes sense why the wind and waves would obey Jesus because they have sound waves that they have the ability to hear and respond.  Psalms 148 God commands the creation to worship Him, trees, mountains, rocks, hills.  So if creation can hear God say worship me, praise me then the creation can also hear you when you give a command to it, whether it’s a body part to be healed, a bone to come together. Then you start understanding how the bones of Ezekiel obeyed the voice of Ezekiel, you start understanding how Jesus said, “If you spoke to this mountain it will be removed or Moses just speak to the rock don’t hit it and it will produce water.”  You start understanding that the whole world around us the earth groans for the manifestations of the sons of God that all creation is actually groaning for this glory.  And it’s really interesting, you go out into the woods and worship and pray and the nature like in Sedona and suddenly or anywhere that’s natural surroundings you start sensing the presence of God’s glory more in a natural state of nature than you would in an inner city.  You don’t need a Walkman because creation is emanating sounds of worship and it’s been proven by science that melody and harmonies are coming out of creation right now.

Sid:  So as you understand it explain to me how Jesus could walk through a wall, or walk on water, or Philip could be translated to another city; how do you understand that.

David:  Yeah, when the glory comes upon your body the molecular structure of your body starts to change even if you soak in the soak in the Spirit for a couple of hours, you’ll start to feel lighter physically, you’ll actually feel lighter if you just mediate on God, lay down for a couple of hours and worship Him.  And it’s like almost like Star Trek where it says “Beam me up Scottie” all those little sound waves and those little molecules you see.  It’s similar to that to where Jesus when He walked on water or went through walls it’s like a cell phone.   A cell phone you can call someone and you can even emit video images across the air waves to another country on someone else’s cell phone, so the sound with picture and all of that travels.  You can be on a cell phone in a big building and it will go through the walls, so sound can go through walls.  You’re made of sound; your body is made of sound at its core and when the glory comes upon your body it’s like your spirit man takes over; like angels can go through walls because they are more spirit then they are flesh.  When you get into a  high level of the glory in the Spirit realm your Spirit man starts to dominate your physical man and that’s how you get transportation, out or body experiences; going through walls.  And I was tell you earlier about a story about this, I was teaching this actually from my book, and this group was all excited about the revelation and they got  hit head on by a horse trailer and they literally went through the trailer.  And the police officer saw it and later it was documented, they went through the trailer.  How could they do that?  They were worshipping for about fifteen hours the entire trip worshipping, praising, they were getting to such a level of glory their spirit man took over and the physical objects just went right through them, it was just amazing.

Sid:  I like to understand the progression of someone like yourself; a Bible school graduate; miracles start, etc. when did you start seeing, and the only world I can use is these outrageous signs and wonders such as someone with a bald head growing hair.  Or someone that instantly, I mean instantly loses weight, or someone that has creative miracles like gold teeth, did they just start, or did you get a word of knowledge, or how did that happen?

David:  Some of them I saw it before, some of them are new things that God told me to pioneer like the baldheads growing hair I’ve never seen anyone else operate in that ever.  But I was in a realm of the glory and God told me to start speaking this right now in the meeting.  And I was afraid to, He started off by telling me, “Tell the people there there’s a woman with hair dye and I’m changing her hair color.”  That’s how it first started and a woman that had gray hair instantly her hair turned back to her normal hair color.

Sid:  Which I have to say I was at a meeting and I saw this happen, if I didn’t see it happen I’d still believe David because he’s a friend of mine, but it helps to have seen it happen.

David:  You saw it at Miracle Valley.

Sid:  Yes.

David:  But this was the first one that the hair color changing and then because I had faith that that worked, okay that worked.  Then when God told me now declare that people that are bald are growing hair I had the faith to…it’s like a muscle, it’s faith with the glory.  Some people are high faith realm but there not in the presence of the glory.  But if you put high faith with high glory you get an explosive creative miracle realm. The gold teeth I had heard about it in Argentina happening in Argentina and then I had heard about it when I was in Vancouver one…

Sid:  Listen, every time I’ve have been with you in a meeting, or I’ve had you on television especially on television and radio we get reports of people writing in that they get gold teeth just by listening to you talk.

David: Wow.

Sid:  It must be in your spiritual DNA David.

David:  I don’t know God likes gold teeth I guess, he likes gold you know; the streets are paved with gold and everything, the Ark is covered in gold.  And Genesis 2 says that there’s gold in the river and the gold is good.  So the gold teeth is really a powerful sign because that’s a creative miracle, a healing and a sign all in one.  You get healed of the bad stuff from the dentist, the mercury, you get new teeth and He puts color on it, you know He put gold in it.

Sid:  What do you see prophetically by the Spirit is going to be happening shortly in America and in Israel?

David:  Okay, as far as politically or spiritually?

Sid:  Any way, I’m open to it all.

David:  Okay, in America and Israel.  As far as in the spirit realm the good side, the good part first is what’s happening I believe in Israel, and I was just t here.  They’re on a very small scale beginning a revival among the young people.  No one knows about it yet hardly among Israeli Jewish youth and some Arab youth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem are meeting together, they’re praying together, their worshipping, there is something just begun just within the last few months.  And in the USA I see the same thing starting, there’s a new move of God of young people like it was during the hippy revolution.  The hippy hill, that thing is now coming full circle, God is about to revive a thing with the youth, so that’s what I see in both nations.  Miracles, you’re going to see tents go up again all over the USA, healing signs and wonders like never before.  It’s also happening in Israel on a small scale, but it’s growing. So that’s what I’m seeing in that way.  As far as politically in the natural realm we’re going to see a lot of shakings and of course more turmoil, we’re going to see some in the next twelve months we could see some major catalytic events that makes September 11th look very small depending on what our governments do in Israel and Israel’s government does.  So we do need to pray for our governments that they make the right decisions with Israel.

Sid:  What would be a wrong decision in your opinion?

David:  The biggest mistake would be to divide Israel, the Bible says in Joel 3 not to divide the land; it talks about not moving ancient landmarks.  So if someone were to just divide it up and say “Well, it’s just give this to this country and this to these people, that would inflict major judgment worldwide economically, physically.

Sid:  Well, President Bush says he wants his legacy to be the one that developed the two state solution in the Middle East.  The Palestian state and the Jewish state.

David:  Yeah, if that would happen, if he were able to do that we would have the worse disaster.  Every time we or any nation or we have ever tried to do something similar to that usually within 24 hours, in fact the last time he announced that he would be the first…and I love President Bush, I pray for him.  But the last time that he announced that he would be the first President to give the Palestians a homeland within 24 or 48 hours we had September 11th hit out country.  So if this were to happen and actually succeeded not just announced it I wouldn’t doubt that the fault line between Chicago and Mississippi would just crack wide open and we would have a physical separation between east and west of the USA.  So we don’t want that to happen.  Gaza when we gave up Gaza, or we pressured them to give up Gaza the Lord told me there was going to be something that’s going to happen very soon within the next two weeks.  And I said, “I told my wife, and we were living in Florida at that time and He said “Get out of Florida and go west I’m moving you back to Arizona.  We went through New Orleans and he said, “Don’t stay here tonight, but pray for this city.”  We prayed kept going and when we got there the next day the hurricane hit and it hit right on the I-10 right there were we were and the Lord told me it was a direct result of losing Gaza and then losing New Orleans.  So we don’t want to mess with this kind of stuff.  We really got to pray for wisdom for our leaders and I don’t think that it’s just the leaders fault.  I think that if God’s people would pray for the leaders that they make the right decisions.  A lot of time we criticize the leaders but we don’t pray for them.  So it’s on our watch, so we have to do everything on our watch to pray, fast, write our leaders and tell them, hey please just make the right decisions.

Sid:  David, we’re making available your latest book “Glory Invasion” are someone special or are you getting testimonies of people that are reading your book, getting physically healed and beginning to understand how to cooperate with God and move in the glory?”

David:  Oh yeah, we’re getting countless just emails, letters, phone calls of people that read the book and then they say “Guess what I’m operating in the same thing that you are now, I’m seeing gold teeth, I’m seeing people saved, I’m seeing my prophecies come to past faster.”  A lot of people are seeing instant weight loss now that minister after reading the book, those who go…

Sid:  Oh, we’re out of time…

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