Sid:  Now for years I have been hearing about manifestations such as angel feathers, precious stones, and diamond gem stones.  I have got pictures here that were sent to me from the internet from Pastor David Jones. Pastor David is located in a suburb of Houston, Texas, Katy, Texas.  I have to tell you that excited me, but what excited me even more… and by the way when these manifestations occur people… someone’s neck has just been healed in Jesus name.  People are being physically healed. Right before this manifestation happened, I believe that Pastor David did something so important to the Spirit of God that, if you will, God rejoiced so much that these manifestations occurred.  Pastor David you told me that for 6 months before these things occurred you were teaching on a particular subject and really cultivating the presence of God. What subject did you teach on?

David: Sid we were teaching on the subject on humility. Humbleness, humble, humble, humble yourself under the mighty Hands of God, and He said He would exalt Himself for 6 months. God had me in that season on a series of humility, and God just moved supernaturally.

Sid:  As far as I am concerned, planet earth is in the midst of one of the greatest revivals the world has ever seen.  I believe the first time since Azusa Street. This new move of God has hit planet earth, and if there is one thing that will get in the way of the move of God’s Spirit it is pride. So I do not know of a more important subject for people to understand.  You know when someone hears the subject humility, “Oh yeah I need some of that, but I don’t want to hear it.” But I am going to tell you something, for you to get to the next level it is mandatory that you learn humility. You told me something interesting, you also were cultivating the presence of God. You would go out to the woods and pray.  Tell me about that.

David: For like 10 years God had me in a season of intense prayer and fasting, but I did more praying than I did fasting. I did more than just seeking the face of God, and going out into the woods. Don’t ask me why I went out into the woods.  Some people just use their closet, or their bedroom. I went out into the woods into the open space. I would go out and begin to just minister to the Lord, and worship Him, and talk to Him like He was a natural born man.  That is where my relationship began to build, and that is where my joy… and that is when I began to praise God out there, with no drums, no tambourine, no organ, with no handclapping people, it was just me and the Lord.  That is where I learned to release myself, and to empty of myself of all inhibitions of myself with God, and in the presence of God.  God used me out there with supernatural signs, supernatural feats, supernatural wonders, and God began to speak to me and tell me what was ahead for my life and in the future.

Sid: David tell me some of the supernatural things that happened when you were out in the woods alone with the Lord.

David: Well I have got so many, but I will share a few of them. One time I walked out and I began to worship God.  I thought I was going to go through the same routine that I would worship Him, and then begin to talk to Him and pray to Him.  Then I just heard the Lord whisper in my ear “Run.”

Sid:  David how old are you?

David:  I am 51 years young.

Sid: Okay, and He said, “Run.” Now just out of curiosity were you in good condition at the time?

David: I wasn’t out of shape, I don’t think I was.

Sid:  Okay, so why is that so supernatural to run?

David: He said to “Run,” and for some reason the neighborhood dog came out there with me, and that had never happened. I had my own dog, but at that time I did not have a dog. Usually I would take my dog when I got my dog, but this neighborhood dog followed me out. So the Lord came to me again, “Run.” So I just started running, and the dog all of a sudden got alongside of me started running with me, he just thought it was a game.  All of a sudden the anointing and the power of God came upon me so strong that my legs began to move so fast that it put me in an awesome amazement. As I left the dog I even speeded up even more, and I am thinking maybe quarter-mile to half-mile I ran at top speed like I never ran before. It was so supernatural I could not even believe my legs was moving that fast. All of a sudden I came to a dead stop.  I wasn’t breathing hard, I wasn’t exhausted, or out of wind.  I just fell to the ground and began to feel my body like “What’s going on?” I heard the Lord say, “Keep running, stay in the race, don’t give up I am going to use your body in supernatural feats and in signs and wonders.” Then a time I went out where there were boulders all around, in the dark. The power of God came upon me and I just ran and leaped in the air in the dark from one boulder, to the next boulder, to the next boulder. Tears was coming out of my face because I couldn’t stop leaping. It was like God took my body and used it the way that He wanted.  He said, “I am going to use your body in supernatural feats and in signs and wonders.” Then my mind goes back with Elijah how he outran the chariot.

Sid:  Tell me why started a 6 month series at your church on humility.

David: Some people said, “Why did you teach on humility, did you think that the body of Christ need it?” It was not so much that I thought that the body of Christ needed it, it was just that the Spirit of God moved upon me to teach on it. As I began to teach on it, people came from all around Houston on that Wednesday Bible class.  Just came to hear on this here humility. You know and I know Sid, you don’t hear too much teaching on humbleness. Even though we know that we need to be humble, we know we need to walk humble, but you don’t hear too much teaching.  As I began to expound on it revelation began to come to me, I mean it was just pouring out of me. People coming early on Wednesday just sitting there coming from Houston all over, waiting to hear on humility.  I would get up there the anointing would hit me so heavily that it would just pour out of me for 6 months, and that is how the book was birthed, “Humble is the Way.”

Sid:  Tell me some of the supernatural things that occurred that caused you to write the book on humility. The title is “Humble is the Way.”

David: Well Sid, God placed on my heart to write a book, but I did not know what to write, but He said, “I want to you write a book.” I believe it was 3 weeks to 2 months later that a prophet that I never met, but a minister introduced me on the phone to me, we exchanged numbers. Two months after that he called me out of the blue and said, “Pastor David, God said it is time to write the book.” I said, “Oh yes sir.” He said, “Pastor David, God said it is time to write the book.”  I said, “Yes sir.” He said, “The book is going to save people’s lives, God is going to prosper the book. Pastor David, God said it is time to write the book.” I said, “Yes sir.” He said, “God Bless you,” and he hung up. I was like, “Oh my God,” and I said, “Oh man that is confirmation Lord.” I believe it was a month or so after that God gave me the series to teach on humility.  Which I never taught a series before in my life, but it was on humility teaching every Wednesday for 6 months, and that is how the book was birthed, “Humble is the Way.”

Sid: Well it is a now book that is my mentoring advice to those that are listening to our mishpochah. Let me find out a bit about of your life. Your father really beat you as a young kid?

David: Oh yes, he was a boxer, and he had a problem with drinking. Any time he would get in his stupor he would take it out on me. He was a pretty tough guy, he could take 2 or 3 guys. So I guess, in his minds eyes, he was trying to instill that toughness in me. I never liked hurting people, I never wanted to hurt anybody, but he instilled that in me. So yes, he would haul off and hit me, or I’d be walking by he would trip me, just to do something to aggravate me, and say, “Come on you want to fight me?” I always said, “I never want to fight you.” But when I was at the baseball park, or out, and some guy said he was going to fight me a rage would rise up in me and I would end up beating them, or maybe 2 or 3 guys. I started feeling that I could really handle myself. I started getting prideful, and I said, “No one can tell me, no one is going to tell me what to do.” So God had to humble me and bring me down because of that.

Sid:  At 14 you actually left home.  How does a 14 year old survive in the streets?

David: It’s pretty hard you know. I was going to school too, and I would get out of school then go right to work, and work till midnight, but I had my own place and no one told me what to do. I am making my own money, and it was real tough it was a lot of responsibility. Then I end up going into the Marines, then I could help support my mother, sent her money.

Sid: Now in the Marines they taught you how to become a professional killer.

David:  A professional killer.

Sid:  Tell me what you did for them.

David: I was supposedly guaranteed Military Police Academy, but when they seen I was in there, and we got into the pugil fights, they give you pugil fights to fight back and forth. So they see that I could beat 1 guy, so they put another guy up, no 2 guys up, and they gave them sticks and they didn’t give me a stick, and I beat them.  Then took this like six-nine guy 250lbs and put him up, and he wore a size 14 boot.  They called him “Goliath.” I was terrified, but what they was doing is they like to pressurize you, they want you to break there before you break in war. So they seen that, and they called me a “Good fighting machine, you’re a good fighting machine. So you’re going to be 0311 riflemen, you’re going to be the first one to hit the beaches.” So they used me for my fighting abilities like when I get in that rage I want to survive.  I believe I was always fighting against my father, my invisible father.

Sid:  So you got out of the Marines and you’re still wild, but supernatural things started happening to you about the Lord.  Now were you an alcoholic, were you into drugs?

David:  Alcoholic, I was on drugs, on cocaine; I mean the whole nine yards. I got a job at the Ford Motor Company, and now here is a supernatural manifestation of God’s power, and getting my attention. The guy at Ford, he would invite me to his church, and I kept saying, “I don’t have any clothes” you know.  Then one day he invited me and so I went, and I sat in the back of the church. They was doing a revival in there and the evangelist was preaching, and he was saying, “If you want to give your life to the Lord you can come.” I was sitting in the back saying, “I was raised up in church as a little boy, but I don’t know if I can do this.” I was kind of indecisive so I didn’t go.

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