Sid Roth on August 25th, 2023

CLARICE: Now I want you to take a deep breath. It says, “If an evil father knows to give a good gift, how much more does the heavenly Father know to give you the Holy Spirit if you ask!” And it’s not a bird! I just want you to know we’re not going to give you a bird! But right there where you’re sittin’ Holy Ghost! [speaks in tongues] Now open your mouth and begin to speak! Paul says, “I will pray in the spirit and I will pray with my understanding.” The whole key to this is “I will!” You just ask God to give it to you and He says when you get the Holy Ghost these are the things that are going to happen. You will become a witness! You will become a witness! A witness is somebody that’s seen something! That’s the report that’s going to be in your mouth! So Father, in Jesus’ name right now open your mouth! Everybody in here let’s all begin to pray! [speaks in tongues]

Audience: [begins to pray in tongues]

CLARICE: Come on, now! Know it! Know it! Open your – [speaks in tongues] You can do this!

Audience: [praying in tongues]

CLARICE: You can do this! You do the speaking, God will do the inspiring! Like a baby! [speaks in tongues] 

Audience: [praying in tongues]

CLARICE: There’s healing! Migraine headaches, be healed in Jesus’ name! Thyroid! [speaks in tongues] Be healed right now in Jesus’ name! [prays in tongues] Eyes! [praying in tongues] The left eye! [praying in tongues] You can see now! You can see now where you could not see! [praying in tongues] Marriages that have been in turmoil! I bind you, devil! I bind you right now! Only through pride cometh strife and contention! I bind the spirit of pride! [speaking in tongues] POWER! In Jesus’ name! Whatever you’re needing, whatever you’re needing to say, “That’s mine! That’s mine! That’s mine!”

Audience: [praying in tongues]

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Sid Roth on August 14th, 2023

CLARICE: And he said, he says, “Well, they’re not like us!” Now, this is a man that has never, never been anywhere except a Catholic church! Turn to your neighbor and say, “We’ve not been this way before!”

Audience: We’ve not been this way before!

CLARICE: Get ready! You’re going to enjoy laughing at my story because if ignorance had needed a trophy they would have given it to me! Ignorantly is not stupid. It’s uninformed and inexperienced and I’d been churched out! I know about church! I just didn’t know about God! I’d had encounters. Spiritual encounters. But I did not know about the power of God! I didn’t understand. If I am so smart and I still think that the Holy Ghost is a bird there’s something wrong with me! But when you begin to realize how many people don’t know anything about anything they’re like my parrot Lola that all she’ll say is, “Polly want a cracker.” And she doesn’t know who Polly is or what a cracker is! But they can sit there and go on and on. We have been that way in the church to a great deal! We have had word recognition without word understanding!

Audience: Amen!   

CLARICE: Am I makin’ sense?

Audience: Yes! Yes!

CLARICE: Okay! So it’s so funny! And I said, “Explain it to me!” Now he’s going to explain to me He went to a Pentecostal meeting and he did not know it was a Pentecostal meeting! He didn’t know what a Pentecostal was!

Audience: [laughter]

CLARICE: And so at that time we were still saying mass in Latin!

Audience: [laughter]

CLARICE: So he said, “Honey.” He says, “They have a choir but it’s different than ours!” And I said, “Really? What is it?” And he says, “Well you know our choir sits up in the front and we sing from the Missal.” And he says, “But they’re all over the place!” He says, “And you don’t know when they’re going to sing!”

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: And I said, “They don’t know when they’re going to sing?” And he says, “No!” He says, “You’ll hear a little noise and they go [makes sounds] and then they’ll all jump in!” And I said, “What do you mean?” And he says,” Well, they’re Protestants so they’re into Greek and Hebrew!”

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: I said, “They are?”

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: And he says, “And they’re good! They’re good!” He says, “You just don’t know when they’re going to go off!”

Audience: [laughing]

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Sid Roth on August 1st, 2023

SID: Now Clarice Fluitt, I originally [music ends] found out about you because we had a mutual friend! Miss Kathryn Kuhlman.


Audience: Whooo!

SID: And I believe that a lot of the gifting that she operates under was because of an impartation from Kathryn! What do you believe?

CLARICE: Well it must be true! I was, in her meeting and I was very ill. I had terrible allergies. I was allergic to everything. I had all kinds of awful things in my body. And she prayed for me and I was instantly healed! And I didn’t understand what had happened. When she laid her hands on me she says, “Oh dear Jesus!” I got a little drama from her.

SID: [laughs]

Audience: [laughs]

CLARICE: Okay, just a little drama here. [laughs] And she said, “God, such as I have I give it to her!” And when she said that I go sliding across the floor, slain in the spirit. Didn’t believe in it. Didn’t know anything about it. And then I got up and I was goofy as I could be! And we went out in the hallway. I got on the elevator and about 10 of us in the elevator and everybody was slain in the spirit!

SID: Had you ever had someone pass out under the power of God before?

CLARICE: Didn’t know what they were talking about! I had no idea! I mean they don’t do that in a Baptist church!

SID: [laughs]

Audience: [laughs]

CLARICE: [laughs]

SID: And another thing I wanted to mention to you is she has literally invaded the secular marketplace! Explain briefly.

CLARICE: Well I work for a group called “Get Motivated!” And we have some of the world-renowned businessmen. And it is a place where people come to learn about avenues of revenue. They come to, you know, to be taught and how to get gainful employment and things of that nature. And I happen to be one of the speakers there. And it’s not just a happening. It’s a door that God opened. I was 72 years old when – and that was let’s see, 5, 6 years ago and that –

Audience: Wow! Wow!

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Sid Roth on July 30th, 2023

SID: And then when she had a clear presentation of the gospel, she became a believer, and she passed that prophetic gift onto you. By 20, you had a lifestyle of drug trafficking. And just before the big arrest, you actually had a warning from God.

DAVID:: I was in my bed. It was the night before I was going to go steal our second jet that month.

SID: Steal your second jet, you say. You let it roll off your tongue as if it’s nothing.

DAVID:: Well, it’s interesting. You get cooked like a lobster in cold water. That’s how the enemy does it. And he slowly turns up the heat, Sid. And the next thing you know, you’re fully cooked. That’s how the enemy gets us into sin. So it was our second jet that month, was a Cessna Citation II jet, and it was going to come in blue and white. And in the dream, I saw an arrest scene. The plane didn’t come in blue and white. It came in brown and white. It had a dent in the left wing. It wasn’t at 8:00 in the morning. It was at 9:05 in the morning. And we were arrested right there. There was a Mercedes-Benz. We weren’t going to have the Mercedes there. So none of this dream made sense because nothing lined up. And I woke up, and I was heart palpitating. And the phone rings, and I was rude to my mother on the phone.

And that day she said, “God, I give him to you. Preserve his life. Don’t allow him to perish. Whateer you need to do to save him, I give my son to you.” Twenty-four hours later, this Mercedes-Benz shows up. The plane shows up late. Instead of 8:00 in the morning, it shows up at 9:05. It’s a reverse sting operation with the U.S. Customs Service, the Feds. And they rented a plane the night before with a dented wing. It was brown and white instead of blue and white, 9:05 in the morning. And we end up driving this Mercedes-Benz onto the tarmac in Boca Raton, Florida, and out comes Feds out of planes, trains, automobiles, screwed Uzis into my ear, ruined my orange juice morning. I didn’t pass go. I didn’t collect $200. I spent the next 19 years, six months, a week, and a day in federal prison. I woke up in Leavenworth penitentiary. When, if you’re not right with God in Leavenworth, you’re always just one heartbeat away from hell. But I had a praying mother.

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Sid Roth on July 21st, 2023

KYNAN: Wow! That’s good.

NAIM: To introduce you to the new you!

KYNAN: Wow! I like that!

NAIM: Of something about you that you’ve never seen before! And so they unlock. They reveal. And they just begin to speak it and so it’s important. So they become the bridge between the old you and the new you or your old season or your new season!

KYNAN: Wow! Very good!

NAIM: So it’s a preparatory ministry!


NAIM: So it helps to prepare you for your next season.

KYNAN: I love that!

HAKEEM: Well I’m reminded of and I like what my brother said. I’m reminded of Hannah.


HAKEEM: You know when Hannah was in that place of prayer.

KYNAN: Yeah.

HAKEEM: And you know and she wanted a son but she conceived. And what she conceived was Samuel, a name which means “acts of God.” And so I believe that the prophetic has the ability to release what God desires, what is God’s blueprint for your life. I believe that the prophetic – I always say that prophecy is the doorway to the supernatural.


NAIM: And I believe that that is the lens and that’s the view or the perspective we must understand. And so in that Hannah birthed Samuel.


HAKEEM: She birthed a prophet in the time that God wanted that prophetic baby released.


HAKEEM: And so I believe that the prophetic has the ability to also birth, to conceive things. And I remember there was a meeting that I was in and there was a woman, it was actually a couple. And God gave me a word of knowledge concerning them when I looked at them. I literally saw that they were in need of a child. They wanted to bear a child but they could not conceive. They could not. There was some medical complication or something physically going on with the wife. And so I know the power of prophecy because when I begin to prophesy over them and begin to reveal the word of knowledge that they want to conceive the wife just started weeping. And so I laid hands on her and I begin to break – there were some generational curses that were there that was causing her to not really – basically be barren. And so when I begin to break the curses and have her renounce some things and have her to just repent then I begin to speak. Once I begin to speak God begin not only to open up a spiritual womb but also her womb opened up because the power of prophecy becomes the power of that word!


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